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11 Nov 2017 5:16 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

At least two threads have disappeared in the last few days, and I have no idea why.   Can anyone throw any light on these for me!!   Is there someone trying to keep information away from the general public by attacking others personally or something?

They were about San Jose into liquidation.     And about accountants/ Gestors.

The last time I viewed se there was nothing wrong and some interesting information, so what’s the story, some kind of censorship or something shady going on?


Best wishes, Brian


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11 Nov 2017 6:43 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

I sincerely hope that the moderators recognise that there is a difference between taking action against individual abusive postings and the need to retain threads that are educative.

Abusive comments should be removed but if threads are removed in that process then the abusers will have little incentive to moderate their language and retain some civility in their future postings.

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11 Nov 2017 7:46 PM by DuncanThickett Star rating. 80 posts Send private message

It could be that the moderators consider the thread is no longer productive and everything has been said and posted. Also the thread has become a stalemate ’tit for tat’ argument that is a bad example of the forum to it’s advertisers and sponsers.

Justice? - You get justice in the next world. In this one you have the law.

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11 Nov 2017 8:30 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

In which case perhaps it's important not to lose the educative content for future reference by locking and not removing the thread, and remove "tit for tat"  content in that process as assessed independently by the moderators.

It's difficult no doubt to strike a balance, but I still hope abusive postings will be tackled.

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11 Nov 2017 8:40 PM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message


I agree and there is no consisency by the mods and one or two individuals seem to stir things up who slso seem to get away with a lot more than many

Maybe they have the mods ear or worse

Which is the main reason I stopped posting on EOS until recently. 

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12 Nov 2017 9:56 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Yes I agree with all sentiments here,  it in these two threads there was nothing to get hot under the collar about was there?  

Somebody must have real issues to make comments that led to these being reviewed!

Anybody know what happened, and can the mods bring them back at all?


Best wishes, Brian


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12 Nov 2017 12:29 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message


No doubt this is all best left to the moderators to judge what they consider is and isn't acceptable on their forum.




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12 Nov 2017 4:12 PM by Chrissie1 Star rating in UK. 384 posts Send private message

Chrissie1´s avatar

One of the threads that disappeared was very interesting and the opinions of contributers was valid so, I am not sure why these comments were taken down. Could the moderators please say why this happened.

Thank you

Chrissie 1



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13 Nov 2017 10:50 PM by eos_moderators Star rating in España. 173 posts Send private message

eos_moderators´s avatar

Threads are often removed or temporarily taken down for a number of reasons. If they have not returned within 24-36 hours it means they have probably been removed permanently.

If you feel yoou need an explanation feel free to PM us when it happens, but most of the time it is quite obvious - It has probably derailed completely and needs editing or 'cleaning'  - ie removing inciting/insulting content or we have discovered that the OP is in fact a fake and is just spamming the forum.

EOS Moderators
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