The Comments |
The card on the comunity is Oven Gleam, it has a local number so I guess based nearby. One based in Alicante called Oven Brite and also a franchise on the Costa Blanca called Kleener Cookers. Guess a few are making a go of it.
Hi bobaol. I have searched the Internet and all I come up with is oven brite listed in a directory but no details. Thank you for the info though - none of the others are listed
I won't do that if i were you. Why not Kitchen Cleaning as Core Business? On this way you expand your business oppertunities.
Contact me if you need professional business support heathcliffspencerpeters[dot]com
This sounds like a sound business opportunity to me! As with all expats if you do a good job for a fair price word will spread and, although you're unlikely to become rich, you'll make a living.
I think baz1946 made some sound and constructive comments. Read what he says, put a form together with pertinent questions and get out in the local communities (Gran Alacant Commercial and all those places that fill up with Brits in the weekends and evenings etc) and do some PROPER market research for yourself.
Get to the local Brit markets and do research? Even take bookings if you find some?
Dont forget that you can get magnetic car signs? Get a couple made up for when you are out on business ( MR)? Take them off when you are not working.
Get cards printed. They are cheap enough.
Advertising is the KEY!! Personally being their, in papers, on cards, on your car. (please, not in some fancy script that cannot be read in 1 second)
On here you have a few people giving you THEIR opinion. You need LOTS more in order to make an informed decision.
I would GUESS that there are enough Brits between Torrvieja and Alicante (40kms of coast) to keep you going. Once you have your business growing, you can start to organise your work day / week more efficiently as far as travel is concerned.
Visit house agents (Immobilaria) and offer to work at discounts? Most of them will have it sorted already, but you only have to find one to start with near your base? They will have a number of properties on a single urbanisation, so you may end up with a couple every weekend (usual changeover time)??
So what if there are others doing the same thing? Competition is healthy and so long as you have not spent silly money in the set up, you can walk away if it does not work out. At least you wont be sitting in your dotage wondering "What if...."
Anyway, that's my half penneth. Best of luck. Remember Nike...Just do it!!!
In our law firm I have seen many businesses fail because they can not survive only with the English (or Ducth; or German) population.
Not speaking Spanish is another cause of failure.
Absolutely dreadful idea. Who in their right mind would be willing to pay circa €50 to clean an oven?People with that amount to spend on cleaning an oven don't have dirty ovens in the first place, as they have a 'women that comes in once a week' and cleans the oven for them. Ok, so your going to target the other market, the apartment ovens? You are going to take down 2 oven racks all the way down a flight of stairs/service lift and place them in your tank in the back of a van in +40 degree heat? Yea that will work! Oh but wait, I have a contract with a large chain of whatever, who is going to pay me once I've cleaned all the ovens if only those pesky holiday makers would stop using them, oh but wait they all eat out? In which case the ovens are not used and already clean. You can advertise all you want and waste every last dime you have trying to get that elusive contract but its ain't going to happen. When I started my own Care agency back in the early 90's I waited for 2 whole years with no income for the County Council to even entertain the idea of considering my proposal? The reason I got those contracts in the end? All because I happened to speak the native tongue,it had nothing to with cost, nothing to do with delivery and nothing to do with luck.You see with the language comes the trust. You want a good Business idea? If you can find one, look for a commercial premises big enough for tyre changing facilities and become tyre dealers? you'll make 30-40% on tyres sold. Full training takes 1-2 days in the UK the equipment will cost you around £3000 inc.tyres, valves all you need to start up inc. compressors, tyre changing machines everything.The peeps that I know will even tell you how much business you'll get and what types of Tyres your specific area will handle.Do that for 3 years and open another in the same way and repeat until you have 10.Make a shit load of money, then move to Spain and enjoy your retirement in the sun. Or take the other option and start your new found business with all the hope and determination you have and end up failing after 2 years when you money runs out and you've an overdraft of 20k.Unless you know the meaning of the word ' Consolidation loan' don't even bother.
Whatever business you try to start up in Spain it is expensive compared to the U.K.
You can reckon on outgoings to the Spanish government for social security, VAT and having your accounts prepared by an accountant costing a minimum of 500 euros a month per person before you make a cent for yourself. That is 1000 euros for 2 of you. I believe this is why the Spanish have such a large black economy and so many people are signing on the dole. If they made it easy and economical for people to start in self employment either full time or part time and paying social security and taxes based on a percentage of their earnings there would be a huge fall in unemployment statistics. The government might not rake in a huge amount from those beginning self employment but they would not be paying out dole money. Also these businesses would in many cases go on to employ others. The current situation in Spain only removes possible competition from the large companies. That is why they can afford to give kick backs to those in high places. If the basic social security payment was much lower people would feel it was worth working officially. Most people do not want to cheat the government but the system makes them have to operate ilegally.
My family and I lived in Spain till last year and all the comments people have made are valid and should be listened to. We tried to be legit -but Spanish beauracy (and an illegal house!) does not make it easy for the honest man, so I would say test the water before you jump in completely.
I know it's a different marketplace but I work for a property management agency in the UK now. Their terms of the leases are that whenever a tenant moves out he has to get the oven professionally cleaned. My experience is that tenants very rarely leave the oven in a good state when they leave so the owners are keen to have this service written in. You seem to be doing your research so maybe you could canvas the local property agents and ask their thoughts? If you can offer them commission on any business they put your way this may help you get started quicker.
Yes there is a recessesion on, but if you do your research, go in with your eyes open and are prepared to lose some money if it doesn't work out, then I wish you well and hope you succeed.
I would happily pay for your service but I detest cleaning the oven. I think a once a year major clean like this would be enough to keep the oven looking great with the once a month cleaning at home. I know how my Spanish friends scrub everything and put me to shame with their neat and sparkling homes. why don't you have some flyers offering your service printed and then drop them off and see what sort of response you get before committing yourselves to buying the tank etc. Becoming an indepedent trader in Spain is costly. Are you buying the tank etc second hand? If so why are the present owners selling? Nobody sells a cash cow particularly in these hard times. Whatever you decide I wish you the very best of luck. it's very difficult coming up with viable business ideas.
I believe it will be a tough business but nevertheless there is an opportunity but your difficulty will be in reaching your target market.
There are other people doing this and from the many people I know on the Costa del Sol, I only know of one lady who has used a professional service for oven cleaning.
If you do decide to go ahead I suggest you contact agents and anyone who manages rental business as this is where your market is likely to be.
Good luck, whatever you decide.
By now I would think you have made up your mind, yes or no, I think it will be the yes....And good luck to you both, I hope it works out well....Just another thought or idea for you to ponder on.
Get an old oven, working or otherwise it matters not, more the dirty the better, you might even find one that has been thrown out by the bins, set it up in a easy travelled frame so it looks the part like in someone's kitchen units, fully clean but only half of it all the way around, just like you would do on a full clean if it was a paying customers oven, then take this down to one of the Sunday Markets, set up your stall and let the people see and feel the finished product, the before and after product, you would get a good 6-8 hours of walking, looking, talking, people going by.....thats the same as buying in a shop over the internet, feel it....see to the professional cleaner.
Well we have read through all your comments again and would like to thank you for your time and input
Whilst its only been a few days on this thread we have come to the conclusion that perhaps opening a business in Spain may not be wise move, the mainly negative thoughts towards this type of business has swayed us to take a back step. It was interesting to note that those who were negative never offered any business types that they thought would or could be a success - again that would have been useful, unless of course they dont think any business venture is worth the time and effort
Its a shame, we both can speak Spanish, although admittidly not fluent and we love the country, the people and the climate
We were prepared to do everything legally and above board and to put our heart and souls into this new venture. However its not meant to be
Steve & Suzy
"Its shame, we both can speak Spanish, although admittidly not fluent and we love the country, the people and the climate" Yet the oven cleaning business you were proposing was going to alienate and exclude the very people you say you love as it was aimed at expats .Your OP asked for market research on the oven business only not what other business ideas could be successful.I don't think there is a right or wrong answer for that, it depends on so much, but a business in Spain should maximise its client base with everyone, there are successful expat only businesses but harder now to make a go of from scratch. If the oven clean had been part of a full cleaning service package it would perhaps have more appeal. Most successful businesses are run by people who have a passion of what they are doing and offer a quality service/product. Find that and you may find your business in Spain.
Well that's a shame, I specifically went to a lot of trouble suggesting a business that would work but were simply told that no one had suggested an alternative business? Would have been nice to have been acknowledged, one of the main things in business is to say thanks at least. That attitude alone will help you fail, you need all the help you can in any business and had someone suggested as I did an alternative I would have pounced on the opportunity. When I was 28 I bought 4 jet skies and took them to Portugal to rent out as I wanted a job that paid whilst lazing on the beach all day.I didn't speak Portuguese, I simply networked the guy I befriended had an uncle who was the captain and he ruled the beaches and he decided who got the franchises and where, there were a couple who paid £80000 for the crappiest beach in the algarve couldn't even get there unless you had a boat, Me I had the best beach which was olas de agua! Why as I was the Captains nephews best friend. Guys you want to run a Business in Spain run it! don't let a load of idiots who know nothing about your business dictate your future I knew nothing about jet skies except they had a motor bike engine and ran on water I had to learn about import and export IVA everything. But hey what a tan. Bought 3 houses at 6000 escudos each near the, soon to be built Hilton and around the corner from Villamora they were building at the time.The rest is history.....So who knows except you? Wishing,Wanting,doing, planning and having! This message was last edited by baabaabing on 27/07/2013.
Hi. If I took this business on I would have a target market of all the bars and resturants in your area.
The last thing you want to do when you have a resturant is clean the cooker. Good look.
Hello again. Thought I needed to write again. I apologise to baabaabing - I thought your suggestion of a tyre replacement business was meant as a joke - when I first read it I read it as a business here in Spain and not the UK. Thanks but its not for us I am afraid.
Thank you also to those who sent private messages.
The whole point on posting on this forum was to get ideas, feedback and thoughts
We are going to relook at our business plan, someone suggested targetting restaurants etc - this was something we had planned to do later, but now think if we go forward with the business then we would bring that to the fore
We like the suggestions to target letting agents for ovens in holiday lets - not sure how we can incentivise an agent - to be honest we would need 45 - 50 euros ourselves to make the job worthwhile, not sure how agents work - could we suggest our price and they can put a mark up on top?? - ie we charge 45 euros but agent tells owner the cost is 60 euros?
We really like the idea of the half clean oven to show what our service can do
In my research I have found a few businesses based in the costa del sol area but absolutely nothing near me despite the few businesses being mentioned - I guess they might be trading under the radar
A few have suggested incorporating the service within a fully fledged cleaning service - again this is something we are going to look at
Finally someone suggested a proper market research in a market place for example - again a good idea but we are stuck on what questions we could ask - if anyone has thoughts on this then they would be very welcome
Steve & Sue
For new self-employed:
New amendments adopted last Thursday, the 25th of July, on Entrepreneurs Act. A very important one: expansion of Social Secirity ‘flat rate’ (50€) for all new entrepreneurs irrespectively of age.
New Social Security fees reduction for self-employed disabled people and higher deductions when hiring them.
10% Company tax reductions if benefits are reinvested on the company also for companies with business volume over 10 million Euros.
Cooperatives and Work Societies are included as Special in the Company Tax regime andTechnology Innovation is supported with I+D (Investment and development) benefits.
Individual people lending money to new created companies will enjoy a 20% reduction on IRPF (Annual Income taxes) with a minimum of 50.000€ so private capitals are directed to new companies.
New measures have also been taken on Sport Clubs and Entities.

Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Hi Maria, I understood that this €50 flat rate was for people under 30 years old. Is this not the case? Daniela
_______________________ Daniela & Lee