Spanish Names for Fish - Really confusing
Monday, July 10, 2017

I’ve been in Spain for quite some time now and there has always been an area of language that has always caused me problems and still does today, and that is fish. I have real difficulty sometimes translating the names of fish. The funny thing is my knowledge of fish and seafood before I came to Spain was already pretty limited and when I say limited I mean at most I had eaten Cod, Haddock, Lemon Sole, Trout and Plaice maybe a few others and my seafood was limited to Scampi, Mussels and Prawn, so my fish vocab was not extensive. We were never big fish eaters in my family so when I came to Spain it wasn’t really high on the agenda of things to learn. However over the years I have come to love many varieties of seafood and fish, the majority of which I have discovered here in Spain and consequently learnt the Spanish name first, it wasn’t until a relative came to visit and asked what we were eating that I even thought about the English translation and that happened so rarely that the English names never really sunk in and I still get confused to this day with a few. Now, I’m not sure if this is something unique to me but just in case other readers are having difficulty with fish and seafood names, I finally decided to put together a list of the most common varieties you will come across in Spain along with their English equivalent, hope you find it useful!
I could have done with it a long time a go!!
Anchoa/Boquerón |
Anguila |
Eel |
Arenque |
Herring |
Atun |
Tuna |
Bacalao |
Cod |
Bonito |
Bonito |
Caballa |
Mackerel |
Calamar |
Squid |
Carpa |
Carp |
Caviar |
Caviar |
Dorada |
Gilt Head Bream |
Eglefino |
Haddock |
Fletan |
Halibut |
Galupe / Mujol |
Mullet |
Lenguado |
Sole |
Merluza |
Hake |
Mero |
Grouper |
Perca |
Perch |
Pez Espada |
Marlin/Swordfish |
Platija |
Flounder |
Solla |
Plaice |
Pulpo |
Octopus |
Rape |
Monkfish |
Raya |
Ray / Skate |
Rodaballo |
Turbot |
Salmon |
Salmon |
Salmonete |
Red Mullet |
Sardina |
Sardine |
Sepia |
Cuttlefish |
Lubina |
Sea Bass |
Trucha |
Trout |
Almejas |
Clam |
Berberechos |
Cockle |
Bogavante |
Lobster |
Buey de Mar |
Edible / Brown Crab |
Cangrejo de Rio |
Crawfish |
Carabineros |
Scarlet Prawn |
Centollo |
Spider Crab |
Cigalas |
Scampi |
Erizos de Mar |
Sea Urchin |
Gambas |
Prawn |
Langosta |
Spiny Lobster |
Langostinos |
Prawn (large) |
Mejillones |
Mussels |
Navajas |
Razor Clam |
Nécoras |
Small crab |
Ostras |
Oysters |
Percebes |
Gooseneck Barnacles |
Pulpo |
Octopus |
Tellinas/ Coquinas |
Bean Clams |
Vieiras |
Scallop |
Published at 9:22 PM Comments (16)