The Comments |
......................I've done this before because I've forgotten my username or password and couldn't remember which email address I'd used to register................
Sorry, The point I was making is that EOS could, if they wanted, check all posts and then remove any posters which they had `previously banned’ i.e. with the right software no one is anonymous and thus could not come back with another ID unless they also had a different computer.
I know of at least one forum for UK/Spain which does that.
That could be a problem if you share a computer or use a public one. I've never known it on any website other than those that share media.
Is everyone starting to 'like' their own comments now?
I believe British Expats .... do it.
I guess one would be unlucky if they used a PC, say in an in internet shop, and it had previously been used by someone who got banned. Might mean that every one trying to log on that PC, in any name, would then finish up getting banned from wherever they tried to check in.
This message was last edited by elaineG on 12/10/2013.
Which is why these websites don't use this software. Bars, hotels, libraries, work places. They'd be no use to anbody if discussion sites use this software.
Roberto makes a good point about each user having a score. This website now allows us to like/dislike comments so maybe it could go one step further and put their comment score next to their name. I didn't realise I could like my own posts. What a wasted opportunity to make myself look good! ......................................................................................... Posted on a thread the other day and within the nano seconds it took to me to click back onto thread I had received a " dislike" tick !! If as fartharder states one can " like" oneself...then perhaps I did it to myself !!!!! Certainly the post couldn't have been read before the the thumbs down was ticked. But what actually is the purpose of the " thumbs" ? I would personally tick "up" if some one gave good info and "down" if the post was aggressive , sarcastic or mildly abusive. But noting posts, that are polite but mearly disagreeing with another, getting a thumbs down tick I would suggest there is a personal agenda with some forum folk.
I think everyone has a right to maintain their privacy and this should not exclude them from participating in on-line forums or debates. If you make any comments on line a quick google search will bring up the information you have posted for anyone to see even though your comments/opinions are aimed at a specific group they will be available to all and sundry and sometimes to people you may prefer not to have access to your personal information/business and this can be for many different reasons. Information gained this way can also be used in dubiious ways, the internet is not a safe media. ** EDITED - Inciting **
This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 10/13/2013 8:49:00 AM.
Many if not most writers use a penname without ulterior motive. Furthermore, up and down the Costa communities, and in the UK, Ireland too most people know that Walsh is my mother’s maiden name. So, whatever name is used people can - as you have done, know who I am.
This post is a departure from the intention of the opening comment. I object to posters who abuse total anonymity by constantly trolling or being abusive. Would you like that? In case you did not read my posts, I repeat again. Many professional business people avoid forum’s because they object to being parried by anonymous posters some of whom may be business rivals, those who are jealous or bear a grudge.
Fine, if you support total anonymity then enjoy but the consequence will be a forum that has 6,000 subscribers of whom only about 1 per cent participate. Time after time I have seen good posters leave after enduring the incivilities of others. Yes, enjoy if that is what you wish for.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Up and down the Costa communities and in the UK, Ireland - that is some ego Mike.
I think you are overstating the importance of forums. They are largely a bit of fun and a way to read about other opinions and experiences. They are never the place to get information because anything said is likely to be contradicted by another poster, and they are never the place to do business either. Indeed, as a business professional myself, I am astonished that you even refer to this group and the use of forums, though obviously you do get some people selling their wares on here (I wonder though if they ever increase business through forums????)
I think for someone making a living (???? - not sure about that) through writing, you don't seem to have much of an understanding of why people use forums.
Re the like faciltiy - a good idea but I use an Apple and I do not have that coming up on my machine.
Apologies - I altered settings and I do indeed have the like facility.
So what we all should have is a photograph of ourselves as an avatar which in 99% of posters would be of someone else!!!! I see no problem if people refrain from giving personal information as it is far too common these days for people to " re-invent" themselves......especially when relocating to another country. I agree with Roly2, irrespective of usernames or other data provided, it is more important how a forum user conducts themself when posting. If moderators deal , poste haste, with trolls and those who are abusive then the non professional chatty forums will remain .
Roly. Frankly I didn’t expect it to be such a hot topic. It was after all a simple enough enquiry. I asked if social forums are degraded by baiting which is an activity mainly the preserve of anonymous subscribers. We all know many who have been discouraged from using forums because of incivility, hostility and even threats.
I think things will change, otherwise forums will never attract other than those who are as you say ‘out for a bit of fun.‘ That leaves me and many others out. We can get that in the real world.
My personal opinion is that forums could be much improved for users and advertisers if they were better monitored and less anarchic. I have no desire to sign up anonymously to derive ‘pleasure‘ from baiting legitimate and identifiable posters. One unnamed forum has over 8,000 signed up users but likely less than 50 regular commentators. I think this answers the question. Tough on the paying advertisers. I am happy to move on and to stop using poorly moderated forums.
As for my blogs, I am one of those rarities who actually enjoys writing. Others watch TV, play bowls, spend hours of forums or Face Book, paint, etc. I like writing. I have four blogs on EYE. Yes, I do benefit from them, I do get good business from them. They keep my business profile high. Thank you, EYE on Spain.
Between them they have received more than 90,000 visits. This gives me some satisfaction; I hope others have been entertained or made a little wiser by my voluntary contributions.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Many if not most writers use a penname without ulterior motive. Furthermore, up and down the Costa communities, and in the UK, Ireland too most people know that Walsh is my mother’s maiden name. So, whatever name is used people can - as you have done, know who I am.
This post is a departure from the intention of the opening comment. I object to posters who abuse total anonymity by constantly trolling or being abusive. Would you like that? In case you did not read my posts, I repeat again. Many professional business people avoid forum’s because they object to being parried by anonymous posters some of whom may be business rivals, those who are jealous or bear a grudge.
Fine, if you support total anonymity then enjoy but the consequence will be a forum that has 6,000 subscribers of whom only about 1 per cent participate. Time after time I have seen good posters leave after enduring the incivilities of others. Yes, enjoy if that is what you wish for.
How on earth does anyone know a persons mothers maiden name unless they have know them for a few years, and even then would you know it?
And as a business person yourself it seems that this forum doesn't upset you that much due to folk using animosity because your still here, and if you didn't post what your business was on a public forum how could rivals get jealous or use it against you, thats verging on the borders of paranoia.
Why get upset at people posting abuse at others? the chance is on the forum to answer back should you want to and if you don't fully read this forum then you could miss many posts whereby not getting annoyed, but if your trolling through posts just to pick up on what you personally don't like then thats your problem.
I have lived in the Costas, in the UK, been to Ireland yet before this forum had never heard of you, brash statement that from you........
On the other hand once when I was on the balcony with the Pope in Rome I overheard someone say...."Who's that chap up their next to Baz ?"........Now thats some ego!
I have no idea who Mike Walsh is either. All I have learnt over the past couple of days is that a guy going by the name of Mike Walsh, which isn't his real name, and has other names on other sites is telling everyone else they have no right to remain anonymous. Quite unbelievable really. Or maybe that's the difference between professionals and the rest of us.
Mike, if that's his real name, makes a good contribution to this website and I hope he continues to do so. Some of his posts are good, others not so, but they do generally get a good debate going. Unfortunately for me he has lost a lot of credibility with his hypocritical comments on this particular thread.
Interesting debate but we all make choices and as long as them choices do no harm then why do people want to make people alter their choices?
Remaining anonymous is a personal choice and we should respect that person’s choice whatever their reason.
Even in social environment some people give false names and / or keep their business and private affairs quiet, while others are quite happy to relate their entire life story, spread rumours, talk about others, share their opinions and views etc.
Some may say that having anonymity provides a platform for the bad people on the internet but the majority are not bad and simply enjoy a bit of debating, banter, sharing of knowledge, internet socialising etc.
If you do not like people who choose to remain anonymous then do not read their posts or reply. Take the same action against those who are offensive etc. you always have that choice
Who really cares as long as no harm is done?
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I am astonished that my comment was edited as 'inciting', what???? This is censorship gone mad. All I did was point out the hypocrisy of Mike Walsh who says no-one should be able to remain anonymous but actually uses another name when posting on the DM website and included a link to his DM profile and a link to a page on EOS itself. Sorry but I find the editing of a valid comment unacceptable, it was neither offensive or inciting even though some may have preferred it not to be shown and I am very disappointed with the EOS moderators and question their impartiality. I repeat the internet is unsafe and to expose your real identity on open forums is a risk, I correspond with a few members via the PM facility and they know my full details. And finally, my comment was not a departure from the original post, it was my differing opinion.
A blog is a very different kettle of fish Mike - and I seem to remember suggesting that some of your forum posts are more suited to the blogosphere. Seems to me you are spending quite a bit of time on line yourself so it is never wise to be condescending about those who watch tv or play bowls or anything else. As to writing - I have quite a bit of a background in the academic writing world myself - but I am pretty sure noone on here will have heard of me whether I give my details or not.
MW: "Fine, if you support total anonymity then enjoy but the consequence will be a forum that has 6,000 subscribers of whom only about 1 per cent participate.
"One unnamed forum has over 8,000 signed up users but likely less than 50 regular commentators. I think this answers the question. Tough on the paying advertisers".
I don't think you can lump all forums in together - there are many different types of forum, some serious and uselful resources for information, some silly or just social and "a bit of fun". neither can you deduce that they must rubbish because they have thousands of registered users but only a few regulars - I recently registered (with a made-up username) and posted a couple of times on Skype's community forum because I was after some info, and will probably never surface there again for years - but not because someone was bitchy to me. Same story for Honest John, a fantastic resource if you need help with your car, but not one that you're likely to hang around on bantering. You can often find the answer you're after without needing to post at all. I've also (anonymously) joined various IT forums for the same reason. As for being tough on advertisers, I'm sure they are capable fo using Analytics to establish whether a particular site is worth advertising on or not. I'm sure many people join EOS in order to obtain advice/opinions on specific issues, and then don't return. Doesn't mean it's rubbish or they were scared off by trolls. They may even be still visiting the site regularly, just not posting.
That said, the original concept of EOS is somewhat obsolete nowadays. Years ago when it first started it was populated by mostly serious posters who shared a genuine interest in all matters relating to (mainly off-plan) Spanish property. It seems to me it has evolved (descended?) into more of a social platform where most members just enjoy a bit of banter or letting off steam occasionally. (Guilty as charged, your honour! ). Fortunately, there are other forums out there that are still very useful, serious and (mostly) civil, where you are far better off going if you actually need some help or advice on anything to do with living in or moving to Spain. I'm sure those who try EOS and don't find it suitable for their purpose, soon enough find the other sites.
"I am happy to move on and to stop using poorly moderated forums".
As someone else pointed out, Mike, it would be a shame because many of your posts are interesting or informative, but I doubt anybody would mourn your departure - so if you find EOS so offensive, leave. On the other hand, I also doubt whether anybody minds if you stay around either for a bit of banter and fun - nor does anybody really care what name you use or who you really are!

"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
hello. Just thought i would make a comment to see what my name is!
Ah I think it's really me. But do you know who I am or wherre I am posting from now?
It's a forum, you are not giving evidence at the old bailey, does it really matter? I think not, some people have too much time on their hands!
_______________________ mark and paula row 4 no 439