The Comments |
Tonymal getting facts and truth wrong again ! Trying to confuse purchasers with nonsense and false information.Not unusual for him or SARC ! What is the problem Tony are you worried the developers wont like these petitionsand that they may well inform the judges and authorities of the true situation something the developers and their administraters have failed to do ?
I think most already know there are 2 different petitions Suzie but thanks for clarifying.If you have a look on the SADM thread you will see that Tonymal (SARC ) rubbish the idea of petitions and discourage purchasers from signing ,they have their own pie in the sky agenda and can see no other option but their own. I am pleased to say most have ignored them and have signed but it would not harm to clarify on the SADM thread just in case. Thanks for all you and Ruth are doing. Regards JA
Thanks Julie Anne. I'm just a little anxious that some won't sign, as they think it doesn't apply to them. I will try & keep a closer eye on all the threads - just wish there were more hours in the day!
These two petitions are so important, and may be our best chance yet to make our voices heard. Many thanks for your support.
Regards from Suzanne
Hi Suzie Is it worth while posting the petition details on resident threads like El Pinet/Playa golf etc for them to sign after all they are all caught up in this as well regards half finished sites and the utilities issues just a thought . JA
Many thanks for that clarification........ I too have been confused by these 2 petitions and who they are aimed at.
Would it be worthwhile starting a new thread titled for instance "IMPORTANT PETITION ALERT FOR ALL EOS MEMBERS" explaining what you have just done to dispel the confusion and then all potential members will see details of both petitions from the General Spain Forum? For a limited time could Justin highlight it as members enter the EOS site to direct people to this new thread do you think, as time is of the essence here? Only a thought!
This message was last edited by ads on 1/27/2009.
Hi All
Ads mentioned the BG petition and that is the one i was refering to .If there is another petition as mentioned by Suzie about non developemt specific problems, then great it could help purchasers feelings and possibly do more than that.
However ,the key point is and I am sure that every one around the world is well aware of it, the credit crunch. What we need is for the banks to stop hoarding their funds and not permiting commerce to take place. They will make no profits without commercial activity taking place and as much as some may not like it, I and others truly believe that SADM is still a good project. legal, foundations in, new motor way link, fantastic location (away from the concrete deserts) and all we need is for the banks to give back the line of credit that they removed.
All the best to you all and good luck to every one
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 1/27/2009.
Give me strength somebody - please. Once again I will post the information for a couple of people who seem to have trouble understanding.
There are 2 Petitions:
The one started by Ruth is purely for those who have legally binding Bank Guarantees, but who find that the banks are refusing to honour them. It will be sent to the Governor of the Bank of Spain. This petition can be signed at: I believe it will close at the end of January.
There is another Petition which aims to cover all problems with property abuses in Spain, and also welcomes supportive signatures, even if they have no property problems. It will be going to Gordon Brown PM at No. 10, and also to the EU in Brussels. Another couple of weeks (appx) left to sign this one: This Petition has been running since May 2007, to be presented in the coming weeks. By the way, a Lawyer Complaints Document is also being compiled alongside this Petition, as highlighted on the website.
The credit crunch is not the 'key point' here, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the problems that both petitions are highlighting. Criminal Acts, Corruption & Fraud are the Key Points!
The property abuses/scandals in Spain started years ago, are still carrying on, and ruining peoples lives. Most of us know this though, so I'll get back to the job in hand.
I wonder why it is the job of creditors, like Tony and others, to pre-occupy themselves with the possibility of finance and global affairs? Is it a kind of frustrated businessman trying to get out?
The builder in question here.....has had many years of fallow to deliver housing, they didnt because they are not bothered about their customers.
Thats one of the reassons they will not get credit. Even if the banks were lending, the sadm site would be down the queue...because its too big, too difficult and the builder driving the project do not get it right, they are not very good.
Add to that the downright disgusting way that housing is delivered to the market in has too many fingers meddling in the system want ing to make a fast buck.................end winners
Best wishes, Brian
So sorry to cause frustration for my ignorance on the specific petitions Suzie, but for those who tap in and out of this forum on a less regular basis (or for those who only tend to look to their own development thread) it hasn't been immediately obvious, so I was only trying to capture the attention of those like me who had been under the false impression that there was only one petition that related to Bank Guarantees. I only happened upon this particular thread by chance to be honest........ as it didn't relate directly to our circumstance.
Anyway I don't want to distract you any longer from the job in hand so good luck with all your endeavours.
No problem ads.
I've just taken the liberty of looking at some of your previous posts & can see you raised questions about the whole issue of Bank Guarantees and the fact that most of us have never had one, so can well understand the confusion now. Unfortunately, you weren't totally filled in with the relevant info etc at the time by some who were posting about just one petition.
Many thanks for your support.
Hi All,
I am glad that there is going to be a lawyer complaints addition,unfortunately it will probably have little impact on our situation but could help future purchasers .
However,the credit cruch is an issue, I am sorry, so I beg to differ and think quite a lot of other people would do the same.
One of the problems with the Spanish property market is the way that developements are funded and being reliant upon lines of credit from the banks for the work to take place. The problem for SADM was caused by the bank withdrawing the line of credit for the build. Now this is not isolated just to construciton or to Spain, the same problem is hitting other countries and sectors of industry. Why are rescue packages being drawn up for the car industry by creating a line of credit for the purchase of cars in the UK?
The real problem that we have is the failure of confidence in the banking sector, they have been daft and thrown money around and yes they lost some. Now they are almost in a catatonic state unable to function and worried about lending money but still wanting to make a profit. The only way they can make a profit is for commerce to take place, so we should really be putting pressure on the banks to reinstate the lines of credit and let us buy our properties.
Let us not forget that the build at SADM has been done legally and it is not an illegal build, plus the new motorway link to Jumilla is now being built.
All the best
Tony R17 18
This message was last edited by TonyMal on 1/28/2009.
Hello All,
Banco Pastor has finnally start to pay the bankguarantees (it has been necessary to sue them but...) I have had no time to read the posts of the forum so I'm not sure if you were already informed.
Good Luck
Salvador Manzano (solicitor) +34 968 284 766
Whilst wishing you all every success the fact that a petition is going to Gordon B is a shame, a shame for all those who actually took the time to read and complete it, this is the man who has never admitted he is wrong who truly believes we dont have that much of a problem!
Nobody plans to fail, many fail to plan, sadly the result is the same.
Personally I cant get my head around the fact that our original Agent (Ambasun) and original Lawyer (PSI) are still able to carry on with their businesses either.
What a mess. Spain will only notice what is happening this summer when their tourists dont arrive in their droves and later on when nobody wants to buy their houses.
Regards Chrissie
Any one in any doubt about how unscrupulous SJ are read the latest news at
What a mess the good people of El Pinet are having to sort out for themselves .SJ have not kept their side of the bargain and have left residents high and dry . Residents have put up with a building site for nearly 5 years is this just reward for their patience and support of SJ . MM
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
Hi guys,
I'm new to this forum, although not new to San Jose!!
We have a property at El Pinet, which we have luckily been able to enjoy over the last few years. Unfortunately as everyone knows the site is unfinished and in limbo.
Has anyone got any more news on how their sites are or are not going?
San Jose do not have the finance to finish El Pinet
How long is a piece of string comes to mind
I must add that San Jose's money (our money really and others that have been robbed) is all tied up in land that is over priced and useless for building on and therefore no one wants to buy from them, and as it is the selling of these lands to help fund the building is the reason why i say "how long is a piece of string"
I know exactly what you mean. It's probably not just the land even- I think that SJ are very clever at moving their money to other places.
We are now apparently having the problem of SJ starting to say that it is now down to the residents "committee" to organise and pay for the upkeep of the swimming pools etc. Not sure exactly what the situation is, so forgive me if this info is incorrect. But it definately wouldn't surprise me. What does surprise me is that they have been keeping the pools maintained for so long!!
Finally we have had access to extremely relevant information about “San Jose Inversiones y Proyectos Urbanísticos”, which was being covered up to now.
San Jose and the Financing Entity SOCIEDAD DE GARANTIA RECIPROCA (SGR) signed a “generic” Bank Guarantee policy, with no specifications about for which resort was released the guarantee. In fact SGR issued bank guarantees not only for buyers of the development “El Pinet”, but also for buyers of “Playa Golf”. This means that SGR and the builder decided arbitrarily which deposits were covered and which weren’t.
The existence of this “generic” policy entitles any buyer who bought in one of the “San Jose Inversiones y Proyectos Urbanísticos” to claim SGR liability, even if the individual Bank Guarantee wasn’t given to him/her, pursuant to the article 1.2 of the Act 57/1968.
San Jose’s Meeting of Creditors is almost complete, because the Agreement with the creditors was recently approved. But this is not an obstacle for the buyers to bring an action against SGR and claim for the refund of their deposits. You can find further information about the grounds of the case on this blog (post banks’ liability to refund deposits to buyers).