The Comments |
I can not help thinking that EOS has become a place for the desperate to hold on to what used to be , rather than a forum for real and relevant discussion pertinent to what is happening NOW !! People are scared to say what they really think . Sad but unfortunately true ! Spain has now changed for ever . Can EOS move with the times ? I hope it can !
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
I'm sorry you feel like that about EOS, I love it and have done for the last three years, hope they go from strength to strength.
Maureen & Dennis
Coto Real
After checking my emails, every day, without fail, I go to EOS to read current updates and any new threads, plus add my response, if and when I think it would be productive and/or helpful!!
For me, it is a very important site, which has provided me with sometimes very pertinent information!
Long may it reign!!
Bye magicmeg. Take care.
Spain is something near a chaos right now, but we have material for a brilliant future. I am completely sure about that. Risponsable politicians are needed.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Afraid I have to agree with Magicmeg the forum is not what it used to be. The banter was great with Rixxy, Smiley etc, etc and a lot of great information given into the bargain. It just seems to have gone flat.
Signs of the times I'm afraid. The dream imploded badly for many people and as such the fun of Spain has been sucked out of many people.
The way the forum is simply reflects current attitudes and feelings.
And finally, you are also not forced to use this site and the forum. If you don't like it there are many other Spain forums you may want to try instead. We have around 10,000 people use the site every day and if you are not happy then maybe this site is just not for you.
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No doubt there will be highs and lows like most things. I still think its great and long may it continue.
In the end it is down to us. The more we put in the more we will get out of it.
I think Maria is on the right track when she says 'responsible politicians are needed' I don't think the forum can help going a bit flat when as Meg says 'Spain has changed forever' If all the bad things in Spain at the moment are talked about, which I feel they have to be to keep it real, then yes, it paints a pretty grim picture and that mood is bound to be reflected in an honest forum. The alternative is a 'happy clappy' forum aimed at those who are happy with their lot, and are too damned selfish to acknolwedge the fact that so many people have been wronged, and need the support of everyone, not least the Spanish politicians!!!. I feel the mood of the forum will change when the time is right, and those in a position to make the changes required for Spains recovery start really taking action that brings justice and common sense.
Again, as Maria said ' Spain has the material for a brilliant future' and why not?, if it can only get to grips with what has caused the downfall and make it clear it intends to change.
I read yesterday on another foum that the Priors case still hasn't been resolved after 3 years, They are still living in their garage with no proper services. Just one injustice, but what message is it sending out about Spains intention to put their house in order???
Agree with Justin
EOS is a very useful site for those who are interested in buying in Spain or just being in Spain
We can all learn a lot from the various threads and posts-I certainly have which will help me when I move into my new winter home near Huercal Overa in January 2010
There are still a lot of people from UK and elsewhere who are still wanting a life style change in Spain, either a holiday home or part/full time and EOS plays a role in helping people to achieve this
There are also many, but not the majority, who have had serious problems but Spain is not alone in this-just wait and see what will happen to the buyers off plan in Dubai! And there are other countries-how about Bulgaria!
Probably, because Spain is so popular and is still joint top preference for buyers from UK, it gets all the flack
A lot justified in certain cases but still a lot of very happy buyers enjoying the Spanish life style
The irregularities are being sorted albeit slowly and everyone hopes that those who have been conned, misled or wronged get compensated and I think that slowly the Spanish government both locally and nationally are starting to realise that they must put their house in order and keep it so
It is to their economic benefit to so do
I’m afraid that there are still some medium to large developers still to go into administration but at least the Spanish Banks have avoided the worst
There are a lot of people who invested their pensions and savings in the UK banks and have been devastated by the huge loss in value…this recession is hurting in so many different ways
EOS provides a great Forum for all sides to express their views and to be kept informed and in no way has it passed its sell by date
It is probably the best Spanish Forum by a long way…..I think I will tweet that!!!
Astonishingly, have to agree completely with Rowlandsbb!!! This is a great site for getting info about Spain, and I have to agree with a recent thread that it is a shame that so many threads come round to discussing the same thing.
Astonishingly, have to agree completely with Rowlandsbb!!! This is a great site for getting info about Spain, and I have to agree with a recent thread that it is a shame that so many threads come round to discussing the same thing.
Here’s my take on it. I write for two other Spanish forums; EOS gets double the number of hits on my stuff so obviously I find that pleasing as it doubles visits to my website.
I think we really should get back to basics. Much content, perhaps mine too, is banal. What forums and newspapers need is challenging news and views. Many of us are now too scared (yes, I am one of them) to stray into matters considered by the politically correct as ‘controversial.’
Opinionated and thought-provoking Viewpoints that were perfectly commonplace up until the 1950s are now talked about only in whispers; a bit like the old Eastern Bloc I should imagine. I remember looking forward to university rag magazines and then political correctness stepped in. All the really funny jokes about alcoholism, mothers-in-law, race stereotypes, political, gender, disability, were blue-pencilled out.
Do they still publish rag magazines? I doubt it. They have been killed off by a society too scared to discuss challenging issues. As a consequence we are bored by banality. I bet conversation in the old East Germany was pretty boring too.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Sexism, racism and a general right wing attitude isn't very funny,
nor is boring plagerism and lack of individuality.
Maybe whats missing is that spark of uniqueness!
sometimes one has to wade through lots of information sometimes irrelevant in order to get the information you need. As a relatively new subscriber I have found the site in the main useful. I have been able to get cheaper car hire as a result of a posting I read, made aware of a tax that I was not aware of before as well as some useful tips on saving electricty costs.
A powerful person is someone who shares information, not witholds it......... I find this site quite powerful...... as long as the useful tips keep coming
_______________________ Nicola
Eedie's post: I rest my case!

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Hi,Sorry that people feel that the site now has little to offer them I have found it very informative.
Unfortunately some members seem to feel that the site belongs to them and instead of welcoming new posters acuse them of being underhand or irrelevant.
The site has become very narrow in its focus with every thread seeming to be interspersed by members pet subject regardless of the validity of the original subject.
Initial posters must be welcomed and made to feel that they too have a valid point of view otherwise the site will continue to be dominated by those who feel that it is their site and will not expand into areas of interest.
Not everyone who currently buys property in Spain is a fool and niether are those of us who have been robbed by the system are idiots who left their brains on the plane.
And lastly assume that new posters are genuine and welcome them rather than they must be an agent (I have nothing against agents ) some of who post invaluable information or some sort of mentally challenged individual.
268 views and 15 replies .Objective achieved ! I am in bed with Flu and needed something to read .Thanks to all who replied . MM.
Nothing surprises me anymore 
but I am willing to accept that sometimes (although not very often ) I can be wrong ! 
Well thought out, Vilprano. In this 'liberal' age I find an almost medieval closed mindset that Galileo would recognise; George Orwell already has.
There is a mind-numbing dependency upon the banal and mediocre; an aversion - a fear of challenging society and subjects. Of the great ironies of life you find that Labour has never known a day's work. Conservatism hasn't conserved anything of true value. Liberalism is so bigoted and censorial it would make a stormtrooper blush. Such is life.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
Hi to all
I don't make many posts but always look at the forum threads with interest
The site has saved me many hours in research, many hundreds of Euros and at times given reason to laugh and smile.
I accept that some of the posts are of a more banal nature, but we all have different idea's of whats important to us, so don't read what doesn't interest you.
Having said that more recently more and more "items for sale'' appear which irritates me, but again i just ignore them.
This forum is better than any on Spain and Justin and Susan need our continued support to continue this exceptional community webpage.
Well done Justin and Susan!!!
I check EOS most days but rarely post................mainly because of the 'bitching' !! BUT I would noy be without the site for the world !! Thanks to all who work in amongst it !!
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 