The Comments |
Hi All,
I've never spent Christmas in Spain. Could someone please tell me what it's like. Are there many kids? Do many shopping centres have decorations? What's the weather like? etc.

It's very pleasant and relaxed; lacking the gross commercialism of Britain. The shopping malls are beautifully decorated and the cities, town are an absolute delight. I make a point of going to Alicante just to soak it all up.
We all tend to go to friends and family for our Christmas grub so it is a family affair rather than a community one. Except, here on Orihuela Costa; a tradition in which all Brits in shorts and Santa hats descend on La Zenia beach - thousands of them, to toast each other. Bottoms up, dear!

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Thanks to Mike Walsh and JPD who have replied so far. 

The last two Christmases we have spent in Benidorm........I would hate to live there but at Christmas it's great fun. 12 of us went full board and it was great tho we needed another holiday to recuperate!!
Prior to that we spent Christmas at home ( in Spain ) and I find it much less commercial here and much more meaningful. there are pretty lights everywhere and the Balan ( Nativity ) in each really should see that !!
This year my friend and her husband, her daugter and husband, they are over for Christmas, tho my friend lives here, and two chaps who are in our quiz team with us, will all have Christmas day together and i will be doing the cooking.
Usually the weather has been kind, sunny but cooler in the evenings and one year we actually ate our Christmas dinner on the solarium !!
There are not usually hoards of people over and I suspect this year there will be less. Everywhere is frighteningly quiet.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 
We have found Christmas in Spain very quiet and unless you have loads of friends around it can be very lonely. On our urbanisation it is dead (everyone goes back to the UK to see friends and family and the locals spend it with their families). It is a very different atmosphere to northern Europe and to be honest I prefer a northern Europe Christmas so will be spending Christmas in the UK close to friends and family and go to Spain for New Year. We have spent many Christmas's in unusual and challenging places but there was always a close expat community who made a huge effort to get together and make it special and indeed memorable.
Our first Spanish Christmas some family came over, it was nice but just didn't have the atmosphere I associate with Christmas, the next Christmas we spent at a hotel in Alicante, maybe we chose the wrong hotel but again although they had some decorations up it just didn't have the festive mood for me.
Horses for courses I suppose, so I wouldn't say Christmas in Spain is not a not a nice time, just not for me!
The 25th always seems like a huge anti-climax. One day and then everything is back to (semi) normal. As Christmas anywhere I suppose is all about the kids, January 6th is perhaps more significant here - Day of the Kings.
For me, it just doesn't feel like Christmas unless there's mulled wine and frost on your breath while wandering around a Bavarian Christmas market, so in the absence of such things, the opposite extreme seems like the best option - fresh prawns and cold beer on the beach, soaking up the sun. The snow capped Sierra Nevada in the distance add a touch of authenticity!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Thanks for everyone's replies.

It certainly doesn't feel like Christmas where we are in Manilva!
The Spanish celebrate the 24th of December (Nochebuena) and then New Year's Eve (Nochevieja) and then their main "Christmas" on the 6th of January.
We still celebrate the 25th of December more but celebrate the 6th of January too to a lesser extent. Because of the difference in cultural celebrations it can seem like Christmas is dragged out for ages!
But it's definitely at the beginning of January when things start to kick off and the Christmas feeling seems to be more obvious.
Personally, I love the bright lights and sounds of Christmas and certainly miss that here on the run up to the 25th.
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Hi Everyone
We are due to arrive in Duquesa on Boxing Day is this classed as a holiday or will the supermarkets be open can anybody tell me please? Can't wait to get away from this cold, foggy, dreary place, and it is due to get worse we have been forcast snow for next week ugh! Been checking the weather out over there and it looks like those of you lucky enough to live out there are in for a bit of rain but hey the temperature is still better than here.
If we are lucky we are hoping to catch up with one or two of you over the hols.
Not sure about Christmas in Spain.

Hi Jojan
Boxing Day is NOT a bank holiday so the supermarkets will be open as normal.
6th Jan is Spain's Xmas Day, so stock up for closures then!
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Thank you Fibby UK that is good news at least we can buy our plonk and maybe a few sausages for breakfast just hope it isn't as cold this year as last, our air con was broken and we had to go out and buy portable heaters but at least we had the air con fixed this year during the summer months.
Well Happy Christmas to all of you.
I was out in Malaga City with family & friends last night and we really enjoyed a very entertaining evening. There were many thousands of people of all ages enjoying the fabulous Christmas Lights and Street Entertainers performing around the city The Cathedral and many other building were lit up with some amazing Nativity scenes . There were scores of Market stalls selling everything imaginable for the festive season.
However, It was little a bit chilly, only 17o at 9pm, I nearly had to put my sweater on!!!
If you are on the CDS get yourself off to Malaga early evening and you'll find the Christmas spirit Alive & Well!
Mike T

Justin, would really appreciate some places/directions to where the market is in Malaga. Haven't actually ventured into Malaga yet, save for the airport! But thought would like to visit on Friday evening - will the market be on then? Anywhere I can get further info on this?
I always have a hard time parking in be warned. Also, remember that in the evening it will be very busy getting into the city.
Malaga isn't huge and you will see the market quite easily. I'm not sure how to describe exactly where it is. Just ask someone when you get there and they'll point you in the right direction if you can't find it.
We're also planning to go up there this weekend.
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I spent last Christmas in Spain (Valencia) and it was amazing.
The weather was quite nice (bearing in mind it was in the middle of Winter), the people lovely, and the atmosphere really unique.
I would highly recommend it!