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Around 30,000 Britons are claiming unemployment benefits abroad, research finds – far less than 65,000 EU citizens doing so in UK.
More than twice as many European Union immigrants are claiming unemployment benefits in Britain than vice versa, new figures have revealed.
Almost 65,000 EU nationals are getting Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) in the UK compared to around 30,000 Britons claiming unemployment benefits elsewhere in the EU.
Research by the Guardian found that while 14,880 Poles living in the UK are receiving JSA there are just two Britons claiming the equivalent in Poland.
The findings come after David Cameron said he wanted to ban foreign jobseekers claiming benefits and deport them from the UK if they do not find work within six months.
However the research suggests that under such a policy tens of thousands of unemployed Britains living overseas would also be forced to return to the UK.
Should Spain stick to it's own policy, no benefits from day one for EU immigrants and they must eat out of the garbage bins?.
_______________________ NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
These sort of numbers are unintelligible. It depends on many other factprs, including, how many citizens there are from other countries in each country- Example 2 Brits claiming JSA in Poland. I wonder what percentage of British workers, actually working in Poland that is?
I wonder how many non-British EU citizens are working in UK and what they are contributing to the economy.
Yeah, cos the Costas are full of Brits eating out of garbage bins.
Point 1. Any Brit looking for work in Spain can claim JSA for up to 3 months from UK.
Point 2. If they want to stay more than 3 months they would have to show they have sufficient funds to support themselves and their families which, I would posit, means they could afford to buy food.
Point 3. This is Spain, not UK. If people want to fund their lifestyles by claiming benefits, maybe they should go back and claim them from the hard pressed British taxpayer.
Point 4. If you don't like the way Britain pays out benefits to foreigners, either vote for a party that won't pay them or go onto the equivalent Eye on UK site and complain about them there.
No country should should have to pay benifit to imagrants unless the person claiming have Proved they can work to feed themselves and their families. Scroungers are letting both themselves & their home Country down. If they are full bodied & don't want to work yet expect others to feed them then they are not worth bothering with. They should be sent back to their country of birth along with ALL their family.
_______________________ Poedoe
If the UK Gov has to pay JSA in people from overseas, it should be paid at the rate they would get in there country origin. Then the UK might then seem less attractive for the freeloaders from abroad.
have little doubt that the majority of scroungers, benefit cheats etc. are home grown, indigenous people. That was certainly true when I lived in the UK before coming to Spain in 1987. Blaming Johnny Foreigner is a too simple xenophobic gut reaction. I thought Germany proved how wrong that can be, but it seems we have not learned anythng from that.
I am pleased the Spanish don't take that attitude towards me (us).
This message was last edited by johnzx on 11/07/2015.
I agree but we need to start with the Brit scroungers those who have been on benefits for generations, benefit fiddlers, those who refuse to work and thsoe who have never worked.
There are a lot of Brits here in Spain fiddling benefits.
Once the UK get's that sorted out and pay welfare benefits only for those that truly need it we can thne start to stop the rest
Too many Brits get a free ride at the expense of the tax payer
The entire UK benefit system allows for all of these people claiming benefits Brits and non Brits - so fix the root cause and we might see less scaremongering and anti immigrant comments from the UK press!!!
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
There is an army of public sector workers in the UK who do very nicely out of serving benefits seekers/cheats, scroungers, criminals etc. The private sector is in terminal decline, so who is going to pay for these hand holders when the treasure chest is found to be bare?
Since I retired just over five years ago I very rarely have any need to enter the UK city centre where my office was situated, however I have recently had prolonged dealings with our family solicitor who is based slap bang in the middle of the city centre. I must have got used to the scum that infests our city/town streets when I was working there, either that or it's suddenly got worse, because I didn't feel comfortable at all.
An example of how stupid the UK public sector has become is that during one of my visits to the city centre I popped into HMRC to pick up a form, I was confronted by a uniformed commissionaire who informed me that uninvited members of the public were not allowed on the premises and that I should deal either on-line or by phone (the latter is an impossibility, the former is not much better). Wouldn't it be a far better idea to put commissionaire's on the doors of benefits offices and treat tax payers with respect?
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Arguments, comments and blame in all directions.
There is a simple answer to both situations.
The Brit compulsive benefit claimer should be made to work full time on community projects in order to receive financial benefits and stop sticky mattress disease. No work no money. There’s plenty for them to do. Environmental maintenance, road and pot hole repairs, building site labourers for the houses we need, cleaners and care assistants in the NHS.
Foreigners, no entitlement to anything until you have earned it, that means all benefits and health care. If you haven’t got the financial means don’t come to the UK. If your own government want’s to financially support you, well let them do it. This would see a shorter bus queue at Calais.
_______________________ NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
I agree with you but we should make no distinction between immigrants and Brits
equaliy for all and if that means the lazy mattress brigade lose out then good
_______________________ “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”
I'm old enough to remember folk coming into the UK from far and wide in order to obtain work in the coal, steel, motor, ship building, construction industries. What we do appear to have developed of late is a monster public sector, do you remember Monty Python's Ministry Of Funny Walks, it's not as daft as we thought is it?
If I had to leave my home country due to an oppressive regime, fear for the lives of my family, medical treatment etc; etc, I'd like to think that there was some help out there. We have always helped the weak and oppressed, I'm quite proud of that, as for the folk extracting the urine, what do we do, set up another expensive branch of the public sector? It would probably be cheaper to fund the benefits fraudsters than to set up yet another tranche of jobsworths.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Well Hephaestus
Just give in, throw the towel in, why didn't I think of that. What a fool I am when the answer is so obvious.
_______________________ NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER: A mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.
Glad to help potblack, any time mate. 
The Alf Garnett's of this world can always figure everything out, however the truth of the matter is that there are always kids involved that the 'Flog them and deport them' brigade forget about. A civilized society doesn't come cheap, many Eastern European Jewish kids endered up in the gas chambers because of bigotry and intolerance. Many of my ancestors came to the UK to escape the Irish potatoe famine, luckily they recieved a helping hand and went on to produce teachers, medics, engineers and one war hero, my thanks go out to those long dead Victorian Sheffield folk who offered their friendship.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
Just reading thesse posts and it's evident the Westminster propaganda machine here has done its job nicely, by continually taking the publics eye off the ball. Our scroungers and people on the dole are a piss in the ocean compared to the corporate tax evasion that exists in the UK. Start looking at the top of the pile and not the bottom, and you will be surprised I guarantee you.
The UK's public sector gravy trail is completely out of control, early enhanced retirement packages for folk that are quite capable of carying on working is far more abhorrent than benefit payments for scroungers at the opposite end of the owt for nowt trail.
I'm Spartacus, well why not?
You see! See! You've all been reading the Daily Moan(Mail)or Groanian(Guardian) again,and got yourselves into a right tizz over a very sad situation..Tomorrow,y'all get up,reflect upon the wise words of Elbert Hubbard who said "Never take life too seriously,nobody makes it out alive",bung a Village People or ZZ Top recording on the turntable(!) and jig around the pool to YMCA or The Eliminator (If you're inclined to put on Vince Hill,Jim Reeves or Doris Day,I'm afraid we are not on the same page here!).
Also,please remember that you are not helping the poor man who posted "Bored" in September 2014.He may well be reaching for the Prozac as I type.He needs to read happy clappy stuff.
I shall try to log in from the France next week,just to make sure that you are all perking up.
Please feel free to correct any gramma mistakes which I shall read whilst eating some tappers in my local UK bar.