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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
09 Jun 2008 12:00 AM by jannine Star rating in England/Leeds. 48 forum posts Send private message

jannine´s avatar

How are you?  Well i have to say it's been absolutely red hot here in the uk and i am burned to a cinder thanks to ambre solaire not liking my skin much.

Just wanted to make a lighter note, with everything going on at the moment i feel people tend to lose reality a bit, so for that, this is what i think.....

Euro 2008 is crap, france were rubbish and i have to say because they are closest to us i was hoping they might win he he  but never mind wimbledon starts on 24th and i can't wait.

How have you all been????

Best Wishes 

R4/293/263 No More BOO HOO

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09 Jun 2008 11:50 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message


Thanks for the new thread and a chance for some light relief.

euro 2008 came alive tonight with Holland beating Italy.  I cant help feeling like throttling Mclaren if i ever get my hands on him though, or ramming that umbrella.........etc.

Yep red hot here in Barnsley too,,,,,,,,too hot, even to play golf.....i think not



Best wishes, Brian


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10 Jun 2008 8:06 AM by auntielinda Star rating in San Miguel de Salina.... 646 forum posts Send private message

Weather good here in La Zenia too except we had a downpour for an hour yesterday never mind sun up again today
just about get the mop  to dry the balcony and it had dried itself that's the difference between Spain & the UK

The latest news over here is that  the Valenician Communidad have stopped providing health care to the migrant none workers so unless you have the right forms i.e. E106 which transfers your last 2 years of NI contributions
and you don't work which is a big proportion of UK early retirees you will have to pay for treatment , something the UK should take on board eh?


Great Auntie Linda


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10 Jun 2008 3:03 PM by martinbrothers Star rating in Worcestershire. 278 forum posts Send private message

What a relief, we got tierd of reading all the silly squabbling!  It's cooking in my Shop.  My poor brides are going to sizzle this weekend in their gorgeous gowns... like someone recently posted.... be careful what you wish for girls!

Holland were quite brilliant werent they!




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10 Jun 2008 7:29 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,
I agree that it is nice to get away from it all and i know that the football is on...........
But i found the Lewis Hamilton ooops its a red light very entertaining.....

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10 Jun 2008 7:50 PM by Linda Needham Star rating in Jumilla,Spain. 302 forum posts Send private message

Linda Needham´s avatar
Spain 4 Russia 1 with a hatrick from David Villa
Juan de Ramos might have to pay a bit more than expected for him at Spurs by the end of this Cup.


Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia

R4 308 For Rental

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10 Jun 2008 10:56 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message


Im sure all your brides are sizzling, even in December......Brides are very sexy people......pity they cost so much! 

Hamilton was a plonker, but then why was that safety car on there anyway?...i missed that bit.

Football???? the hell did greece win last time........i must have rose coloured glasses on that.

I have just cut my grass.....and its a big job!.....and fed my fish....and put food out for the fox cubs.....i am now going to have a beer and relax..late start tomorrow....10 am



Best wishes, Brian


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11 Jun 2008 7:21 AM by martinbrothers Star rating in Worcestershire. 278 forum posts Send private message

oooo but Spain are on a mission.  Greece hmm what a shambles.  Did we dream that they won the cup? must have....

oh yes indeed my brides do sizzle... such a fun job or rather a vocation in my case.. I tried to equate a £62 seamstress bill yesterday as I'd just come back from having a trim (15 minutes £32 - now that's robbery) when it took my ladies 5 hours to take in 3inches on a gown - i keep telling them to eat Snickers - we have jelly babies on the counter but if they put weight on I make em run round the village! Horrid woman.  Ive been telling them for weeks I may be stood here a bankrupt because of Spain (they all know my saga after knowing them for 12/18 months).  Bless them they even baked me a cake when I got back from Spain in May after they had heard my news - bridal grapevine!

Ive just come out of the garden feeding fish and the birds (i'm kinda their mom in early hours of daylight - the noise level is ridiculous at 5am waiting for fresh seeds!)

Didnt see the motor racing at all just the low lights... martin says he sees that happen on the M6 most days and its usually a woman !  He has a shed to hide in!  Me I have a greenhouse. Bliss and peace..

Oh well river walk with our cocker spaniel now before work....
Have a great day and its good to chat to someone with feet clearly on the ground Briando



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11 Jun 2008 10:14 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message


Thats another day gone then.....i sound a bit like old Arkwright on open all hours....been a funny old day!.

Not sure if im any further forward on the Spain front, a bit like 2 steps forward and three back.  San Jose say we are on the creditors list, my lawyer says we are not.  Who to believe? Now thats a tough one........not

Switzerland have gone out, the rain reminded me of Yorkshire last July, we used to play in conditions like that in my old sunday league team, we couldnt afford to miss matches and re-play later so if the ref called it off, we used to play anyway, without him...ha, good days.

So whats all that about equating money?

A trim to your hair is £32.....2 inches,say £16 an inch?  the bridal dress is £62 for thats approx £21 an inch
What does all that mean then!!!  Sorry its the quantity surveying side of me coming to life stick to the building trade......i mean look how much success i have with builders (san jose)......doh

Take care




Best wishes, Brian


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12 Jun 2008 8:43 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Well at least the tube did not get stuck in the tunnel tonight and on my BR train they know me so well I get....
"Would you like your usuall".........a packet of jalapeno crisps and a cider with ice...............almost makes working worthwhile.
But not quite......

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12 Jun 2008 8:52 PM by brianmags Star rating in London. 380 forum posts Send private message

Well that was a funny day but nit as funny as mine went to work and found out that I was the only person on duty Drs screeming and patients asking to go home. boy was that a shift from hell not a nurse insight but on the bright side no broken equipment as they wern't there to break them so had a nice time could do some paper work sent all the patients for a day out at thorpe park was great then I was rudely awakened buy the emergency bell and ran only to find out it was my alarm clock and I had the whole day to look foreward to.
                   now just where did I leave that bottle of wine.
brianmags need a drink noew as have to do it all over again in the morning should I have some cheese and biscuits as well maybe not? did that last night and see what happened

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12 Jun 2008 9:11 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Not as odd as my trip to Murcia in November. The chap on the row seat on the plane went into heartblock. Oh yeah.....right next to its resus time and were the flight attendants the total opposite I am trying to secure an air way and they are trying to sit him up! Got him back and had to sit with him the whole flight with the oxygen whilst keeping him and his daughter calm.........did the airline thank me.....give me a beer  ......a packet of nada ...funny places planes. Woke up  and it was a distant memory
make mine a very large one, no not a beer , a diet coke!

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12 Jun 2008 9:16 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

So what do you lot have with your cheese

Magic mushrooms   ha

Night John Boy....the sun'l come out your bottom dollar that tommora.....


Best wishes, Brian


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14 Jun 2008 12:38 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

The final will be Holland versus Croatia

The score......3-2    to.......


Any other predictions about?


Best wishes, Brian


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14 Jun 2008 6:32 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

And what about Spain then, they have an excellent player in Fabergast!

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14 Jun 2008 8:30 PM by Darren_Michelle Star rating. 167 forum posts Send private message

nowt like being in a spanish bar when spain are playing, great nite


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14 Jun 2008 8:36 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Know what you mean. I was in Catalunia when Barc won the Champions league, it was amazing! And I support Arsenal!

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25 Jun 2008 9:47 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Just having a look before getting a beer and thinking about Spain v Russia tomorrow night.
Ahhh  where is Briando.............has a BBQ then goes all   quiet...... HELLO.........

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25 Jun 2008 10:27 PM by Linda Needham Star rating in Jumilla,Spain. 302 forum posts Send private message

Linda Needham´s avatar
We have been living here quite a long time and are quite integrated, so to speak.  The last but one game we watched with Spanish in their garage which is kitted out permanantly for Fiestas .  Not much of an excuse is needed for a fiesta  and Spain playing on a Saturday is perfect.  Around 30 people started getting ready for the match at 9.30 in the morning and the match did not start til 6.00pm .  Couldnt eat for a week or drink for that matter.  Unfortunately or fortunately depending on which way you look at it the game against Italy was on a weekday and the first time they have beaten Italy in 80 years.  Way to go Spain.


- Come on Spain. Germany are crap so you only have to beat Russia again.


Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia

R4 308 For Rental

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25 Jun 2008 11:50 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

Hi Tony

Am in a quiet mode for a few days, thanks for missing me lol!

BBQ went well and me and Pete had our instruments out to play with.......i have had my Taylor out for a few days to learn some more songs and looking for inspiration....just got an acoustic version of strange little girl sorted and it sounds D minor

Any requests!!!!

Anyway...i thought the Germans were lucky..and i think Spain have got to turn up big time to beat Russia.....but its there for them to win the tournament.....

As far as the San Jose thing is chilling out a bit and watching events, just digesting recent letters etc...will be making a comeback soon....

Best wishes for now and keep smiling



Best wishes, Brian


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