Parador Problems (I mean Property's)

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12 Jun 2007 9:45 AM by hudders Star rating in northampton/LOS ALTO.... 26 posts Send private message

Hola, all  of this is giving me nightmares reguards Paradore, we bought with them in June 06 they took the money for the owners club right away from our account and so far its been an expensive misstake  any chasing its us that has to do it, many times we have rung and asked to speak  to our rep but it allways seems she is either out with clients or as the last time away on holiday no one else seems to be able to deal with her work load, I will say though that the recamended soliciter Dourmas has so far been good and efficient we are due out there next week to applly for our nie number and see what is happening with our Spanish morgage applied for some 5 weeks ago so far no up date from either Paradore or the bank still waiting good luck to everyone who has got through it all best regards Jo & Dave Northampton


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12 Jun 2007 7:44 PM by hudsey Star rating in Hexham, Northumberla.... 120 posts Send private message

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Hi to all.  I turned down the after sales package from Keysol.  It cost £250 to collect and drop us off at the airport and take us to the solicitors, too expensive.  Because I refused package, they wouldn't give me directions, that was until I mentioned it in a passing e-mail to my solicitors. 

I don't think you need it, I'm sure the cost covers the price of the inspection trips. 

Be brave, do it yourself, we did.  If you struggle to find the solicitors or notary, get a taxi, that won't cost you hundreds.  We did a trial run the day before.


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12 Jun 2007 9:39 PM by jr Star rating. 11 posts Send private message

I used Parador and also the solicitor they recommended which was Domus, no problems at all. Their after sales service was poor and if I were to do it again I wouldn't bother with it. When I had problems trying to get the builders to act on the snag list  someone gave me the email address of whom I presume is head of aftersales. I emailed him direct and he acted on it straight away and within days the builders were there. Yet I had been trying for months and they just ignored me. If it's of use to anyone here it is

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12 Jun 2007 10:27 PM by Moggies123 Star rating in Somerset, UK. 6 posts Send private message

Hi Jr,

I can only endorse your comments about contacting Graham Martindale - it was only by getting him to help fight our corner that we got anywhere with Polaris - they were totally intransigent.  Since then our contact in after sales has been helpful whenever we have asked for anything.... but nothing is 'volunteered'.

To give praise when its due, our Parador sales rep was very helpful, pleasant and put no pressure on us to sign up, but other reps may be tougher........ are there any other tales to tell out there?.


  Viv & David, Moggies123

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12 Jun 2007 11:03 PM by Ando Star rating in Wolverhampton/Balsic.... 37 posts Send private message

We bought our property through Parador,we came out in september 2005 and for four days were treated like royalty,we stayed at Campamor Golf in a suite of rooms the rep we had (FEMALE) was great  she took us allaround the area showing us all different properties in various locations,and not once was there any kind of pressure to buy. In fact we came over with no intention of buying at all,but within 2 days we could not resist the temtation to buy.

The only let down was the after sales service when the property was completed it took almost 6 months to complete (next week) touch wood,and i had to keep pestering Parador for information,but if we had to do it it again i would use Paradors inspection tour again.


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19 Jun 2007 11:33 AM by alannah Star rating. 5 posts Send private message

The Aftersales staff at Parador Properties are extremely dedicated and work very hard.  The problem they suffer from is extemely terrible Management.  Almost all their managers cannot speak a word of Spanish (other than to order their "ceravezas"), so how do you expect them to fight your corner when they cannot even converse in the language of the country.  Infact the majority of the staff cannot speak Spanish and they use those who can to do all the negotiation.  But none of the major builders take any notice of the lowbies in the office.

The majority of the Aftersales work with one hand tied behind their back...with the so called office manageress being the person holding those hands back. Of course the sales men/women treat you like royalty.  Their paycheck depends on whether you buy a house and they will do everything they can, including lying (and trust me Parador Salesmen are the worst, of course this is all included in the property is one of their favorites), in order to get you to buy.  On top of this, Parador is suffering from a down turn in Sales and the sales department are trying to strong arm all their clients into purchasing properties.  It has gotton so bad that Graham Martindale and Mr. Hamilton have taken the decision to make almost half their Aftersales work force redundant in order to cut costs (surprisingly it is their Spanish speaking staff who their are making redundant, so now Parador Owners Club clients are even worse off, just ask your client liaison person in the Aftersales if they speak fluent Spanish, I can assure you none of them do.)  So now your 700€ - 950€ worth of aftersales fee isn't worth the paper it was writtian on because there is not enough staff to cover all the work load.  This is why you do not hear from them and you won't, they are just too busy.

I would suggest that you demand your aftersales fee back and you are entitled to it and it is not worth the money for what they do.  Even the staff think the new increase of 950€ is ridiculous and the clients are being robbed. In all honesty, if you have any queries concerning legal matters (signing, documents, final liquidations), Parador will only act as a go between you and their solicitors (yes...if Aldea or Aniortes are your solicitors...guess what...they are part of Parador Properties too, and both solicitors suffer from a regular turn around of staff as the pay is so poor).  In fact most of the time, Parador properties will tell you to just call your legal advisor directly.  After that the only thing that they will do is fetch and carry you and help you do your NIE number.  But in all honestly your legal advisor can do all this for you (except Aniortes) for a much lower price or you can request that Parador help you with the NIE and all you pay is 50€, as a non Owners club client, to collect you from one of their hotels at 4am in the morning and take you to Alicante.  Once you have signed...Parador will basically wash their hands of you.  Sure they will give you advice over the phone, but they won't do anything else and they certainly won't translate or run around with you.  And Snags...after the second all important review of snagging on your new property (which is rarely done), you are completely on your own to get the builder to complete the outstanding snagging.

I just want to warn any future purchasers with Parador to be extemely careful about purchasing through this company at the moment and especially getting their Owners Club. It appear that it might only be a matter of time before this company goes belly up...and when does, under Spanish Law you will loose any money that has been paid to them, and you will receive no help.  Get a good independent solicitor, look things up on the internet, get yourself a translator and do it yourself, its much easier than you think.

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25 Jun 2007 7:34 PM by jason2007 Star rating in Kent, plus 1/2 built.... 33 posts Send private message


It seems that Parador have a sense of humour.

Apparently, i'm in an ideal position to recommend Parador to family and friends, and as a bonus for introducing new victims clients, i'm entitled to a £500 bonus for every one i introduce who buys a property.

For only £20 you will get Return Flights, 4 Nights Full Board at a Luxury Hotel, On-Tour Insurance and an Award Winning Service!

I only need 110 people to take up this offer and i've recovered the deposit on a villa that will never be built.

Any one interested please quote reference FRIEND0607 when contacting Parador.

Don't forget to use the Parador  after sales service or the recommended 'lawyer' either!

I shall be letting Steve Hamilton, 'National Sales Manager' what i think of this 'Introduce A Friend' scheme tomorrow.




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26 Jun 2007 8:24 AM by hudders Star rating in northampton/LOS ALTO.... 26 posts Send private message

We were out last week to get our nie numbers and were staying down in Benidorme we rented a car for 2 days ( £34 for 2 days with Holiday Autos) and were to be at the notories for 9am we had to meet the Paradore rep just off the motorway at 8.30 to take us to the venue, we left Benidorme at 7am for what should have been a app a 1hr 15 min drive we hit some road works around Alicanti but then about 5 miles on a serious accident held us up after that another about 5 miles up the road we eventually got there about 9.15 too late to get our nie as they only issue 40 a day the rep said the options were to go to Alicanti at 4.30 am next day ware they issue a100 a day or to come back there in 2 days time at 7.30 in the morningwe then went to our soliceters Dourmus as we were giving them power of attorney as we cant get out there untill the August having explained about the missed appointment to get the nie they turned round and said that they could get it for us given power of attorney  the Paradore rep didnt know this so if anyone cant get here it would be advisable check with your solicetor to see if this can be obtained by them in you absence sight looking good best reguards Hudders


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23 Oct 2007 11:26 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Hi All,

Parador have closed their office at La Mosca,Playa Flamenca,making 35 staff redundant.

I put this down to the fact that people are no longer wanting inspection trips from the big boys.

Soon all the big boys will dissapear and that will leave us little agents to do the job properly.

This time next year we will be millyanaires rodney!!!!


_______________________ still here after all these years!

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23 Oct 2007 4:04 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

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Sahnds gr8 Delboy!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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23 Oct 2007 4:53 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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This message was last edited by georgia on 10/23/2007.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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23 Oct 2007 4:56 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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_______________________ still here after all these years!

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23 Oct 2007 4:58 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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ah,my first bucket thingy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luvly jubbly Rixxy!!

The oracle taught me how to do this!!!



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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23 Oct 2007 5:11 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

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Georgia!  That was fantastic!  As lame as it sounds, we have never found out how the Trotters made their millions!  Not having invested in all the DVDs, etc., we never actually knew what happened, not seeing the series!


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23 Oct 2007 5:31 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

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Yeah but we make ours selling golden houses!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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23 Oct 2007 6:59 PM by Karensun Star rating in Orihuela Costa. 1473 posts Send private message

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Georgia, I've never seen anyone in that place at La Mosca, only lots of cars.  At one time the builder Gomendio brought a load of Parador persons to El Rincon.........................presumably to sell via them, but don't know if they ever did sell any.

  ' Do unto others as you would be done by'
         Now a non-smoker !  

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24 Oct 2007 9:47 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Karensun-Gomendio gave Parador an Exclusivity collaboration at some point so you had to buy through them,this dissapeared when the client levels dropped,the La mosca office was the resale office,the staff that were not made redundant have now moved into the main office in Torrevieja,35 office staff and 4 reps i beleive.

Pitby-My favourite comedy of all time,ageless!

Rixxy-Golden Houses, now there's an idea,that's really living the dream!!(i hate that tag line).



_______________________ still here after all these years!

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24 Oct 2007 11:16 AM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Sorry to go off thread but this is for Pitby,my favourite comedy moment of all time.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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24 Oct 2007 1:23 PM by Rixxy Star rating in San Pedro. 2010 posts Send private message

Rixxy´s avatar

Oh YESSSS! I love that one! Must get a few dvds of fools, my father loves them and watches whenever they are on - he never fails to laugh at the same scenes. Guess I got his warped sense of humour!

Anyway, now your a fully paid up member of the bucket club, you clever boy!

Yes I hate that tag line too, and the No Bull ones also! So classless!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quite frankly m'dear, I don't give a damn!

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24 Oct 2007 2:33 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

Pitby´s avatar
Brilliant, Georgia!

I'd forgotten how funny Fools and Horses was!!  I'm going to be shopping for all the DVDs now!!

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