Does anyone else find the "Eye on Spain" amatuerish and boring.Is it fit for 2015?

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12 Dec 2014 6:22 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Yes, let´s revitalize it altogether.

EyeonSpain is and has always been the positive and friendly sum of us all


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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17 Dec 2014 1:08 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

bobaol´s avatar

Sorry, posted in error.




This message was last edited by bobaol on 17/12/2014.

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19 Dec 2014 1:51 AM by sooz Star rating. 12 posts Send private message

I never found it boring, but argumentative in the extreme in the past when I used it. Therefore I stopped using it, as did my partner.  Seemed like whenever I and afew others posted anything someone didn't agree with against Spain they were attacked, weird.  I got fed up with this behaviour,  now that was boring :)   I came on tonight to look for something specific and thought I would add my two penneth worth.


This message was last edited by sooz on 19/12/2014.

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19 Dec 2014 7:46 AM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

A bit of exaggeration there - a half penneth worth at most.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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19 Dec 2014 12:44 PM by pommers Star rating in Almoradi, Spain. 606 posts Send private message

pommers´s avatar

Thank you Acer for your extremely valuable contribution.
Once again a discussion thread has had a negative response for no obvious reason.

You have just proved why people no longer use EoS as much as they used to.

Cheers Pommers

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19 Dec 2014 7:56 PM by acer Star rating. 1538 posts Send private message

Pommers, I said a while ago that I thought this thread was both pointless and inappropriate and I thought the whinge from Sooz was in the same vein.  You may disagree, but you'll struggle to justify yourself.

As a generalism I find EOS highly worthwhile and don't understand the negativity.  There are always a few obsessive macho hotheads who always want to be right on some irrelevant detail, plus the perennial whingers, but they are easily ignored and there's a lot of intelligent and useful comment, particularly amongst the blogs.

But that's my last comment under this thread - IMHO it should never have been floated in the first place.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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19 Dec 2014 9:28 PM by hughjardon Star rating in Jaywick Sands. 418 posts Send private message

hughjardon´s avatar

To many adverts 

To many weirdos

To many experts

Censored by North Koreans 

But wouldnt change it for the world 

Merry Xmas EOS and have a Great new year

Love Hugh xxxx


Done the Spain thing Happier in the UK

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03 Jan 2015 9:28 AM by jaldridge Star rating in Manilva. 144 posts Send private message

jaldridge´s avatar

Well, it's been a while since I've posted but I read this thread with interest!

What I learned very fast in the early days of EOS is that you can't please everyone.  What works for some people doesn't work for others. 

I also leaned pretty fast that no one likes major changes.  I did it on two occassions and upset a lot of people...whoops!

Whether the website looks and feels up to date is irrelevant.  It's the quality of the forums and the blogs that matter and especially the contributors, of which there are some fantastic people on here.

We are certainly seeing some real movements in the property market in Spain now and people will always want to relocate here. Sites like EOS will always be vital for so many.  Even if for some of us the discussions may seem old, for some people moving here today, those discussions are just as valuable as they were to us when we moved.

So, enjoy the banter, keep it clean and....HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone :)



EOS Team

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13 Jan 2015 12:56 PM by amogles Star rating in El Campello (holiday.... 180 posts Send private message

One thing we all need to be more aware of is that there are differeing perspectives.

Thus some of us may have bought a property at the height of the bubble and are now sitting on a huge mortgage and negative equity. That gives a totally different outlook on the market than somebody who is rooting for prices to drop a bit further so they can make a move and buy their dream property. So any move that is good news to one is bad news to the other.

Similarly, our view on illegal properties and the government's dealing with them (or lack thereof) changes totally depending on whether some crook of an estate agent fooled us into buying said illegal property, or whether the property is blocking us from seeing the sea from our legal property.

Thus both excessive glee and excessive pessimism about these developments is likely to antagonize other forum participants who may be happy about the things that anger us or vice versa.

If we could all try and bear this in mind before losing our tempers and descending into flame wars or bots of jealousy. life wouled be much easier for all of us.



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13 Jan 2015 1:59 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

I am confident there is a solution for everyone of you who completed on illegal properties or are paying a mortgage that developer hired after you bought off plan.

By the way, there is a recent decission by Supreme Court which stablishes those mortgages as null and void, which means your rights to refund of all you have overpaid. I am posting on it now



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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13 Jan 2015 2:24 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Again, my word of wish is: Let´s revitalize it altogether.

EyeonSpain is and has always been the positive and friendly sum of us all


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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14 Jan 2015 8:00 PM by Marilyn Star rating. 46 posts Send private message

Hi, I was saddened to see this thread. When we bought in Spain six years ago, we found EOS invaluable, particularly on our own development forum. The more general discussions are interesting and often pertinent also. It has been a real help. Obviously, the chap who finds EOS boring has outgrown it because simply he knows it all. Good for him. The rest of us are not so lucky! Thank you EOS. Marilyn, San Juan de Los Terreros



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15 Jan 2015 5:32 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

I am personally committed to keep working on revitalizing it. EOS has been my professional-home, place to learn and grow along the last 9 years


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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05 Feb 2015 7:07 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar

I posted on this thread earlier and it made me study the day to day activity. But today has surprised me by only 4 posts. 1 thanking for replies 2 on the ongoing airport saga and one asking for a vet in Murcia although one look and "Google" thows up several Now I know why I just browse but even that option is becoming redundant.  If I was a sponsor/advertiser the "browsers" must make it worthwhile for me  because activity wise its dying on its feet Shame 




This message was last edited by David W on 05/02/2015.

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05 Feb 2015 10:16 PM by eos_ian Star rating in Valencia. 510 posts Send private message

eos_ian´s avatar

Hi David , yes today has been rather quiet but this fluctuates constantly from week to week and day to day,  and yes there are a large number of readers visiting the site everyday as well as new members signing up daily. The site isn't just forums though,  more and more members are spending time reading and commenting on blogs as well as participating in the community forums of course. 



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05 Feb 2015 10:25 PM by SandrainAlgorfa Star rating in Algorfa, Costa Blanc.... 19 posts Send private message

SandrainAlgorfa´s avatar

To the people who are saying the forums don't get many posts, I would say, go to the blogs section, where there is a lot of activity, both in posting and viewing. I average 10,000 views a month on my blogs.

Something else to consider is the general trend away from forums. They are closing every day. On EOS, the forum is a small part of the site, and a part that visitors don't seem to want. Views and shares for the blog posts are going up all the time.

Live each day as if it is your last on Earth - one day, you will be right!

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05 Feb 2015 10:37 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar

Ian Thanks for your personal reply I understand about your saying its not just a forum and all the other blogs and such  are well subscribed, from the movement I see I'd disagree.The "forum" has changed over the last two years and it's not anywhere near as good as it was. Maybe times have changed and the glut of local forums makes EOS somewhat redundant for some and I include myself there. I must say Justin was high profile and drove the site very well,  the current regime appears faceless and indifferent You can spin it anyway you want but EOS is in need of major surgery as I said before, shame It's only one opinion and if everyone else is happy as it is and its providing what the owner what's great!!



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05 Feb 2015 11:09 PM by SandrainAlgorfa Star rating in Algorfa, Costa Blanc.... 19 posts Send private message

SandrainAlgorfa´s avatar

David, as a regular blogger on EOS I have to say that the management is neither faceless nor indifferent. Several of the bloggers here have made suggestions about improving the experience for ourselves and our readers, and these have been acted on, and even improved on, so everybody gets more out of the site.

All I would say to you is this is a free resource, and its contributors have a wide and varied experience of life in Spain. We may not suit everyone's requirements, but we do consistently get around 10,000 views a day, so we must be getting something right. And before you ask, I'm nothing to do with the management, but I will stand up and be counted on their behalf.

Live each day as if it is your last on Earth - one day, you will be right!

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05 Feb 2015 11:42 PM by David W Star rating. 199 posts Send private message

David W´s avatar

Sandra I would never ask about your management connections as I'm sure you would identified them . Your 10000 hits a day statistic is interesting and its source is? I'm happy for you that your specific need has been attended to and your blogging has been made easier. You're absolutely right we all take what suits us individually from this "free" resource. My observations were purely how I feel the site has deteriorated over the recent period of time As mentioned earlier if the management get the resources from sponsors/advertisers to offer this "free" resource then its there for all to take what they want from the site and comment accordingly which is all my opinion is!

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06 Feb 2015 9:58 AM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Not sure what your agenda is David W but assume you are an intelligent person and therefore realise that the days when masses of people seeked out forums for the numerous questions into relocating to Spain,  8+ years ago , are no longer. 

99% of problems having been discussed, at length ! postings, now, are few and far between. Fortunately EOS is one of the few remaining forums because there are many useful and interesting blogs so one can keep updated without the need to put finger to keyboard.




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