Hi Noreen
We had the same problem with our first Administrator four years ago, so I speak from experience. Firstly to call an E.G.M. (Emergency general meeting) without the consent of your President (you out there correct me if I am wrong please) you will need 25 % of your Community to back you, and that is 25% who are fully paid up with their Community charges.
If your President would like to dismiss the Administrators he/she can call the E.G.M. without the need to consult or the backing of the other owners, but this I would say is not advised. E.G.M´s cost money and conflict and I avoid them like the plague, if you have one planned for June then get this subject on the agenda, because if it is not on the agenda it can be discussed but not voted on.
I would imagine that your Administrators are under contract, and it would be wise to check this as you may end up paying for two Administrators if you dismiss them before the contract ends. Usually the contract will run for a year, and may be dated on the date of the Annual General Meeting you had in March. If this is the case then let them know you are considering a change, in fact give them notice that you intend not to re-employ them, there is always the chance then that they will "perform" as you wish
Our first Administrator sent out proxy voting forms already filled in with his name to stand proxy for those owners (the majority) who could not attend the E.G.M. held to get rid of them, luckily one of our owners spotted it and faxed it back to me so we sent out our own invitations to the E.G.M. He then insisted on at least 51% of owners agreeing to this motion (we had 75%) under some section of the Horizontal Property Law, but when asked could not produce the section he was quoting on.
What I am saying Noreen is that you may have a fight on your hands and they may play dirty if they want to hang on to your Urbanisation, unless like out second Administrators who actually bucked their ideas up when they realised they were on their way out. , alas too late!
There will be some excellent advice on this site and I wish you every success.