I B I Taxes

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The Comments
23 May 2008 12:00 AM by rldodds Star rating. 13 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

Please could some one explain what I need to do.
Do i need to send all my original documents as proof of payment to my solicitors and sign over power of attorney?
If so, how much is the charge normally?

Can we get our bank guarantees back now?
Is our money safe?

How long is the court hearing/administrational procedure likely to take?

Thanks to anyone that can help.


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23 May 2008 7:57 PM by auntielinda Star rating in San Miguel de Salina.... 646 forum posts Send private message


Unfortunately we are all in the same boat and all have diffderent solicitors all I can say is 

You need to ask your solicitor what papers they want and make them aware of the papers in your possesion, I gave all my originals to my solicitor ( and got them to photocopy copies for myself) so technically they have the same papers as I have 

as for charges all differ

I have been told by my agent that the administration is likely to take around 3 months



Great Auntie Linda


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