Why the bitterness?

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31 Oct 2021 2:32 PM by GranadaTostada Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Having spent a few weeks in Spain recently in a small pueblo, a reocurring theme kept cropping up with the vast majority of brit residents I had the misfortune to end up in converstaion with whilst rellxing on my own in bar or restaurant etc.

I'd be interested to open up a discussion with others' views on this matter

The Bitter Brit in Spain

So many seem so bitter towards Britain. It seems to be a certain kind of brit (that we are familiar with) The ones who, one suspect has had to leave the uk for whatever reason (usually some calamatous lifestyle catching up with them). You know the thing - money troubles, relationship breakdowns, cant hold down jobs, several unsupported kids. It seems like spain attracts this sort like a magnet.

It seems their need and obsession to lambast britain at any iopportunity is a defence mechanism because they have been forced to  burn their bridges and cant go back even if they wanted. It seems to be a 'birds of a feather' syndrome in many of the sad, ghetto type bars that each of these pueblos seem to have.

There seems to be another type of british expat though who seems to have a more rounded view of the merits of both countries. I deduced that the one thing this second group had in common - is that one wouldnt refer to them as 'losers' - like the bar-fly types clearly appear to be. They tend to have worked hard and planned for a comfortable life in Spain - and dont seem to be haters of much at all. 

Another 'loser' trait seems to be the total inability (or desire) to learn even the most basic spanish.

These people appear shocked that someone like myself, whilst liking Spain, doesnt want to ever live there full-time. when questioned 'why?' I reply that I have a great life in the UK Extremely comfortable financially, modern, comfortabel warm home and a superb standard of living - and free to travel where I want (covid permitting). they think nothing then of lambasting my choice. Oh the irony when a San Miguel soaked chain-smoking bore aged 70 - who can only afford to rent a damp pueblo townhouse - gives me a lesson in living!

Are these people for real in their bitterness, or is it, as it appears to me, a defence mechanism to deflect from their inability to make a success of their life?

I'm sure you've all met them. Apologies if you are one of them.


This message was last edited by GranadaTostada on 10/31/2021.

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31 Oct 2021 3:48 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1310 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

Hello Grandad  

Perhaps it would be advisable to keep your personal opinions to yourself. We all have to show tolerance and learn to live amongst our fellow human beings. 

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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31 Oct 2021 5:13 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

Grandad Tostada...I agree with you 100% on everything you have written ..I have owned a villa in Spain for 16 year's and have been asked the same questions as yourself many times over the years...the Brit's that  seem to be running the UK down tend to rent and work in the low paid sector when you asked them a question about themselves they come across as being quite poor living in Spain.. fortunately for Spain this type of person from the UK has come to an abrupt end due to BREXIT and EU entry requirements  being that you need €30,000 per couple per year and a private health insurance plan to live in Spain...you are also not permitted to work in Spain to supplement your life style... within 5 year's you are going to see some big changes in the type of person that wants to live/ retire in Spain... with more affluent people replacing the poor Brit's .





This message was last edited by windtalker on 10/31/2021.

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01 Nov 2021 9:49 AM by GranadaTostada Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Dear Cadaver

I think you protest to much. Indeed I suspect you are said british bar-room bore

And what with all the posts here? Over 1,000!


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01 Nov 2021 10:03 AM by GranadaTostada Star rating. 10 posts Send private message


Thanks - I didn't think it could just be me.

Thank goodness the trash have had the barriers erected re admission to Spain. I'm embarrasssed when I speak with my Spanish neighbours about this sort. They are held in very low esteem owing to their tendancy to restrict themselves solely to activities that involve celebrating life with alcohol.

The ones who eek out a living (cash in hand obvs) seem to have reinvented thmeslelves on landing in Spain (rather like Stars in their eyes) and it's a caser of 'Tonight, Matthew, I'm going to be a builder!' Their real skills limit them to cleaning/keyholder/painting big outside walls/digging trenches/moving rubbish.

All for cash (beer vouchers)

Every loser-brit in Spain appears to be a multi-talented genius - yet their funds only stretch to a one-bed rented townhouse structure of dubious quality. 

They don't know who the Spanish PM is - but do know the cost of a bottle of beer in every bar in town - to the actual cent. They cant hold a conversation with any spanish neighbours, but know how to order beer/wine G&T etc etc.

In drunken moments (often), and if you're unlucky enough to be their unwilling audience they bemoan their bad luck in Britain (hey, I coulda been a contender...)

They pat themselves n the back upon learning a new spanish word. This new word will also have some connection with bars and alcohol by the way. Ok, the gender will be wrong - but hey - what do you expect? As I heard on my last day recently from a 25 year immigrant veteran sozzled in Soberano... 'la cuento por favor'.

His little face was a picture - so happy with himself. I didnt correct him - as I said - free entertainment.

In the end, I decided to see them as free entertainment - a kind of reverse role model for any ambitious youngster to use as a reference point.

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01 Nov 2021 11:02 AM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Well GranadaTostada, you certainly seem to have met a lot of, in your own words 'Trash' Brits seemly all in the area you live in, although I am at a loss with how my country has, and is turning out to be, when in Spain I don't get to meet these types of people you speak of, it seems like you are going out of your way to search them out, or these types are finding you, can't quite work that out either. Never the less, the Brits you mention I don't find at all, sure many are fed up with as I said the way England in heading, but hey ho each to his own I suppose.

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01 Nov 2021 12:43 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

Nope, haven't met those people you are talking about. I have met many loud-mouth know it alls, up their own backside Brits who think they are better than others. Decry people trying to make a better life for themselves and tell everyone all that is wrong with Spain yet still come over, buy property (obviously a better class of property than the low lifes) and proceed to bore all and sundry with their made-up stories of how successful they are back home.

Luckily I seem to live in an area where the houses are nice, despite having quite a lot of British people living here. Where people join in with the community and run animal shelters, charity shops, local theatre groups and so on. 

In fact, in the three places I've lived in in Spain I haven't come across the low lifes that seem to infect Granada. Maybe he attracts them with pontificating and generalisation of his countrymen. 

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01 Nov 2021 1:12 PM by GranadaTostada Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Thanks for your contributuions folks. These things are often like an auction - where a  gentle prod is neeed to get people to come out and play!

mariedev and baz...surely youve been walking around with your eyes closed? I must have been to the majority of pueblos and costa resorts in Andalucia over the last 20 years - and this species that I refer to exists everywhere.

Maybe its only in Andalucia? Then again....probably not!

I can undestand your defence of my observations by pretending it doesn't exist - thats a positive trait in a way (loyalty). I didnt say everyone falls into that bracket though - perhaps you do - perhaps you dont. I agree there are many decent people from Britain in Spain (the majority) it's just the self-inflicted penny-pinching bitter bores that drag thee places down in my opinion. Thankfully, now money is needed to settle, their numbers will dwindle gradually.

Every town/coast resort  I have visited has it's ghetto zones and bars. Populated by  certain tpe of brit - all with the same traits as each other. 

To the 2 of you however, as with many comments in life - if the cap fits - wear it!

Please let me know whereabouts in Spain you are located - I can then visit there safe inthe knowledge it's a 'bitter-brit- free zone'.

Thanks again for both your contributions, and have a good day.

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01 Nov 2021 1:12 PM by GranadaTostada Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Thanks for your contributuions folks. These things are often like an auction - where a  gentle prod is neeed to get people to come out and play!

mariedev and baz...surely youve been walking around with your eyes closed? I must have been to the majority of pueblos and costa resorts in Andalucia over the last 20 years - and this species that I refer to exists everywhere.

Maybe its only in Andalucia? Then again....probably not!

I can undestand your defence of my observations by pretending it doesn't exist - thats a positive trait in a way (loyalty). I didnt say everyone falls into that bracket though - perhaps you do - perhaps you dont. I agree there are many decent people from Britain in Spain (the majority) it's just the self-inflicted penny-pinching bitter bores that drag thee places down in my opinion. Thankfully, now money is needed to settle, their numbers will dwindle gradually.

Every town/coast resort  I have visited has it's ghetto zones and bars. Populated by  certain tpe of brit - all with the same traits as each other. 

To the 2 of you however, as with many comments in life - if the cap fits - wear it!

Please let me know whereabouts in Spain you are located - I can then visit there safe inthe knowledge it's a 'bitter-brit- free zone'.

Thanks again for both your contributions, and have a good day.

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01 Nov 2021 2:00 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Okay GranadaTostada, you asked for it, and no playing from me. I up to a week or so ago owned 3 houses in Spain sold one recently, all are and have been in the Punta Prima area, hundreds of Brits and other nationalities, and also nope eyes wide open, most of the time anyway. My mate lives in an area called St Luis, many Brits in and around and the one's I have spoken to do not have any bad feelings or grudges like you seem to be able to find about England and the people. I personally have no defence of anyone, if I find someone who downs many things like you do, I either walk away or ignore them a little. I have traveled to many places in the world and yes many have ghetto areas and such like, but I have, unlike you it seems, not stayed in them to long to make an opinion of them, and for sure never really did meet that many certain types of Brits living in them, mostly different people of the world who live in them. As said I know mostly of my own place Punta Prima, I don't live their but go as much as I can, I live in England Essex Suffolk border, surrounded by whinging bitter drinking Brits who hate the place and can't wait to move to Spain so they can fit it better. To sum you up, you are either a very sad lonely bitter person, or a wind up merchant who has come onto this forum for what ever reasons best known to yourself. Here is some advice for you, I have been to the worst SSSSS holes in the world with my past career, you search them out, stay a while, then come back on here moaning about Brits.

This message was last edited by baz1946 on 11/1/2021.

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01 Nov 2021 3:02 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

You can all try and rundown Granada Tostada post ...but you have got to admit we have a lot of very undesirable Brit's living on their whit's in Spain ...that Spain could well do without .

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01 Nov 2021 3:27 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1310 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

Windy, there are also quite a few undesirable Brits living in the UK, what do you think we should do with them all?

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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01 Nov 2021 4:10 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Personally I think he's doing a great job of running himself down by only meeting with the sort he meets up with.

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01 Nov 2021 4:23 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

Kavanagh... luckily for Spain that the BREXIT will stop all of the crap of the UK turning up in Spain Ducking and Diving there way whilst in Spain.. unfortunately for the UK as we have to put up with these people ..but atleast is only home grown crap that the UK has to endure.. now that we can refuse entry to the crap of the EU... coming to sponge of state benefits system apparently we have in the UK 840,000 EU citizens living and claiming the Dole in the UK..and they supposedly came to the UK looking for a job and won't work in our factories or farms... whilst our crops are rotting the fields.


This message was last edited by windtalker on 11/1/2021.

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01 Nov 2021 4:43 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

You will never stop people from doing jobs or work cash in hand no matter how rich they are, Spain also has its fair share of Spanish people who will work for cash in hand. The 840,000 EU citizens sponging of the UK state, does this include the boat chaps who also are getting UK handouts...In a big way, and not being thrown out in any great amounts, but are coming in still, in great amounts.

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01 Nov 2021 5:39 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

Baz1946 ...No it doesn't take into account the illegal imegrants coming from France across the English channel... the figure of 840,000 is for unemployed  EU citizens claiming the Dole in the UK...this is something that the Remainers seem to be keeping quiet about...I wonder why...when Borris put the 350 million per week saving on that big red Bus by leaving the EU..I don't think he factored in that it was going to be spent on unemployed EU citizens claiming the Dole in the UK ...and not the NHS.





This message was last edited by windtalker on 11/2/2021.

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02 Nov 2021 12:01 PM by GranadaTostada Star rating. 10 posts Send private message


It would be easier to follow your points if your writing was easier on the eye - and actually made sense in many parts. We all make errors, but yours are so extreme that it detracts from what you are trying to say (just some constructive feedback baz)

You seem to have taken the huff and appear to feel I'm lambasting every Brit out there. I actuall say that the vast majority are fine. My initial gripe was about the prevalence of the ones who are clearly running away from problems in the UK - but soon discover that they themselves are the problem.

Spain just seems like a 'go-to' venue for these sorts...that's all I was saying. they also tend to be trashy sorts too. FACT.

People like you baz are difficult (and pointless) to debate with. You clearly have a closed mind - hence your posts that simply contradict all I say - and exagerate my points to support your stance. I won't be dragged down to your level - because you will clearly have the edge over me experience-wise.

I expect you'll come back with your claws sharpened - for another pop 


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02 Nov 2021 12:49 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Yes my posts are quite, how would you say in a block perhaps, for some reason they stopped letting me put sentences into paragraphs and space them out, can't find out why, it is very annoying, perhaps you could help me with this. No I don't have to huff with you or anyone, and yes it does seem that you are lambasting every Brit you met, remember even you do not know the background of every Brit you met, but sure did tar them all with the same brush. I do not have a closed mind set, read your own first post again then tell me if every Brit you seemed to meet were okay, because you certainly put your point over clearly that they were all trash. If these Brits you met are trashy then surely you have clearly compared them all only to your high standards, people are not all the same and for very different reasons. Glad you find me difficult and pointless to debate with, you already beat me to my level with your comments about the friends you keep.

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02 Nov 2021 2:13 PM by Kavanagh Star rating in Oil Drum Lane Newcas.... 1310 posts Send private message

Kavanagh´s avatar

Grandad and Windy

Yes, some Brits may be scum, but you do not know their background. Maybe born into poverty, child abuse, or mental health issues, just try to remember ‘’THERE FOR THE GRACE OF GOD GO I’’.

There is enough in the world for everyone, but not enough for the greedy!

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03 Nov 2021 7:08 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

I don't have a problem in what I said..but one thing I can assure you of is that you definitely have a US and  THEM from the British that live in Spain as full time residents..US BEING THE FULL TIMERS AND THEM BEING HOLIDAY HOME OWNERS.

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