The Comments |
I'm with Maria in spirit but I would like to add "responsible banks " to her list also!
This is a great medium for exchanging info and educating on all matters of significance, and even small issues for that matter, anything that assists along the way, so long as we keep respectful of each others views when the debate get a little heated. (Here speaks one who has had her wrists slapped by Justin!)
Thanks to Justin and Susan and to all who are helping those of us who are struggling through some very difficult times.
Stay strong however and long live EOS and all who subscribe .
Many of us based in the UK, might not be using the site as much as normal I suppose due to the many problems here in the UK, that said in has alwys been extremely helpful and useful in many different areas
Nobody plans to fail, many fail to plan, sadly the result is the same.
I love EOS. I'm on nearly all the time and try to post something quite regularly.

I am not a regular contributor to EOS, but I have to say that it has been invaluable to me from when I first became a member. When advise was asked, there was always a quick response and some private emails from members to help me with lists of things to do before the final move.
We purchased our property November 2006 and moved permanently at the end of June this year. Without this site and members blogs, etc. I am sure we would still be struggling to get to grips with mobile phones, electricity and water bills, insurance, buying a car ....... I could go on and on.
I check on a regular basis to keep up to date with any new changes.
Long may EOS be around.
I read all the new posts, I enjoy the banter, its great when you can see the oposite ends of a story, I have to work in the UK, but I can not wait to live in my apartment, 2 bed bit of a garden, pub and food 10mins away, cold and rainy here in Warrington, I would settle for that 17degs in Cabo Roig, I love spain I love the spanish I can not wait to get over there
this site is my way of keeping in touch thanks to you all.
_______________________ I Live in Warrington & Cabo Roig
I very rarely write anything on EOS, despite being a member for nearly three years. (Only the odd personal message). However on this occasion I feel compelled to add to the opinions of Magicmeg and co. EOS has always been informative helpful, and enlightening. I feel Justin manages a very clean,informative and fair site compared to many others. I, for one will continue to look on this website for information. I feel that Justin works very hard to accommodate all his members and does not warrant any critisism whatsoever.
Cheryll Bond.
EOS and its contributors were invalueable to us during our purchase process, so many people helped and advised us on all the questions we had to ask. We got advise on local solicitors, management companies and tax implications. This year we managed to pay our non resident taxes through information given on EOS and saved ourselves over 100euro.
We received free and professional information from Smiley, Maria and too many others to mention, and dont think we would have got through the trauma of purchasing without them all.
I still keep an eye on threads and keep in contact with friends we made on EOS and got to meet in Vera Playa. So keep up the good work everyone, who knows when any one of us will need help and advise again.
Best wishes to all.

It is true that December has always been a low-attendance month during these last years... so I think that January will come with new topics, discussions...
Yes, I also want to repeat my encouragement to Justin and Susan. they have done an unvaluable and unmeasurable good work !
This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 03/12/2009. This message was last edited by mariadecastro on 03/12/2009.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
i go on a lot of costa forums,and this is the best by far,ive got lots of info from here example:the horizontal laws for 1,what i would say is ALL the forums are quieter than they use to moving back to the uk in march [keeping my house here]and will keep on using this site..keep up the good work eos
_______________________ if you dont know where your going any road will get you their
I've loved EOS from the first time I visited and, truthfully, it has become an addiction. Over the past five years or so people have come and gone- changes happen -as in real life nothing remains the same.
The stalwarts of this site such as Maria, Robert, Bobaol, Rixxy, Smiley, Pitby,Foxbat, Karen, Myra, Goodstich,Candyfloss and far too many more to mention are still around offering excellent help and advice to those who ask. And the very welcome new members seem to slot in nicely and make themselves at home (and useful) in no time. This site has been a lifeline for many who found themselves caught up in problems pertaining to their Spanish property purchase and the plethora of advice on day to day living in Spain is mind-boggling
Yes I love the site and Justin and Susan have worked very hard to make it the success it is.
I'm going nowhere. Even if I get the pig 'flu and feel really crabby.
I couldn't leave EOS. And thanks for not mentioning my name!!! After making nearly 200 posts!!!!
This message was last edited by Sunrise on 07/12/2009.

Well Magic Meg,
You have opened a can of worms here, I Hope you are feeling better by the way.
I am so glad we found this forum I think its nearly 5 years ago, it has been so informative and has helped us a lot, do not know what we would have done without it.
I know some folks can write things you may not want to hear, but that could be they have not read the full story and once they do there is normally an apology. Everyone has a right to their own opinion be it right or wrong and you may not agree with it.
But I for one would like to thank Justin and Susan for the help they have given us.
I always log on to see what is being said even if I do not post so much now, especially when in Spain as not on line. but that might be changing soon I hope.
Anyway keep it coming.
eedie and mikewalsh are spot on,and the race issue is a joke,example:british people are called brits,americans yanks,australians ozzies and so on and so on so why cant we call pakistan people pakis?cant think of any other race that moans about their name being shortened
_______________________ if you dont know where your going any road will get you their
Thank you. That region of our beautiful earth is replete with wonderful cultures and ethnicities ending in stan, just as in England many place names end in ton, which is Saxon for town: hence Wolverhampton, Brighton, Luton ...
If it is offensive to call someone from Pakistan a Paki, why isn't it offensive to call a Hindustani a Hindu?. Why is it permissable to call a person from Afghanistan an Afghan? Isn't a person from Turkestan a Turk? If you want to know the answer, here it is in summary: The politically incorrect, and liberals, have their heads well and truly up their backsides. The definition of gross ignorance is 144 liberals. Sorry, I am in that mood tonight. No prisoners taken.


Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
i have family from jamacia and pakistan so i am not raciest,my pakistan relatives say they havnt got a problem with the name paki,so why have the government got a problem with it?
_______________________ if you dont know where your going any road will get you their
OK. Until the last three postings...........this thread was about EOS and the way people liked it ( or not ) and the benifits of belonging to the EOS 'family' and a big thank you to Susan and Justin for creating and continuing the website.
SO........................what have the last three posts got to do with the origional thread ?
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
I think you'll find it's more the way it's said, rather than what is said. The adjective f%$?%ng usually precedes it.
(How did this thread alter course, by the way? One minute it's giving up on EOS and the next what to call foreigners.)
This message was last edited by mike_walsh on 03/12/2009.

Russian - English Translations, Copywriting and Ghostwiting. Check my Website or email for details
That's just what I asked Bobaol..............!!
I was in Leicester last week !
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
""And finally, you are also not forced to use this site and the forum. If you don't like it there are many other Spain forums you may want to try instead. We have around 10,000 people use the site every day and if you are not happy then maybe this site is just not for you.""
Wrong attitude Justin!!