Parador Problems (I mean Property's)

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30 Mar 2007 10:43 PM by jason2007 Star rating in Kent, plus 1/2 built.... 33 posts Send private message


We used Parador and it's the biggest mistake we made - apart from using the solicitor they recommended.
Work on our property was stopped last year and both Parador and the solicitor refuse to answer my emails and the person dealing with the site is never available. We also found out that although the solicitor told us there was 'no problem' when we asked about the bank guarantee, there was no bank guarantee issued.
We did not take out the after sales package (€700) as they were very pushy, we received 3 letters/application forms and had 4 phone calls virtually telling us we had to take the package.
I would not recommend Parador to anyone, and as many posts on this forum state - never use the solicitor recommended by the agent!



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31 Mar 2007 8:43 AM by Mikenmandy Star rating in Dewsbury, Yorkshire .... 232 posts Send private message

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Would that be ACC?


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02 Apr 2007 2:09 PM by KC60 Star rating in Sunderland / Balsic.... 139 posts Send private message

KC60´s avatar
Hi Everyone
We went with Parador as well, and what a nightmare it’s been from beginning to end.
1.      When we bought the property we were shown a show house, it was beautiful. We asked were all the 2 bed townhouses the same, we were told yes by the Builder and Parador.
That was the 1st mistake. The house turned out to be smaller. We actually noticed when we got home that we had 2 floor plans of 2, 2-bedroom houses, which we thought was strange as they were all meant to be the same.
2.      We were offered a £££££ as a way of Parador saying, ooops we C****D up.
That was the 2nd mistake. They said the person who made the offer  ££££ was no longer with Parador and that they had no records of it. It wasn’t until I made a complaint to the UK head office did this get resolved.
3.      The offer of ££££ was to go against Furniture or Air Con, which was fair enough as we would need both for our house.
That was the 3rd mistake. When we got to Spain to go shopping for Furniture / air con, we were informed by the rep we could only go to 2 stores to buy our things from as they were stores recommended by Parador. We complained but it fell on deaf ears.
4.      As for the solicitors. I tried several times to get information from ours, it wasn’t until I contacted Parador to find out what was wrong, that our solicitor had left the practice several moths earlier, but they forgot to tell us.
In saying all the above what I can say about Parador is their owners club is a waste of time & ££££. Everything you ask them to do takes forever and if it involves ££££ it costs a fortune. When we asked about prices for insurance we were told they only used reputable companies.
We got a quote for B&C insurance from  Parador. It was for 350 euros. We went on the net and found a company in Torrevieja who gave us a quote for 175 euros, for the exact same insurance.
Now I am off my band Box, what I would say even though Parador are CRAP! I also think most of the agents fall into the same category, they all just want to make ££££ from you

Kevin & Corinne,   

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02 Apr 2007 6:04 PM by jason2007 Star rating in Kent, plus 1/2 built.... 33 posts Send private message


no,  los llanos del peral in zurgena.

i've contacted another prospective purchaser and we are going to start attending the exhibitions that parador have and advise people as they enter what a c*ap company they are, dont pay out for the owners club membership and not to use the solicitors parador recommend - or better still not to use parador at all.



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02 Apr 2007 6:43 PM by gail Star rating. 30 posts Send private message

Hi Jason,

Why don't you contact AIPP? See details at:

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03 Apr 2007 5:25 PM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

I just have to post this, I know those of you that are not happy with Parador won't like to reading my praises though!

I DIDN'T buy through them, so have NO knowledge of their sales or after sales.

This is NOT about their competance in the buying procedure...................

One of our EOS members, (who shall remain anonymous), was here in the UK, whilst her partner  was in Spain taking possession of his new home.

She spoke on the phone to him after completion day and found his conversation unusual and worrying.

She e-mailed with me voicing her concerns for his health and I suggested she contact Parador to ask them to go round and see if he was ok.

She did so and immediately, Parador went, forced entry and found him unconcious on the floor and got him help.

He has had a stroke and to complicate things, has now got Pneumonia.

If it was not for Parador and their quick response, goodness knows what would have happened.

I am sure the EOS member will not mind me posting this, I am only highlighting a good thing................

So big thumbs up for Parador on this one.



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03 Apr 2007 7:06 PM by jason2007 Star rating in Kent, plus 1/2 built.... 33 posts Send private message


The AIPP would have to investigate one of it's own directors - Martin Gow (Parador Properties).

I received a reply from Parador today, and they have said that this is a legal issue that i should pursue through my lawyer (highly recommended by Parador) - the same lawyer (Aldea) who initially told me the bank guarantee was in place, only to find out that it was not issued.

Aldea have apparently written a nice letter to the builder asking for a refund. They (Aldea) still haven't answered questions i asked in February.
They refuse to take legal action against the builder and Parador state that the lawyer has told them it is not an offence for the builder not to issue a bank guarantee. I'm not even sure that they are qualified lawyers, I've asked Parador and Aldea for confirmation of qualifications but that's one of the questions that's gone unanswered.



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03 Apr 2007 8:31 PM by gail Star rating. 30 posts Send private message

Hi Jason,

Yes I did know about Parador's involvement with AIPP. All the more reason for them to have to be seen to be investigating a complaint about that company.

Paul Owen would be the person to contact. There was an article in the Daily Mail last week about the AIPP - that newspaper would probably appreciate feedback on the response you receive.


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03 Apr 2007 8:53 PM by JeansSis Star rating. 2376 posts Send private message

JeansSis´s avatar

This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.

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03 Apr 2007 10:12 PM by Mikenmandy Star rating in Dewsbury, Yorkshire .... 232 posts Send private message

04 Apr 2007 11:40 AM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

Yes? Mikenmandy.............

Did you want me for something?!



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04 Apr 2007 1:12 PM by gail Star rating. 30 posts Send private message

Quote from Paul Owen (my underlining);

If they are Members of the AIPP, then they have agreed that they must follow a Code of Conduct and that you can make complaints to us against them. We must then investigate and can take action if a complaint is upheld (fines, suspension, expulsion and compensation).

.... you can make official complaints about any Member if you so wish. We would then have to investigate; again, contact details are below. With non-Members, remember, you do not have that option.

Paul Owen
AIPP, 94 New Bond Street, London W1S 1SJ
Tel: +44 (0)20 7409 7061 Email:
UK Company No: 5677417

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04 Apr 2007 8:33 PM by jason2007 Star rating in Kent, plus 1/2 built.... 33 posts Send private message


I'll try AIPP and contact the Daily Mail with any response i get.

Not holding my breath though!

JeanSis - i contacted Maria a few weeks back. The response from Parador and Aldea has only confirmed that they are not acting in my best interests (what agent recommended lawyer does?)
I'll be changing lawyers shortly.




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05 Apr 2007 1:32 PM by Mikenmandy Star rating in Dewsbury, Yorkshire .... 232 posts Send private message

Mikenmandy´s avatar

Yes Fibby

There was some witty text in there about there being an exception to the rule. I must have hit the braille font, useless old git that I am.

There don't seem to be many thumbs up for Parador, but its not just them is it? Everyone who's taken the money is in the box seat. Once they've got our money its not easy to get it back out of their grubby little hands. Parador recommend lawyers who are not willing to act against the builders be it Polaris or Huma (thats both in our case) and are protected by their own man on the AIPP. It's a nice little closed shop. To quote Jim Hacker (Yes, Prime Minister) they've all got their noses in the same trough, and it's a nice big trough lined with our money.


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05 Apr 2007 5:19 PM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

Hi Mikemandy!

I love your sense of humour - braille font, I haven't heard that one before, so I will steal it now and use it often!

I fully understand the problems people have had with this agent, but once again, people continue to use Lawyers that are recommended by the Agent.

Never, ever a good move!

Always get an independant Lawyer, fine to say now I know, like bolting the stable door after the horse has gone........

I feel for all those who have had problems with this agent and wish you all good luck in getting things ironed out.

Kind regards,



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05 Apr 2007 10:56 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

Karensun´s avatar
We used Parador five years ago when we bought off plan and we used the solicitor they reccommended. The solicitor was wonderful in every area. Parador was no worse and a lot better than some agents. We did not take thier after care package as we thought it too costly especially as we were renting till our apartment was completed. During this rental period of about a year, Parador subsidised our rent as they had agreed at the time of purchase until our property was ready. We did not find them 'pushy' at any stage from the exhibition onwards and they were always helpful and polite, if a little slow ( just like everybody else in Spain!)( Manyana!!) Sorry to hear people have had problems, best to read everything you can ( and then some ) before embarking on a new venture.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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08 Apr 2007 8:12 PM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar

Hi Karensun, welcome to EOS!

Not seen you on here before, glad you had a good report for Parador, most people on here haven't!

Sure I know you from somewhere???!!!!!!




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08 Apr 2007 8:28 PM by jr Star rating. 11 posts Send private message

I used Parador too a year ago and had no problems at all. I also used their after sale service which was quite useful but expensive and not really value for money. They even got involved when I asked them to in problems that arose with the apartment months later, getting on to the builder on my behalf to put the problems right. In fact my purchase was quite straight forward and I would use Parador again.

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08 Apr 2007 8:33 PM by FibbyUK Star rating in UK, Surrey & Playa F.... 2349 posts Send private message

FibbyUK´s avatar


We will get slated on here for being nice about Parador,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!

There are people that have had problems, I didn't use them myself, only posted on here to praise them for helping one of EOS's members in a crisis.

However, we DID use Parador to supply and fit grilles over our front door and windows.

All done quickly, professionally and at an extremely fair price, considering we didn't but through them.




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09 Apr 2007 9:06 AM by blanchy Star rating. 26 posts Send private message

We bought through Parador in April 2005(ACC), and later that year the builders were taken off site, due to the licence problems. We paid the after sales fee, thinking it was a good idea, only to find out we've basically wasted our money(well that's how it appears). We only found out that the builders had gone off site about 6 months after they'd actually gone, and that was only because I was casually looking for info on the net. Parador never contacted me at ANY point to tell me of the situation even though they(or the builders or whoever it was at the time) had £50,000 GBP of my cash! All they did say when I confronted them was to say "in hindsight it would have been better to tell us". DUH, understatement!!! Oh, and they'll "keep us up to date in the future". Well the only info I've got off them is after constantly emailing them or phoning Spain. They don't tend to like replying, and like informing us even less what's going on first hand!

Maybe they'll come into their own when building actually recommences later on this millenium!! We can only hope!!

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