The Comments |
Meant to add. For severe banking busts ala Spain, the average is 7.25 years.
Let's get deeply into debt. 
Apologies for the aside, but who is ** EDITED - Against forum rules **& who has been sending "threatening emails" ????? The latter may well constitute a crime & so it would be very strongly advised to report this asap to EOS to determine if there is a real ** EDITED - Against forum rules ** on the Forum. Alternatively, report it to the Police (John - I assume they could easily track the email account !). Otherwise, it could be a disgruntled client or someone more likely just losing the plot !!
Hi Moncapitan,
Noted your comment below re average banking busts. So, the guess of up to 8 years for the Spanish market to stabilise might not be too far out. No one knows how low property prices may go - whats your gauge ?
** EDITED - Against forum rules **, "Norman" - or just plain "Harry"
PS: currently 10am in my time zone !
This message was last edited by Harry07 on 23/12/2012. This message was last edited by EOS Team on 23/12/2012.
Georgia just read your post re Harry. Do you really believe Harry has sent you threatening emails? I myself find it hard to believe as he never appears threatening on this site. May I suggest you contact IOS as they are really helpful when something like this happens, as threats are not to be tolerated, they can then check the isp of the person who sends mails and then deal with the culprit concerned. I know we have our spats on here and on occasion perhaps go a bridge too far, but I really am doubtful anyone would go to the lengths of making threats. I think Harry is probably as outspoken as me and it doesn't seem to be his MO to make veiled threats. As I say, they are helpful on this site when problems like this occur.
If I shine too brightly, then put your sunglasses on oy vey
i can't imagine threatening emails from Harry over Georgia talking up the market!
Let's get deeply into debt. 
I concur capitan. I believe there is a troll on this site as is evident by the message to foxi as well as previous inciteful messages to others. Juvenile, but it is the world wide web after all and anything seems to go. But as has been said, the isp's can easily be checked. I have enjoyed the banter, but I think when it gets too personal we have to behave and draw back as it can be hurtful.
This message was last edited by MetGB on 23/12/2012. This message was last edited by MetGB on 23/12/2012.
I hope Georgia's enemy is quickly uncovered. Frankly, my best guess is a disgruntled client or might even be Georgia himself "playing the victim" !!
As suggested to avoid any possible doubt:
1) Report full details to EOS to check ISP etc
2) Report this crime to the police & request them to track email account etc (can be easily done).
3) Alternatively post email address on Forum (under new thread) - surely it would be recognised by someone.
Better to do all 3 above - please let us know the outcome.
Now hopefully we may get back on thread & avoid personal attacks.
This message was last edited by Harry07 on 23/12/2012.
Agreed MetGB. I will now revert to lumping my life savings on Midnight Game on the 1.30 at Thurles.
Let's get deeply into debt. 
To All,
The email i first received was pretty much a carbon copy of a private message i received from Harry.
The email address was from a Harry Clarke.
it surely doesnt take too much of a detective genius to work it out.
I am friends with the owner of this site and it will be very easy to verify this and will be done in time.
It doesn't really bother me too much but when we get christmas out of the way i will get the troll removed purely for peace of mind as if he will do it to me he will do it to someone who may take it seriously.
I wasn't really suprised as Harry has proved on here he doesn't have the nuts for an educated argument and in my experience people like that generally resort to threats verbally and then scuttle back under the skirting board.
i would rather he said you are getting on my nerves so i sent it and was wrong than continue to deny it.....i suppose it reinforces my thoughts on the character of the man/woman.
make your own minds up.
still here after all these years!
I believer the police take these matters quite seriously, what with people having been arrested and jailed for profane insults using Facebook and Twitter.
Georgia , were the threats in any way racist? This can usually get the police to expedite things.
Let's get deeply into debt. 
I normally ignore such nonsense but at the risk of boring everyone, I confirm that Georgia & I have had a total of 2 PM exchanges between us since I joined EOS. The following is dated 22 Sept 2012 & quoted verbatim:
"Suggest you return - drop all the personal attacks & be completely honest/objective. That way, you will quickly command respect & generate a lot of business !!"
The other is dated 21 Oct 2012 & said:
"Hola Amiga - que vuelvas"
Georgia has stated below that the threatening email is a "carbon copy" of the above PM - please give me a break !!!!!!!
I again urge Georgia to submit all the data to EOS immediately plus make a police report asap (WHY WAIT !!). Also, please post the threatening email plus the email address - I am as curious as the next person. Also, if there are any other "threatening" PMs' which I may have overlooked (there are'nt) kindly post them.
I would like to wish Georgia a good peaceful rest with his Family over Christmas.
This message was last edited by Harry07 on 23/12/2012.
thats fine then Harry,
All i need you to do is state without any doubt that you did not send the email to me and you are not Harry Clarke?
I am sure that will satisfy myself and other members.
still here after all these years!
No disrespect Georgia, but I am first a little curious to know (1) which of the 2 PMs' below is the "carbon copy" of the very threatening email you claim to have received ? Also out of curiosity, (2) do you intend to now report this to EOS & the Police plus post the "threatening email" on Forum so we may all review it ???
Shall then happily respond to your all too obvious point below.
Many thanks,
Sorry - double post ! This message was last edited by Harry07 on 23/12/2012.
as i say just tell me you are not Harry Clarke and you did not send the mail and i will drop it.
As usual you deflect!
still here after all these years!
Maybe it would be a good idea to try and get back on the thread. If you did receive a threatening email from someone you believe to be a member I would have thought that the logical thing would be to report it to EOS and leave it at that. I'm sure they would track him down, ban him and report it to the police if he/she turned out to be a member. Arguing about it on this thread doesn't make any sense at all as it is not going to solve anything. If the email was a carbon copy of one of these PM's I wouldn't worry too much either as they are not at all threatening. It's becoming a bit childish now and this is what detroys good threads as a private email sent to anyone has nothing to do with the thread so why is it being argued here?
So any more news on the lastest housing prices?
Oh and Merry Christmas to everyone! :)
A donde el corazón se inclina, el pie camina.
Any new sales in algorfa? Conveyor belt of home sales that it is! Other news in Spain, does anyone have any info of the large protests organised over the paltry 39b of cuts? Is it just the entitlement brigade (public sector and welfare scrounger$) or were any others protesting?
Let's get deeply into debt. 