Hire a car for the Month of May for €100....

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18 Mar 2017 10:47 AM by ob123 Star rating in Southern Ireland. 191 posts Send private message

Hi Guys, Just something I found our recently, I bought a new car in Spain in 2011 the cost of running it is about €1,000 a Year I am thinking of selling it. I spend about 5 Months in Spain each Year. Now I can rent a Renault Cleo 5 Door  from www.doyouspain.es for 30 Days any Month except July and August for between €50 and €100 depending what Month. Let me explain how, the axcess insurance is the big cost which they car hire companies charge for, sometimes it is as much as €10 a Day and they really try and sell to you... OK this is the answer there is a Car Axcess Insurence Company called AIG they are in the Uk and also in Ireland, you buy the axcess Insurance for €49 on line for a Year you get your certificate print it off, then when you go to Spain they Car Hire Company will be trying to see you there Insurance which is really expencive, so you say I have my own Insurance to cover the axcess. How it works..... they will still block your credit card for about €1200 now if you have a minor accident say for about €500 they will take that money out of you card then when you come you contact AIG send them the invoice for the damage and they will send you a cheque to cover it.....so there it is simple. the web site address for AIG is www.aig.ie and then select Axcess Insurance, my friends are doing it for Years so now I am going ahead with it, the €49 covers you for  1 Year you can go to Spain or any other country in Europe as often as you like. now there is one small catch you can only stay 30 Days each trip but that suits me fine.......

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18 Mar 2017 11:16 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1948 posts Send private message

I totally agree with you... if you are a holiday home owner like myself and have around ten one week hires throughout the year it works out at around €1,000 for me...my last hire car cost me €15 just two weeks back from inter rent via do yo spain and as the original poster said take out a 12 months car hire excess policy for approximately €50 that will cover your deposit do not listen to the hard sell on taking out the insurance they have on offer just take a copy of your own insurance that is what I have been doing for the last 10 years .


This message was last edited by windtalker on 18/03/2017.

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