Donald Trump immigration ban

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08 Feb 2017 11:15 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

It does seem the terrorist profile right now is predominantly from a warped sense of Muslim religion.  I also looks as though the clerics of that religion may not be doing enough to challenge it theologically.  

So taking that into account it seems fair to target the Muslim religion as a source of terrorisam.   Or that's how it looks to me.  

Am I miles wrong? 


Best wishes, Brian


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08 Feb 2017 4:50 PM by OMARELL Star rating in Baldock Hertfordshir.... 47 posts Send private message

UK has also placed restrictions on immigration due to Brexit so what's the difference


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08 Feb 2017 6:06 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


All this immigration stuff complaining keeps the "Nigel Farage" wannabees happy


This message was last edited by Tadd1966 on 08/02/2017.

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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08 Feb 2017 7:30 PM by Elsietanner Star rating in Alicante & New York. 164 posts Send private message

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The thread subject is about immigration.

EOS is a sociable forum. There is no necessity to compose disrespectful personal remarks.


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08 Feb 2017 7:40 PM by acer Star rating. 1539 posts Send private message

I lived in the Middle East for many years and travelled the area and in my experience 99.99999% are reasonable normal people with no thought whatever of taking over the world!  It is only the very minute number of fundamentalists who profess this absurd idea.

You focus on Muslim terrorists, but if you asked a Spanish guy he might say the Basques – ETA were his biggest concern.  Outside Europe virtually every country has their problem.  In Israel it’s Hamas, but in Jordan it’s Israel!  A while ago it was the IRA in the UK who I suspect have killed a lot more civilians than Deash and Al Qaeda put together.

A while ago it was communism that was perceived as the deadly threat and the Americans over reacted led on by Joe McCarthy who was only a Senator, but seemed to have an extraordinary following of hotheads. This was another form of "ducking stool" Elsie, nothing changes.

Christians and Muslims have lived alongside each other, generally peaceably for centuries.  There is no reason why this cannot be resumed in the future.  For sure, Deash, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram etc need to be eradicated, but in the meantime we need to treat other  peace loving Muslims with respect, or we’ll just be shooting ourselves in the foot!

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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08 Feb 2017 8:27 PM by Elsietanner Star rating in Alicante & New York. 164 posts Send private message

Elsietanner´s avatar

The OP was  ‘’Mr Trump's order temporarily banned nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US. Is his action correct?.’

On EOS each member is entitled to post their opinion and view.  EOS is a friendly forum. There is no requirement to compile bad-mannered individual comments against other member’s views. Please be polite and respectful so in order Mrs Mod does not take the thread away.

There is a hidden clue in the OP that Muslim terrorists is part of the question.


This message was last edited by Elsietanner on 08/02/2017.


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08 Feb 2017 9:38 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Not really seen any bad comments on this thread

Seen many on other threads and pot kettle and black come to mind 

Those without sin cast the first stone and those who live on glass houses should nor throw stones etc

But we drift. ............


Back on thread good post acer and spot on 

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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08 Feb 2017 9:45 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

 A while ago it was the IRA in the UK who I suspect have killed a lot more civilians than Deash and Al Qaeda put together.

Sorry acer but you are way way of with your suspicion about the IRA killing more civilians then Deash and al Qaeda put together.

I might owe you an apoligy acer, having read your post a couple of more times it could be taken that you meant the IRA  in the 'UK'  killed more civilians then Deash and Al Qaeda..... Then they have done in the UK.


This message was last edited by baz1946 on 08/02/2017.

This message was last edited by baz1946 on 08/02/2017.

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09 Feb 2017 3:59 AM by GarySFBCN Star rating. 28 posts Send private message

Regarding the original question (Mr Trump's order temporarily banned nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US. Is his action correct?), my answer as an American is NO, it is not correct.   Why?


  1. It fixes a problem THAT DOESN'T EXIST.  People from those countries are extensively 'vetted' before they can enter the US.  Since 1975, there has NEVER been a terrorist attack on US soil caused by people from those 7 countries.  What we were doing was working well.
  3. It is an excuse to discriminate against Muslims.  During the campaign, Trump fomented a lot of bigotry and prejudice to get votes. There are many Americans who are against Muslims and there are many in the Christian right who want the US to be a Christian nation and that includes getting rid of people of other faiths. The Muslim ban that he proposed during the campaign would have prevented any Muslim from entering the US, even those who are US citizens who may have been traveling abroad.  After he became president, his aides told him that a Muslim ban would be illegal so he asked that his staff find a way of doing it legally to please his Christian right supporters, to appear that he is keeping promises and also to distract from the other things he is doing.  Because of his campaign statements, it is likely that our courts will continue to rule against Trump, because if the motivation was to discriminate against one religion, it is illegal.  Oh, and some of those other things he's been doing include removing the regulation that financial institution agents have to work for their client's benefit.  Now they can screw their clients without any threat of lawsuits or criminal charges.

Thankfully, Trump's discriminatory law has united the country against him.  When the press accurately reports what he said or did, he shouts 'fake news.'  When the acting attorney general said the law was illegal, he accused her of betraying the country.  When the courts ruled against him, he said if anything happens, they will be to blame, when it is the poorly written law and it's ridiculous execution that are to blame.


This message was last edited by GarySFBCN on 09/02/2017.

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09 Feb 2017 10:21 AM by Elsietanner Star rating in Alicante & New York. 164 posts Send private message

Elsietanner´s avatar

GarySFBCN a good and interesting post.

So was Trump in his election campaign just another political con man?.

Despite his democratic victory are the majority of American people with him or against him?.

Are the anoraks a true reflection ‘’some who would hold a banner saying anything’’ or just bad losers and fodder for the media news?.


This message was last edited by Elsietanner on 09/02/2017.


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09 Feb 2017 5:01 PM by GarySFBCN Star rating. 28 posts Send private message

"Despite his democratic victory are the majority of American people with him or against him?."

Trump won the election but not the poplar vote.  Hillary Clinton got 2.9 million more votes that Trump.  I'm not contesting the election results - Trump won the election, but based upon this statistic alone, I can say tha a majority of Americans who voted are against him, so it shouldn't be a surprise that he is facing so much opposition.

In my mind, Trump's voters can be divided into 3 groups: 

1. Those who thoughtfully agree with his policies or only vote Republican and included in this group are people who have been 'left behind' in our economic recovery and are desperate for Trump to keep his promises and lift them from their economic dispair. 

2. Those who are racists, sexist, xenophobic and/or anti-gay and were motivated by Trump's campaign of bigotry

3. Those who hated Clinton so much that their votes were desperate 'anyone but Hillary' votes

Trump's 'approval rating', which is generally high for any president during the initial days in office are lower than any president that has ever been tracked and has never reached 50%  Much of this is due to his communication style and his childishness.  Even more has to do with his appointments - we actually have a new lead for the Department of Education who wants to dismantle the Department of Education and who thinks that 'creationism' should be taught in schools - that is that evolution is a farce and that the Bible tells us the age of the earth.  Accordingly, Jesus walked the earth at the same time as dinosaurs (I'm not joking about this - google 'creationism' and see for yourself).  There are other imbeciles in his cabinet - our new Energy Secretary was surprised to find out that he has jurisdiction over the atomic energy plants. 

As for the protests, they are genuine and somewhat successful.  The Muslim ban protests at the airports got national attention and legal organizations took up the cause.  There were other protests when a Republican congressman decied that, to again solve a problem that doesn't exist, the US needed to sale National Parks and National Forest land to mining interests.  Those protests had the congressman withdraw his proposal. 

Given that the press, Hollywood, most of social media and now the courts are turning against Trump, I would say the true loser is Trump and most of his supporters.  This reminds me of 1968.  It is going to be ugly.


This message was last edited by GarySFBCN on 09/02/2017.

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09 Feb 2017 6:08 PM by acer Star rating. 1539 posts Send private message

Thanks GarySFBCN, it's good the hear the American perspective.  I had not realised the number of bad appointments made - we only tend to receive the principal news items in the UK.  Presumably Trump wants to install "yes men" in these key posts, but the whole situation must be extremely disconcerting.

Incidentally I have relatives in the USA, they were staunch Republicans and I know initially they fell into category 3 of your analysis, but I believe they may have completely abstained by the time of the election.

Thanks for your post too Tadd1966.  I admit, I also didn't understand the background to ET's comments.... On EOS each member is entitled to post their opinion blah blah" ...I wondered, is this what Trump calls "fake news" or is it "alternative facts? wink



This message was last edited by acer on 09/02/2017.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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09 Feb 2017 7:11 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Good posts and I think the 3 groups you gave for people voting for Trump is a good summary which with a few minor modifications these 3 groups could easily decribe the Brexit voters into the same 3 groups

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Feb 2017 8:58 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1950 posts Send private message

Tadd1966 This thread has Bugger all to do with the ( Brexit ) it's supposed to be about Mr Trump the Democratically elected president of USA.
This message was last edited by windtalker on 09/02/2017.

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09 Feb 2017 9:13 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


Who do you think you are some form of forum monitor please do not tell me what I can post or where

We can  all play that game if you wish

It is a comment get over it and crawl back into your box or something

I could ask what has american politics got to with a SPANISH forum for expats - oops maybe I have already asked that question

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Feb 2017 9:13 PM by removals Star rating in Fuengirola. 14 posts Send private message

No matter what you think of President Trump the amount of hatred and violence from the left or just folk that do not like him has been well over board, the amount of tweets calling for his assasination is sickly i wasnt that keen on him but it was like bullying and i hate bullys so i started to defend him sad


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09 Feb 2017 9:43 PM by acer Star rating. 1539 posts Send private message

Removals, I agree that some of the nutters comments are as bad as Trump, but do you really believe that he needs your support?   A large glass of Bromide might be more useful.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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09 Feb 2017 9:51 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1950 posts Send private message

Tadd1966 I did not realise I was a illiterate bigot and a racists until I came up against a Remoner the likes of you.

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09 Feb 2017 9:55 PM by Tadd1966 Star rating in Los Montesinos. 1754 posts Send private message


It often takes someone to point things out before they see what they are

So now you are enlightened and aware of it you might see yourself differently now


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge”

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09 Feb 2017 10:29 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Crikey guys.  Brexit and trump really bring out the worst in some people.  



Best wishes, Brian


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