The Comments |
The silencing of the Big Ben chimes for that woman's funeral is ludicrous, to say the least. HMG have certainly lost their marbles!
You talk as if this isa new thing. The point of Big Ben is very minor when compared to reality, and I'm a tory.
Just wish there was a PM with Balls
When I see 'I'm a tory' with a small 't', I do wonder if you really are a Tory or if you only vote for the Tory party. But that aside, when was the last time the chimes of Big Ben were silenced? For Churchill, I believe!
This whole funeral nonsense proves that Cameron and Co. are suitable cases for treatment. I am not a Royalist, but I believe that Cameron dragging the Queen into it is equally ludicrous. If she has any sense she'll not be feeling well tomorrow and give it a miss.
Whilst I'm here, I noted Channel 4 News giving equal time to people who did well from Thatcherite policies, and others who didn't. Well, it isn't equal at all. Thousands of people did well, but hundreds of thousands had their lives ruined in one way or another.
Well Kropotkin I am a TORY voter, although would probably given John Smith a try had he lived, but what are YOU ?? We all know what you aren't and apart from entering this thread you have never posted before so have you got the guts to admit your political preference !!!!! Am sure no- one on this board will take acception if you type it in small or large case.
Hmmm.....somehow i don't think David Cameron could drag the Queen into doing something she didn't feel it was right for her to do.
My 'political preference', as you put it, is nobody's business but mine! However, the brightest should have spotted a clue! I make no apologies for what I believe, even though I know that the human race hasn't evolved enough, mentally, to even consider something much more beneficial to what we have now.
So you admit to being a TORY voter! I'm sorry to have to tell you that just by voting for a Tory Party does not make you a Tory!
BTW, I have posted here some time ago. I think it was a short debate with somebody who likes to call himself tteedd, but it became quite tedious as this one is becoming!
Let's see what happens tomorrow, but it is a sure bet that Queenie, if she goes, will be going because Cameron requested it. Many reports during the 1980s suggest that Maggie and Liz didn't really get on.
Oh Kropotkin, Don't think one has to be particularly bright to see the clues...but what your political persuasion is you just cannot admit to in writing.!! Speaks reams. Actually Maggie was my idol. Make what you will of
I believe you are right abot the Churchil bit but makes no difference to me if they silence big ben or not in the overal realm of things
Tory with a small t, well, you are right to a degree there as well I am not a Labour supporter but certainly not a facist. My detailed political views would probably get me hung and not for this forum. I could weep for the Great Britain I grew up in
With regard to your point on people having their lives ruined. There are many reasons for this the main one being the Union leaders trying to run a violent Mafia organisation and control everyone and everything. This could not go on and unfortunately a lot of people were affected by the essential taking down of this unsustainable situation.
Cases for treatment; Do you know a politician who isn't. Thought that was a primary qualification of all these nutters.
Oh floella,
Why would I want to make anything of your statement that Maggie was (I note the past tense) your idol. Actually, idolatry is a rather juvenile psychological problem.
So now I've reached tedium point, unless you have something serious to debate without verging on rudeness, I'll say goodbye! 
Cant see any difference to being a Tory, Labour, UKIP or what ever, Gorbachev was a communist and he's coming to Maggies funeral, the Queen wasn't coerced or led into going to the funeral by Cameron, he couldn't lead a dog for a walk.
The Queen and Maggie were not on weekend picnic trips friendly but that don't mean she cant respect someone in her death that helped our country. Maybe the Queen didn't like Maggie, but it might show some of the lowlife Maggie haters what respect means....after all most of these so called human beings keep on telling anyone who will listen..."U dunt show me enuf respect...das why i ate U"
Play the bells, my guess is Maggie would have liked to hear them, after all she was born here, grew up here, worked all her life here, PAID HER TAXES here, and did her best for London, as well as for England, it wasn't even Maggies idea of this state funeral,
So what if it's costing 10-15 million pounds that we haven't got, we haven't got the cash to send overseas, but we still send it, we are financing the rebels in Syria so that when they win they can turn into English hating lets go big and finance something for one of our own people for a change.
Dont go, I show you no disrespect and certainly no rudeness. Maybe you have confused the names.
baz1946 Well said
and floella Lets keep it adult please, its interesting
Sorry Bazil, What do you mean by "keeping adult " Have I written something childish ? Obviously Kropotkin thinks I have a "juvenile physiological problem" , LOL, which is a typical type of parting remark from people with this attitude who desire to dictate rather than debate , which I find highly amusing and find further comment unnecessary.
Your comments about those of us who couldn't stand Thatcher are excessively rude and unworthy of any forum. Those who disagree with your (and other's) views on the subject are no justification for such language. Debate can often be strongly worded but common decency is a requirement if this forum is not to degenerate further (this is not the only thread, by a long chalk, that has suffered such ungainly language).
Your comments about those of us who couldn't stand Thatcher are excessively rude and unworthy of any forum. Those who disagree with your (and other's) views on the subject are no justification for such language. Debate can often be strongly worded but common decency is a requirement if this forum is not to degenerate further (this is not the only thread, by a long chalk, that has suffered such ungainly language).
I have no problem with someone hating Maggie, everyone is entitled to an opinion, good or bad, i don't have any rude opinions of folk who speak bad of Maggie, many of the comments from the Maggie haters on here have been very mild, and bother me not one jot, i do have a "Little" problem with the so called English so-called highly educated people you are seeing on the TV and in the media with the ill advised comments they are coming out with, it's a wonder she didn't get the blame for the 7/7 bombs as it seems to me that all the problems that have happened in England since she "left power" were all caused directly by her, because she busted the unions, before they busted this once great country.
Sorry you took it so personal, be assured i did not single you out because of your views, and should you be speaking up for everyone else that i alone offended by my comments then your doing a great job and they will be pleased to know you are here.
I take it you have reprimanded these others you speak of about such ungainly language also, or have you only singled me out?
Quick reply to flo,
Obviously Kropotkin thinks I have a "juvenile physiological problem" , LOL, which is a typical type of parting remark from people with this attitude who desire to dictate rather than debate ,
I have no 'desire to dictate', but I do have a point of view which I am entitled to put in print anywhere I can, (as you do). I do it to try and wake people up to certain truths.
A word on the Trade Unions. The anti-TU comments here could be, and probably were, lifted directly from the Daily Mail and the rest of the right-wing media. Trade Unionists and their leaders have always had a bad press, which is hardly surprising. On the other hand they should have grabbed Barbara Castle's 'In Place of Strife' White Paper and abided by it. On the other hand, British workers were light years behind European workers in pay and conditions. Now we have a situation, brought about by Thatcher, because of her destruction of the Trade Unions as a whole, (I say that because there are honorable exceptions e.g. RMT), where we have the ridiculous situation of the taxpayer making up workers wages with working tax credits while employers are sitting pretty. Now with the best will in the world nobody can please everybody within a capitalist economy. And isn't it strange that Mrs. T. supported Polish Trade Unions while she was destroying the same people at home.
This was going to be a quick reply! OK, Bazil, I won't go!
If I come back again, I'll recommend some reading.
Perhaps this is going a little off subject
Has it run its time?
I guess many of you will be in mourning today, but I will leave you to your grief with this: the media are making a big deal about her Methodism and Christianity, but the unregulated capitalism Mrs. T. unleashed on an unsuspecting society is diametrically opposed to Christianity.
Same old one eyed view R oops sorry K... writing styles are very predicatable, proving it would be very easy, I could bring whole sentences and even paragraphs as evidence of R and K being the same person.
My view of unions is from my personal experience of being dictated to by the Union Bosses that called themselves regional and general secretaries to the point of not being able to work for the company I wanted to work for and being forced to ask for a job back after I hade resigned to go to work for another company. From the inside as a shop steward in a very powerfula nd influential Union the NGA I saw first hand the contempt that Union Bosses behind closed doors showed toward their flock...embarrasing and disgraceful.
It was the unions behaviors that required them to be brought to account npt the Governments and not MT... why, I ask have subsequent governments not repealed what was brought to law ...answer: because neither the British people nor the British worker ever wants to be in the same position again.
The truth is that the socialism which you claim to be a huge supporter of but in many respects abhor has died, it has failed all over the world not once and not in opne place but many times over, we must not a nd god forbid will not return to it.
I guess many of you will be in mourning today, but I will leave you to your grief with this: the media are making a big deal about her Methodism and Christianity, but the unregulated capitalism Mrs. T. unleashed on an unsuspecting society is diametrically opposed to Christianity.
No mourning from me, a bit saddened when i first heard she died because you kinda thought in some small way that you knew her personally, as in sort of being an old friend...that sort of sad, but as she had a good life and gave many others a good life, in a strange way it makes her death okay, and as we all have to die sometime that's about that.
I cant even say i was that greatly affected by her policies back then, or anymore now as it seems many still are, subsequent governments have all but ruined everything good she did, and had all the others since had a quarter the wisdom she had, England would be a much better place then it is now, after all is said and done everyone since knows how wrong she was, and the modern ideas they all have are so much better now....... you have to wonder why they are not working.
Some cant seem to grasp the fact she hasn't been in power for, what, 25 plus years, and if her policies are still affecting you after all this time then you must be living a very lousy life that you couldn't turn it around to you own benefit.
Diametrically Opposed....Now that's a couple of words i haven't heard for many a year, except until today that is, now it's been twice in one day, one from you, and the second time i read in the Daily Mail that Scargill said it to a train passenger, what a coincidence....And Scargill also said he "Admired her for the way she stuck to her beliefs".