The Comments |
Thanks Foxi I'm looking forward to my first Spanish Xmas hugely. Had a wonderful day doing the lights in Málaga and doing the Ruta de Belenes, visiting loads of wonderful Nativity scenes including one huge one made entirely of Plasticene. And just think, if I'd waited till the market fell I might have missed it!
Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.
No question you have made the right decision given your cicumstances & requirements.
Have a Jolly Jolly Christmas,
Ahh yes Tamara, but let's hope we all have next year - isn't the world meant to end today lol
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
Is it just me or does this Harry07 sound just a bit like the posts Norman used to write.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
I think it was supposed to be 11.11 a.m - unless of course it is running late!!!!!
It does intrigue me about people changing identities - I am sure the guy who went sailing to Australia in his Lady Warmer is still posting under a different name - I wont say which one!!!!
Norman was cantankerous. Harry is just argumentative and I think tongue in cheak? But of course anyone can have multiple personalities!!!!!!!!
i have read this site a lot before and even registered before but i lost access to the email i registered with so i guess i have a multiple identity because my old posts are still there.
but i am not norman or thet dbs that was bullied off the site.
quite a few here have mutiple accounts and you can definelty tell from their posting style
i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason
I was away for a month or so, where did Norman go? I found him quite funny at times.
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
Ah Mungry, you are very kind re the DBS guy. I did not enter into his long know it all ramblings or engage with him, but I do think he was a bit over the top in terms of self satisfied smugness!!! I don't like people who claim to know it all - and I think it was him who said that Greece would leave the EU over last Christmas when the markets were closed - said with such certainty!!!!!
But when you put it like that - I guess he was bullied off, but mark my words, he will still be here - posting under another name.
Norman came back for a little while - but to be honest, I think a lot of the posters who used to feel so bitter about being cheated (quite rightly bitter of course) now realise they probably had a narrow escape and were lucky to just lose deposits (even if substantial!!!)
Did I miss something, did Norman swindle money from people here?
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
God no!!!!!! Was Norman not one of the deposit losers from ilegal builds?
i think he lost his life savings to a spanish developer so he was really bitter (which of course one would be)
he found people here that understood what he went through but he voiced his opinion a little too much so the core posters bullied him and he left occasionally. or was banned from posting sometimes.
Forum dynamics are awesome.
i am sure you have all seen this lots of times.
i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason
how did he lose his life savings?
sounds terrible!
Let's get deeply into debt. 
same way thousands did in spain
they put down deposits on off plan or just generally got ripped off.
i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason
I don't think Norman was bullied off. I think people generally were very tolerant of him - because he had lost money. But sometimes it was difficult to make sense of him, and other times he was amusing.
I wonder if it was Algorfa
Let's get deeply into debt. 
Oh poor Norman and all the others that lost money. I sooooooooooo hate to hear stuff like this. I bet he is angry, I would be too. He didn't sound like a young man so I do feel deeply sorry for him and hope he comes back. Thanks for informing us of the facts Mungry. I did find him quite amusing, if not sometimes acerbic but he made me smile, which can only be a good thing.
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
He was maybe lucky to only lose the deposit maybe
If he had bought it maybe he would have lost a lot more but people dont think like that.
i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason
how much was his life savings if he only put the deposit down?
that's a very risky thing to do - leverage your entire life savings in property in a foreign country.
if only he could fill us in on the details so we can avoid these pitfulls in future.
Let's get deeply into debt. 
"I wonder if it was Algorfa"
Now now young man please behave & lets not get naughty today.
By the way, did we ever establish if the market remains an "absolute buy" after all the intellectual soul searching ???
Please don't forget that I am "NORMAN" if you want to know anything !!!
'''Oh poor Norman and all the others that lost money. I sooooooooooo hate to hear stuff like this. I bet he is angry, I would be too. He didn't sound like a young man so I do feel deeply sorry for him and hope he comes back. Thanks for informing us of the facts Mungry. I did find him quite amusing, if not sometimes acerbic but he made me smile, which can only be a good thing'''
There something we can agree on Foxilady, it must be Christmas!.
Moncapitan, Norman gave all the details many times over and did suffer a lot of abuse from some people.