Deal or no Deal

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29 Dec 2018 12:22 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1950 posts Send private message

Ravahu...wait and see ..if I am talking rubbish or mabe not....the riot's that they are having in France at this moment might just be the start of things to come...8 people dead/Burning buildings/mass rioting/a state of emergency in France and the EU are trying every which way they can to keep it quiet...and all this is supposed to be over a few cents on a ltr of fuel ...I don't think so.

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29 Dec 2018 12:27 PM by Dave11 Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Hahaha you keep living in your UK of the past when it had an Empire (just for info - I am British born and bred before someone asks that question and I don't live in Spain I live in the UK). Thats all gone now - realise that. And to say the EU needs the UK more the the UK needs the EU is total madness. Some of you just sound like Boris Johnson (and he is a total joke - just doing stuff for himself). Just let's see how much food and medicine will cost (that's if it can get in the UK). I just laugh at you...... As said  before "Be very careful for what you wish for"!!!!!!!

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29 Dec 2018 12:34 PM by Dave11 Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

Windtalker - do you mean like the mass riots in the UK in 2011 and then in 2012 or in the late 80's and don't forget the Brixton  riots of the mid 70's. Riots are nothing new and they will always happen. That's what some people do..... Get real!!!

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29 Dec 2018 1:01 PM by ravahu Star rating. 6 posts Send private message


Your comment is exactly what I mean by tendentious information. The French Government is much more distant from the people and arrogant. There are few or no protests in other EU countries and the deaths you mention are not caused by fighting or something like that, but by accidents, unfortunately caused by the blockages caused by the demonstrations.
And I really wonder how you can defend the statement that the EU is trying to keep quiet. The media is present everywhere, so that is, in my opinion, a non argument and also a tendentious one.
Your last remark that it would be about a few pennies for petrol is really nonsense.

It has been clearly communicated that protest are about the total cost of living, the increase in fuel prices was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Those are the facts........


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29 Dec 2018 1:42 PM by fyfin Star rating in Turre Almeria. 54 posts Send private message

fyfin´s avatar

I voted remain purely form a selfish point of view living in Spain and wanting an easy life,  but I am disgusted by the comments from other remainers who make disparaging remarks about leavers, assuming they were all idiots, or the vote was not democratic, and I've seem abusive remarks on social media.

Of course there were lies told leading up to the vote, but let's get real people, politicians always lie leading up to elections and we never call for another election or if the vote was close to elect your MP the best you can hope for is a recount just in case. 

I was very surprised by the result, as was most of the country but I accepted it was the will of the people, and was willing to wait and see what bilateral agreements would be worked out between Spain and UK with regard to health etc. I was happy that I had fulfilled all my legal obligations here with regard to residency etc.

The other thing that annoys me is the assumption, that now that the electorate know all the facts, (nonsense of course as many are not clever enough or bothered enough), that somehow the outcome will be different in another referendum, but, surprisingly, some polls are showing that if "leave with no deal" was an option, the majority would tick that box. 

I'm thoroughly fed up with it and would tick the "leave with no deal" box now. It seems the EU are treating the UK like a naughty child and the deal is weighted heavily in their favour. 

The fear campaign in 2016 clearly was a mistake but the lesson hasn't been learnt, so if there is a second referendum, at least try and show the benefits of staying in EU and not the negatives of leaving.

I also believe the referendum was a mistake, and Cameron was quick to disappear afterwards leaving politicians from both parties in a very difficult position, some obviously out of touch with the electorate. I also think that the referendum gave ordinary people the opportunity to stick two fingers up to politicians to show their dissatisfaction with the political classes in general.  We can see this happening in other countries as well when politicians ignore the fears or concerns of a huge raft of the electorate.

The British are not good at demonstrating unlike some of our European neighbours and we prefer to moan amongst ourselves so when an opportunity came around to do something anonymously I believe many took it just to show them.




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29 Dec 2018 7:28 PM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 posts Send private message

Remoaners please it is too late - even if there was another vote and you won what do you think Junka and Merkel (who run the EU) would do? They would have us over a barrel demanding even more money from us taking away any of our rights.  

On another tack, I know of both Spanish and Italian people who work in the UK and still hold their nationality and their passports but own property here and they are not being made to become residents so why are we being punished, at the moment there are a lot of people very worried about being able to live in the EU in the properties they have bought, paying their foreign taxes and whilst in that country contributing to the economy but are now frightened that they will not be able to live there.

My view is that at the moment Wait And See what else can we do? . 

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30 Dec 2018 9:12 AM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

Interesting anthomo 

I have never really understood this so called Spanish residency thing for EU nationals. As far as I am aware if you have a NIE you can get and do whatever you like. I think it is just something out of the bureaucratic rule book to ensure you are registered on the Spanish tax system. I have never heard of the police stopping and checking any EU national for any residency documents and I have never heard of an EU national being deported for either not registering or in fact refusing to register. I also have never heard what if any benefit the EU national gains other than old timers healthcare by registering. However because we are posting on a forum you are likely to get the Ronnie Rulebooks telling you it is the law and you must register. Of course Ronnie would stand on the kitchen table upside down if told to by the authorities.

I very much doubt in reality no matter what happens, resident or not, any British will be deported from Spain. The country is skint and needs every brass farthing it can get its hands on. Why would Desperate Dan expel spenders?.


This message was last edited by angeleyes1 on 30/12/2018.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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30 Dec 2018 7:48 PM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 posts Send private message

Hi Angeleyes 1

Fact - non residents are only allowed to stay a max of 183 days (in a year) after which the police can and will levy a massive fine. Apparently at the moment there is a waiting list to get residency and even if I were to apply now I wouldnt get an appointment until May!  What I was pointing out was that some of my friends (Spanish, Cypriot and French) do not have to leave the country after 183 days (in a year) so why are we being penalised. When we are in Spain which is 90% of my time I spend my money in the local supermarket and the local garage, I pay my wealth tax every year but in order to stay I have to become a resident or I will not be entitled to their health service. That does nt  happen to my friends here in the UK and it is only occasionally that they have to show their ID.

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30 Dec 2018 8:40 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1950 posts Send private message

Anthomo ..what you described in your post the unfairness right across the EU with different rules and different membership Fee's  for every country ...that is a member of the same club it's crazy business in the private sector would allow this .

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30 Dec 2018 8:50 PM by Jarvi Star rating in Halifax UK and Sucin.... 755 posts Send private message

Boring zzzzzzzzzz

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31 Dec 2018 1:33 PM by CostaBlade Star rating in Riviera. 114 posts Send private message

"Fact - non residents are only allowed to stay a max of 183 days (in a year) after which the police can and will levy a massive fine. Apparently at the moment there is a waiting list to get residency and even if I were to apply now I wouldnt get an appointment until May!  What I was pointing out was that some of my friends (Spanish, Cypriot and French) do not have to leave the country after 183 days (in a year) so why are we being penalised. When we are in Spain which is 90% of my time I spend my money in the local supermarket and the local garage, I pay my wealth tax every year but in order to stay I have to become a resident or I will not be entitled to their health service. That does nt  happen to my friends here in the UK and it is only occasionally that they have to show their ID".


I live in spain and we Brit's often say the Spanish are lazy when actually i think the British (authorities) are the lazy ones.

We are in the Spanish health system as we are residents, we are also still in the UK health system as they have not removed us from our UK doctors files, my wife recently went back to the UK and visited her doctor, they had no idea that we now live in Spain and should have used our EHIC card when needing treatment back in the UK - lazy or what!

I could quote other incidents where when we have visited the UK the authorities have no idea we are now resident in Spain.

As far as politicians go they run the country(s) based on the population having no brains and they (the politicians) know what is best for us, just look at the way Brexit is being conducted, some politicians saying we  (the electorate) didn't understand what we were voting for and Brexit should be stopped as they know best!! pure arrogance!! maybe if some of them left their ivory towers and went out to speak to ordinary people they might learn something - but they won't because they don't need to - they already know what is good for us!!


This message was last edited by CostaBlade on 31/12/2018.

This message was last edited by CostaBlade on 31/12/2018.

This message was last edited by CostaBlade on 31/12/2018.

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31 Dec 2018 3:00 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1950 posts Send private message

Currently the UK does not have National identity Card... MPs had a vote on a NID card a few years back..and decided against it maybe it's time for a rethink on the matter.

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31 Dec 2018 5:21 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar


 ‘’Fact - non residents are only allowed to stay a max of 183 days (in a year) after which the police can and will levy a massive fine.’’

Can you give me a link to any newspaper report over the last 40 years where a non resident has received a massive fine? Or in fact any fine?

Windtalker maybe we should have a referendum on ID cards. The government could charge £85 the same as a passport, we could set up a printers and sell to the government for £40, they would only cost max £2 to produce. Everyone’s a winner.

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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01 Jan 2019 11:57 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1950 posts Send private message

The latest scare mongering from the EU that the Spanish Iberian air lines are going to be grounded in March 2019...reason for this is that it is owned by UK  majority shareholder's and not by Spain /EU member .....can you imagine what would happen to the worldwide stock markets if the EU done this a collapse of the stock market would mean that no country outside the EU  would  invest in any company that was in the European Union.. why do they bother printing this crap.



This message was last edited by windtalker on 01/01/2019.

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01 Jan 2019 12:28 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar

There may be some truth in this with potential benefits. Micky has already told us that if we leave the EU the UK stock market will collapse to zero and your pension will not be worth a carrot. Plus the UK will go bankrupt and be unable to feed and clothe itself. The benefit will be no more immigration of any kind, in fact the park lake rowing boats will go missing with foreigners trying to reach Calais. 

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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01 Jan 2019 1:07 PM by anthomo16 Star rating. 104 posts Send private message

Angel eyes only one reply to yours to me and that is "tosh" we will survive always have always will just look at history

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01 Jan 2019 1:26 PM by angeleyes1 Star rating in Camposol & Bradford. 403 posts Send private message

angeleyes1´s avatar


Seems you have misread my post. I was only pointing out what another well informed member has persistently told us since the word BREXIT was invented. But of course he could be making it up.

Anyway we are still waiting for your many links unless you are also making things up.

‘’Can you give me a link to any newspaper report over the last 40 years where a non resident has received a massive fine? Or in fact any fine?’’

When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.

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01 Jan 2019 5:31 PM by Petercy Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

Hello to all, new "poster" here.

Grateful for any well informed Brexiteer who can give this remainer valid reasons for the UK leaving Europe.

¡Look forward to comments and assurances it's going to be really good for us Brits!

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01 Jan 2019 6:11 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1310 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

Hello Peter and a warm welcome to EOS.

There were many reasons but most people are not sure if any were valid, it all depends on ones opinion and beliefs which at the moment are all unproven and total guesswork.

17,410,742 voted leave that was 51.9% of the vote.

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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01 Jan 2019 6:20 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1950 posts Send private message

Petercy..if you are looking for a valid reason to leave the EU ...have look at London with new years greeting's in 7 different language's.could this be why London the so called capital of England voted to Remain in the EU.

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