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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
10 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by kraipet Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone,
Have just got back fro Spain this afternoon,having had meetings with Pilar,and my solicitor(Anabel at PSI)
We both feel alot better,in the fact that both Pilar and Anabel,are around 99% certain that all is going to be ok.The report from the auditors is due out in about 40days time,and it is then that we will find out 100% if the project is going to go ahead.All of the rumours in Spain,amongst the Spanish buyers,is that it is going to go ahead.
What Pilar and Anabel did stress,was that to make sure that your name is on the list of creditors,just in case,and Im pleased to say that ours was.Everybodys solicitor should have a list,and they are quite willing to show it to you.All the talk about having to pay solicitors up front to represent you,in my opinion is poppy cock,as we have both known anabel for a while and she hasnt asked us for any money,of course we will use her if and its only a big if,we have to.
We visited Jumilla,and work men are still at work there,and since we last visited the site(January)there seems to be a bit of progress.
If anybody else has any more news,please let us know

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