Could impact on tourism

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15 Dec 2013 10:37 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

Impact on tourism?   No.     But my council tax in the UK was nearly £3000.   I virtually run my Spanish place for less than that.

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15 Dec 2013 10:39 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

I cannot find any precise details of a suspected ‘new law’ but , as I said previously probably almost all rentals now are not legal, so what new?

You know exactly what I meant when I said about the new law in Spain concerning rentals,  in case you don't it's the one thats being discussed in this section, you know the law, the one that has cropped up again, so why be picky over the word "New", this is a forum for general chit chat, banter and discussions, not for trying to prove your more knowledgeable then everyone else.

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15 Dec 2013 1:16 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Baz, although I did not make it clear, my question was not actually directed at you.  However, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but when I said I do not know specifically about a new law that is precisely what I meant.  If I knew I would not have ask.  But if you do know where I can read the actual law I would be grateful.

The Daily Mail article does not refer, as far as I can see, to a particular law.


Quote :-  Hundreds of thousands of Britons with holiday homes in Spain and France could be prevented from renting them out to tourists.

Controversial laws set to be passed could also add hundreds of pounds to the cost of breaks for millions of travellers from Britain.

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15 Dec 2013 2:05 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message

Impact on toursim no.

If rentals stick to the law and subsequently increase prices then the small percentage of visitors who do rent these properties will simply go back to hotels / apartments.

How many will be affected - not many as most properties are empty most of the time as there is simply too many to choose from (legal or not) which is why they are so cheap

Some owners I know have given up renting and only allow family & close friends to use.

As for property tax then Spain is not alone in this many countries have this in some form or another.

If you owned a second home / holiday home or rented out a  house in Uk you will still have to pay councill tax etc which is lot higher than Spain. You would have to declare all rentals to the tax man take out approriate insurances, obtain licences  / approvals, and have the necessary safety equipment etc

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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