San Jose into liquidation.

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30 May 2008 3:38 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message


I think the whole planning and building process in Spain needs an upheaval.

The commercial aspect of builders 'imaginative' developments and the ease of sellers marketing properties to people as a 'nice place to live and easy lifestyle' seems in direct opposition to what Spanish Councils/regionals will agree and allow.

I think there is a real need for some joined up working in good old Espana before the market will be a proper one.  Otherwise its a death knoll for Spanish builders......there are plenty of other places to go now.

Shame tho....i would have loved to have my place on a golf course, from my deposit nearly 5 years ago.....i dont really want to know about licences etc, thats a job for professionals


Best wishes, Brian


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30 May 2008 3:54 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Lifeoverseas,
I am sure that you have the best intentions at heart.....

I will let a few people into a little secret concerning bank guarantees...............
when the agent sells a development they get paid a commission from the builder(i think we all know this).
Because bank guarantees have to be paid for by the developer,  based on how much is to be guaranteed and how long a period this will be will covered for, the developers do not like doing it,basically because it costs them a percentage of the monies guaranteed by the bank and can be quite expensive,so,when an agent tellls a client VERBALLY that they will get a bank guarantee and it does NOT appear it is because the developer has threatened to take the cost out of the agents commission................
Funnily enough the agent says "bugger this" and nobody pays for it and it does not get issued.
It MUST state in your contract that bank guarantee is issued.verbal does not count.

I hope that lets people understand at least WHY they do not get issued............

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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30 May 2008 7:04 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 posts Send private message

Hi All,
I could read your entries from work but due to our inflexible firewall i could not post a comment but I can now!

Alarmred and Georgia you have both crossed the line today and I am glad that you are not part of the SADM community. I will say no more than that.

Briando55 , i really do hope that Albetera is now going to go ahead and you get your house. I wish you well.

I found it very interseting that what I have stated all along about the Administrators and the properties has been supported by a firm of solicitors plus that another person collabrated the information regarding the licences for SADM with the town hall.  I did put the contact details on the site so any one could 'phone and some one did. Excellent. Thank you for your excellent input, i am sure that we all appreciate your time and efforts on our behalfs.

Good news that the tide is turning and people should now see that " I want my House" is a credible and realistic approach to a short term problem.  But we still need to gather a larger body to influence the administrators and the SADM time scale.

What a difference a week makes!

i want my House
Tony   R17 18

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30 May 2008 7:52 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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If speaking the truth is crossing the line then so be it.
I am also glad that i am not part of the SADM community,i dont think i could cope with the stress.
Maybe its coincidence but SAD......M seems rather ironic.
A puzzled............

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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30 May 2008 8:05 PM by lindacosta Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Hi Georgia,

I know it's really easy to get frustrated when a situation gets out of your control but you are directing your frustrations at the wrong people. Additionally, I don't know where you get your information from.
I have never had a developer "threaten" to take money out of my commission to issue a bank guarantee to a client of mine.
I can also assure you that if a developer did "threaten" to do this; first of all, if it was an option between paying or my client not getting the guarantee, I would choose to pay. No company that is in this business for the long haul wants to see their clients in a hole if it can be prevented.
Additionally, I can assure you that a developer who would deploy these tactics with me and the clients I represent would be waving an instant good bye to any future business from me.
Think about it logically for an instant. I don't know what you do for a living but I'm sure that whatever it is; if you are in a position to choose to do business with whomever does business in a way that you feel is correct. you wouldn't choose to do business with people or companies that threaten you or withdraw money at source once you've done business with them for providing something that is their legal obligation to provide.
You may be angry with the company that you bought from but that does not mean you can tar everybody in the industry with the same brush.

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30 May 2008 8:18 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

Gillespie´s avatar
Has anyone here been paid out through a bank guarantee?

Nearly 9 years in the industry and I´ve never met anyone who has.

Back in 2000, when first started in the industry, I worked directly for a local developer. They offered the buyers 2000€ discount if they didn´t take up the offer of guarantee.  I never had a british client who didn´t take the discount. A German colleague on the site never had a German client who didn´t take the bank guarantee.

It tells you something about us Brits, if they can do it on the cheap they will.  If they can do without a lawyer they will. 

Trawl the internet in your best German keywords and see how many German language Spanish property forums like this and others exist out there. 


Business advice and consultancy - Visit

Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.

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30 May 2008 8:24 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Sorry gilespie i dont get your point

Have you any evidence of guarantees not being paid.....if so when


Best wishes, Brian


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30 May 2008 8:24 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 posts Send private message

It is unfortunate the you fail to comprehend what I mean. Your anguished anger reflects upon you badly and does you no good. 
I want my House
Tony R17 18

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30 May 2008 8:25 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi Linda,
Estate agent for 18 years 5 of them in Spain,was trying to help and make people aware of some of the reasons for their predicament,i have forgotten more about the real estate industry than some so called agents pretend to know,ask any of my clients if they ever bought antwhere without bank guaranrtee or license approved.
i never bought off San jose or sold from San Jose,a decision based on experience and gut feeling.

I will leave you guys to it,you obviously all know more than i can offer you...................


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30 May 2008 8:29 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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You have totally misread my posts,i have no reason to be angry,i haven't lost anything,i was trying to fight the corner of the people who were mislead.
My posts are from experience in Spain and knowledge of the market,as i say i will leave you all to it.............

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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30 May 2008 8:30 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Hi Georgia

Thanks for the posting and i am sorry your 18 years as a professional, 5 of them in Spain has not improved the overall experience of buying for me.

I can only hope the industry is blessed with people who can make the improvements needed, as soon as possible.


Best wishes, Brian


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30 May 2008 8:41 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

Gillespie´s avatar
Quote briando55 - "Sorry gilespie i dont get your point  Have you any evidence of guarantees not being paid.....if so when"


You  clearly don´t get my point briando55!  - I asked that question, you are supposed to find me the evidence!!!


Business advice and consultancy - Visit

Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.

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30 May 2008 8:52 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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i only came online to book my mate a train ticket to santander,halfway through a bottle of wine so i think i may leave this one for another day.................

Briando- i am sorry too but unfortuately i am not a caped crusader or henry the mild mannered janitor so i guess the system will have to rely on more powerful people than me to change it,i will just continue to do my best to beat it....

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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30 May 2008 8:57 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Lol  thanks Georgia...enjoy the wine can anyone have cashed in a bankkguarantee after the administrators have just sat.....what you want mate a revolving

Thanks for you two for stirring it up but i just had a laff in the end.


Best wishes, Brian


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01 Jun 2008 7:18 PM by Abolex Star rating in Andalucia - Murcia -.... 136 posts Send private message

Abolex´s avatar
Hi Georgia,
SAN JOSE has only filed for voluntary administration so far.
It has not even been processed yet by Courts.
After this procces is over, then liquidation may come... or not.

Martin de La Herran Sabick Abogado / Lawyer (reg. 851 Jerez)

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03 Jun 2008 10:41 AM by PLUSADVISORS Star rating in Torrevieja. 7 posts Send private message

 Hi there,

Please note that we have discovered that the amount of some of our clients, creditors included already in the list, is not exactly correct. There is a 7% missing. We presume it has to do with the IVA / VAT, something that would not have any sense. We are trying to know more about this but at the moment, those included already in the creditors list, please check the amounts before taking any further steps.


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03 Jun 2008 10:49 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Hi Plus advisors

Can you confirm if you are speaking of the creditors of San Jose in this post, or not please.



Best wishes, Brian


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03 Jun 2008 11:11 AM by Abolex Star rating in Andalucia - Murcia -.... 136 posts Send private message

Abolex´s avatar
Plus Advisors,

Yes, it is the IVA effect. For whatever reason, this has not been included, which makes no sense, but I am sure this will be corrected by applications of Solicitors representing creditors, which should ask for this.

My information relates to creditors of "Herrada del Tollo" as I have not had access to the list of "San Jose Inversionaes" yet.


Martin de La Herran Sabick Abogado / Lawyer (reg. 851 Jerez)

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03 Jun 2008 4:44 PM by PLUSADVISORS Star rating in Torrevieja. 7 posts Send private message


Good afternoon Abolex and briando55,

The information I have now is only about "San Jose". Although we could have access to the ones of "Herrada del Tollo" if required...anyway, Abolex has that list of this last one, so together we have the whole information...


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03 Jun 2008 4:52 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

Good afternoon

In that case you may be able to assist Abolex with the details of my own deposit, with San Jose.

Could you do that for us please?

Thanks Brian


Best wishes, Brian


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