The Comments |
Born Margaret Hilda Roberts on October 13, 1925 in Grantham, Lincolnshire, the daughter of a grocer and a housewife, Alfred and Beatrice, she became Conservative MP for the north London borough of Finchley in 1959 – a chip off the old block, as her father had been a Methodist lay preacher and local councillor.
She stood for Prime Minister when she was education secretary, successfully challenging former PM Edward Heath for her party's leadership in 1975, and won three general elections before standing down and handing over the reins to John Major in 1990.
'Maggie' was loved and hated in equal measures, being behind the British invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982, known to their then Argentine "owners" as Las Malvinas, and privatising numerous public sector firms as well as shutting down the mines in the north of England, falling foul of the unions and leaving over three million on the dole.
Interest rates went up to 15 per cent, leaving thousands forced to hand their house keys back to their banks, and poll tax proposals brought forth collective waves of indignation.
But Baroness Thatcher, the UK's first-ever female Prime Minister, was lauded for her strong character, firm convictions, patriotism and determination to create a better Britain – even by those who did not agree with her policies.
Seen as a role model for being a 'politician with guts', Margaret Thatcher famously stated that she survived on just four hours' sleep a night and that she did not expect anyone to pay lip-service to her.
“I am not a consensus politician. I am a conviction politician,” she said in her first year as country leader.
“I love argument. I love debate. I don't expect anyone to just sit there and agree with me – that's not their job.”
Although conversely, the Iron Lady also claimed: “I don't mind how much my ministers talk, as long as they do what I say.”
In the same year she became Prime Minister, Baroness Thatcher commented: “Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country,” and then, six months after resigning, she stated: “Home is where you come to when you've got nothing better to do.”
“Very few leaders get to change not only the political landscape of their country, but of the world – she was a towering political figure,” said former Labour PM Tony Blair.
“She didn't just lead our country, she saved our country,” Cameron commented on his Twitter page.
In your opinon was Margaret Thatcher Britain's greatest political leader ? Love ? or Hate?
This message was last edited by eos_ian on 08/04/2013.
being behind the British invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982, known to their then Argentine owners as Las Malvinas
The Falkland Islands were a British Overseas Territory in 1982 when Argentina invaded and not 'owned' by Argentina.
It's a pity today's politicians don't have even a small amount of Mrs. T's honesty and integrity.
Don't know where that came from but I would query the line "known to their then Argentine owners as Las Malvinas".
When did the Argentinians ever own the Falklands? Certainly not in 1982.
However, it will depend on what side of the fence you lived on whether you loved or hated her, I don't think there will be an in between. She had a lot stronger support than most people remember when she took on the unions as most of the country were of the opinion that the unions were getting far too powerful. And I also seem to remember it was the unions who took on the government, not the other way round. She also never actually closed anything down, simply took away the subsidies that these industries were eating up and that the country could no longer afford. Whether or not that was a good or bad thing will depend on how you view the previous 10 years before she came in or whether it was better to keep throwing money after failing industries to keep people in work making things to sell at a loss. All I remember is being rather broke in the 70s due to my wages failing to keep up with inflation (25% in the mid 70s), sitting at home in candlelight due to the yet more strikes and watching ever more nationalised companies going on strike, yet again, for so-called demarcation issues.
Her decision to sell off public industries was probably right, a shame most of them ended up in foreign hands which I am sure was not her intention. But anyone dealing with British Telecom then compared to now will have seen huge improvements.
Love her or hate her, she will always be remembered. At least she appeared to have Britains best interests at heart by negotiation the EU rebate and refusing to give way to federalism. Oh that we still had that rebate.
And the fact that she has been out of politics for over 20 years but is still being debated must surely say something about the influence she had.
There won't be many tears shed around here, in what used to be the heartland of the South Yorkshire Coal fields, in fact I bet there will be many a celebratory pint supped tonight.
I've just heard she's only been in Hell 10 minutes and has already shut 3 furnaces down! This message was last edited by kelju on 08/04/2013.
"Ownership" has been disputed for some time but the Falklands have passed through French, Spanish, Argentine and British control over the years. Spain handed over the Falklands (in ownership) to Argentina in 1816 and then "they say" it was illegally occupied by the British in 1833 but that's a question of opinion. However the text refers to the fact that the Argentines actually occupied and took control of the Falklands in 1982 and for a lenghty 2 months were the theoretical "owners" of the Falklands until Britain retained control on the 14 of June 1982 and forced their surrender, reinstating British rule.
"It's a pity today's politicians don't have even a small amount of Mrs. T's honesty and integrity"
I entirely agree with you. Some may love her and some may hate her but her integrity, guts and honesty, is undeniable.
If all today's politicians had half the balls Maggie had we wouldn't be in the mess we are today.
As for the Falklands, President Regan told Maggie not to attack the Falklands and to turn around and go back to the UK, she told him to mind his own business and don't interfere with what the UK does.....Something blair never had the guts to do with bush.
Fantastic woman who temporarily put the Great back into Britain.
I sit on the side of saying she was overall good for this country BUT I will never support the war over the Falklands, and nearly 700 Argentinian soldiers and sailors lost their lives, which combined with our own losses, amounts to getting on for half of the entire total number of islanders. A very heavy price - .5 of a life for every resident of the Falklands. Not worth it. Sorry - I know I will be a lone voice.
So Roly2, if you owned an allotment that was some distance from your house and a someone else decided he wanted it would willingly hand it over....I don't think so. I hate confrontation and war but one has to stand up to bullies. All those members of the services who bravely fought for the Falklands conflict were enlisted men, not conscripts as in previous wars, and to believe they chose this job just to see the world in preference to defending their country, is to do these people an injustice. Not everything Maggie did I agreed with. Certainly not the selling off of council houses at such a deminimus amount. So although not perfect she did make me very proud to be British .
Exceptional Prime Minister
Brilliant Party Leader
Great Patriot
Just a shame she was a woman
Shiny happy people - where?
Shiny happy people - where?
As TV news coverage, of Maggie leaving Downing street for the last time, was playing in the bar of our pub one of the retired miners shouted at the top of his voice,'Back stabbing bastards'.
When I said, ' I beg your pardon,' in a tone intended to curb his bad language,he repeated the comment even more loudly.
You see even though he was an ex-miner he was also an ex WW2 veteran and had respect for her stance on putting the good of the country first.
A few weeks ago the BBC had a news team strike. Allegedly the strikers said that if Maggie was to die that day they would break the strike and return to work to cover the event.
So love her or hate her .......many respected her I think.
Well, I prefer to think that if the bit of land was not of any value (except maybe to me personally), and it was a long way off, I would NOT want anyone killed for me to be able to continue to claim it.
You do know don't you that it was all just a way of throwing some weight? No one really cares about the Falklands. And let's be honest, British governments have sold whole islands full of people down the river - just to make way for US weapon bases. I am thinking Pacific, but I cannot remember the name of the island, but it was a British colony and the islanders were kicked off - by the Brits.
Legally - the UK is in pretty shallow water over the Falklands as far as I can see - which is why they will not talk about it in an international forum.
And why does Argentina want an island that is over 900 miles from them. Could it be a possibilty of oil ????? Whatever, as I understand it there are no Argentinians only Brits on this island and not to have defended it would have shown Britain in a very poor light and UK would have been a target for other bullies to attack. As least there was a threat unlike the 2 Mr.B's who lied and caused , and are still causing, the deaths or many. But that is another story......... With out a doubt, in my mind, the love hate relationship with Mrs T. is more because she was a woman than her policies.
With the lot in power now Maggie has certainly proved one point which has come true......."If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.
The Falklands was not just some piece of land with no value, had it been so then we would not have fought over it....Maybe might have done just to prove to others we wont be messed about with.....The value lies in what is around the Falklands, maybe gas, oil etc, something that would only be known on a need to know basis.
We did throw our weight around, they invaded, we bashed them, and as it happened most of the Military Equipment and training had never been tried and tested in a real war zone, even though we lost men and ships lessons were learned that could never have been learned in any other way. I know of no Military person who joined up thought that if the time come to fight they would not die
If you are going to give an island to anyone, anywhere, to use as a arms base, is their anyone better then the US?
The UK wont talk about the Falklands in any International way because, nothing to say, it's ours and the Falklands people, whats to talk about?
baz I usually agree with you - but in this case it does not make it right - or make sense. It was of no value, and to this date has not shown itself to be worth anything. Home to lots of lovely penguins though - I concede. Brits pouting into a place does not make it theirs. Or does that mean we own the Costa Del Sol as well as Gibralter?
Throwing weight around does not have to result in the death of a thousand people - it was a political act to get the Sun on side - and it worked. I kind of agree to your argument about military people in the UK joining up and expecting to have to fight - though listening to families who have lost kids it seems to be a complete surprise that they would have to fight - but I am pretty certain the Argentinians were conscripts.
I am not a pacisfist by the way - and I supported Bush and Blair (though with hindsight I agree a very dangerous game), I just believe common sense value has to be placed on a war, and the Falklands was not worth a thousand lives.
Yes many, if not most of the Argies were conscripts pushed into something many of them had little knowledge of, and not much will power to fight for, and by a power crazy general with a country that all of a sudden decided it wanted them back, maybe they found out something about the islands as well.
The biggest loss was from the ship we sunk, the Belgrano, and that could have been avoided had the ship took notice of the no go zone, Maggie gave the order to sink it because it was on a danger course to our fleet and wouldn't turn back one inch. For the most the Argies were poorly equipped, under trained, poorly armed, no extreme weather clothing, poor diet and lack of food, Argentina sent the men, some young boys, into basically what was a slaughter house, and it knew that, makes you wonder what was really the object of the invasion, to satisfy some one's ego or just to try and cover up the country's troubles at that time.
What ever the true reason was, if we hadn't had Maggie it would never had happened, and then for ever more it would have been" We took on the feeble Brits and won"
You say you supported blair and bush and common sense value has to be placed on a war, without detracting to far from the Maggie post, where was the common sense in the blair / bush war?