The Iron Lady - Did you love her or hate her?

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17 Apr 2013 2:30 PM by kropotkin Star rating. 23 posts Send private message


Writing styles are rather predictable, I agree, for example, I can tell when a message writer has been drinking. I have no idea who your R is and I've no wish to, however, if there is somebody out there who is on the same wavelength as me, please introduce us!

You do have a strange view of socialism, for example, without it you will not receive your state pension, your children/grandchildren will not get education, or a health service free at the point of use. Thatcher couldn't destroy these important aspects of British life, but Cameron is doing his best to finish them off.



You write that: 

 "subsequent governments have all but ruined everything good she did". That doesn't make sense simply because those successive governments have carried on with her* policies which were doomed to failure in time.

'Diametrically opposed'! I hope you don't think I'm plagiarizing the Daily Mail, heaven forbid! I haven't seen one of those for months.




*The policies she espoused were not really hers. They came from one Keith Joseph, (AKA the mad monk, which was rather unkind to Rasputin).

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17 Apr 2013 4:13 PM by Fighter2 Star rating. 236 posts Send private message

Kroptokin... not the same as Laotze I agree but I have more very accurate information than you know about as to your political leaning, Kroptokin falls smack bang into your political arena.

Ha ha... now I am sure R and K are one and the same person !!

For the wider audience we disagree on what time of day it is and always will, he is a psuedo communist I am a capitalist and never the two will see eye to eye. Never will either philosophy be totally correct but I know where I feel most comfortable and prosperous.

Notice you didn't address my personal union experiences gathered over more than 13 years from being an apprentice to becoming a manager .... but then you never have before so no suprises.


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17 Apr 2013 4:29 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message


You write that:

"subsequent governments have all but ruined everything good she did". That doesn't make sense simply because those successive governments have carried on with her* policies which were doomed to failure in time.

'Diametrically opposed'! I hope you don't think I'm plagiarizing the Daily Mail, heaven forbid! I haven't seen one of those for months.

You actually mean that after all is said and done about how bad Maggie's policies were, how they wrecked this country, put millions out of work, successive governments, Labour included, and still carried on with the same policies she put into place, that were doomed to fail, can only mean one thing then... Maggie got it right in the first place and all the others had no good ideas to come up with because she did it all. I had no idea her policies were that good.

I stand corrected, yes i agree, you haven't seen a newspaper for months.

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17 Apr 2013 4:42 PM by kropotkin Star rating. 23 posts Send private message


Sorry, your latest doesn't make sense.



Re. your union actvity, you have admitted to being the proverbial 'poacher turned gamekeeper'. 


The funeral is over and this thread has now become extremely tedious.............




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17 Apr 2013 4:57 PM by fighter2 Star rating. 236 posts Send private message


Bye ... gosh I seem to have seen that adios from you on so many occasions I have lost count.

I think the thought  'oh dear I am a minority again' let's get the head back in the sand...feel safer there.

Just one further question Kropotkin....what kind of phsycological disorder is it that requires one to always hide behind a psuedonym ...surely you have an answer to that one as you seem to  have a phsycological take on every human trait.


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17 Apr 2013 7:33 PM by steone Star rating in Santiago de la Riber.... 383 posts Send private message

I find it both sad and an embarrassing as a Nation that somebody who worked most of their  working life for the good of the Country and others is being treated this way by people who never knew her. She did not fiddle her expenses, she did not let us get ruled by Europe, she stood up to terrorists, anarchists , Argentines, communists and didn't let Unions dictate to government. Whichever bit of her politics you may or may not agree with is your choice. However celebrating the death of an old lady by creating music and movies etc and sharing them shows a disgusting lack of common decency and sets an appalling example to your children which makes you a sad reflection of society. Please let these Grandchildren bury their Grandmother in peace. If you can't keep you celebrations down for this one day please try and learn some respect.


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17 Apr 2013 9:06 PM by Star rating. 0 posts


That was very well said.

Today was not the day to air greviances that are decades old and not the doing of those, who would witness the hatred and contempt shown.

It is bad enough her family/friends have had to endure such vile comments and nastiness of a shocking level throughout their mourning period.

How anyone can consider attending a funeral ONLY to disrupt or show disrespect is beyond me. I'm sure they would feel repulsed, if people did the same to one of their relatives.

I would estimate the ratio of pleasant behaviour verses the hatred at 25% and 75% respectively. That is very sad. To think that around 75% of those people who find it acceptable to behave in such a manner, populate the country. It also highlights why the UK is the way it is...AND PEOPLE CAN'T BLAME THE GOVERNMENT FOR THAT. Their actions are their own.

RIP Baroness Margaret Hilda Thatcher 1925 ~ 2013

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17 Apr 2013 9:12 PM by ElviriaDreamer Star rating. 99 posts Send private message

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How Odd...that last comment posted was me ElviriaDreamer but shows no name and no posts.

Oh well...Sleep Tight Maggie.

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17 Apr 2013 9:13 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I saw some of Maggies funeral tonight on TV, wonderful, we did her proud...Even though done this way was not what she wanted....The TV crew then went up north to one of the closed down pit villages where they were having a party to celebrate her passing, one guy pointed to a row of what looked like recently, maybe 5 years ago or less closed down house's, shouting see this, this is what she done, meaning the country was supposed to believe these house's that were still looking reasonable she closed down, even after over 25 years of being left empty.

Suppose when blair dies we will see the same type of people celebrating his death because of the wars and trouble Labour has caused, closing a pit down is going to be looking pretty lame up against losing your kids in a war.


This message was last edited by baz1946 on 17/04/2013.

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17 Apr 2013 9:34 PM by Joe1 Star rating. 135 posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by Joe1 on 22/08/2013.

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18 Apr 2013 10:49 PM by wry13 Star rating. 2 posts Send private message


 Reality seems to be a replay of Jim Hacker.  Didn't he organise an state funeral for his own ends... or was that Francis Urquhart?

And, belatedly, for the little misogyn I love Javea  of 10th April 

"La Dame de fer" considérée à l'époque par François Mitterrand comme  "le seul homme dans le gouvernement anglais." 

So much for her wets and for those who are still with us.


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20 Apr 2013 7:41 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


" I think it was a short debate with somebody who likes to call himself tteedd"

You elevate yourself! What debate?


Someone has gone up in my estimation - Will Self

Now there is a man who does not like Margaret Thatcher. He always has a go at her when he gets on the box. So they wheel him in to 'This Week' and try and goad him into action. He just looked bored and was the picture of moderation.

He really showed the nutters around the country how to behave with respect when someone has died.

Now the funeral is over he will probably be back on his hobby horse. I might just listen to him a little.


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