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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
12 May 2008 12:00 AM by mountie Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

mountie´s avatar
Hi Guys
In view of the devastating news regarding the voluntary liquidation of San Jose, I have e-mailed Ward & Co to ascertain their reaction.  However as yet I have not had any response.
As time may be of the essence, I think it is important that as many of us as possible join forces.
If any of you are in agreement please PM me with your contact details.

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12 May 2008 9:34 PM by FINCA2009 Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

ward * co have conveniently taken off website!

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12 May 2008 9:39 PM by mountie Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

mountie´s avatar
Yes, I noticed that.  Yesterday evening it was still advertising Santa Ana.  Pity they weren't decent enough to e-mail their investors at the same time.

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12 May 2008 10:27 PM by alamred Star rating. 242 forum posts Send private message

** EDITED - Please respect terms of posting **

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15 May 2008 11:06 AM by Don Ross Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Although we have already written independently to all our investors, Ward & Co wish to state that we delayed this communication to ensure that we spoke using fact rather than reacting to speculation, rumour or hype. We have spent the last two days with San Jose in Spain in discussions at director level, in the presence of lawyers representing both companies and the investors who have bought Malvas.

The outcome is that the voluntary arrangement, that was applied for in the court on Friday, is for Administration and not liquidation or bankruptcy or receivership. It is essential that the difference is understood because this arrangement is specifically to allow the company to trade their way out of a set of financial circumstances, restricted cash flow, brought about by delays in winning court actions on both El Pinet and Santa Ana. This move, which demonstrated professionalism and honesty, will protect the company's assets, the client's deposits and the continuance of the two projects concerned.

San Jose is an extremely asset rich company having over 300,000,000€ of unencumbered assets; their issue has been realising liquid assets to satisfy trade creditors. Administration allows the company time to arrange finance through a consortium of banks, a process that is well underway, and continue developing the two affected projects, El Pinet and Santa Ana.

Further, our investors are protected, not only by the laws covering the Voluntary Administration (regarding this they will be contacted independently by San Jose, their lawyers and the court) but also by their bank guarantees. Of course, we are not in a position to comment on any purchases made through other agents nor the conditions of their sales. However, our investors may rest assured that their deposits are safe, as they always have been, and we fully expect to see both projects re-started in the near future with our completion dates at Santa Ana and all other contractual arrangements intact.

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15 May 2008 11:24 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

Regarding the meeting with San Jose.

Was there any discussion about why they have become so unproffesional and so bad in the basic business art of communication?

The honest approach you describe with regard to the directors during the meeting is not sitting well with the hiding from view that we are experiencing.



Best wishes, Brian


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15 May 2008 11:30 AM by Don Ross Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

I can only comment on our relationship with the company on behalf of our members, to comment on other people's relationships or communications would be wrong and unprofessional.

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16 May 2008 8:31 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

It is becoming inreasingly more evident that the future of SJ is in some doubt!

If you have negotiated a preferential creditor arrangement for your clients at your recent meeting it may not be very sound, it is not an allowed procedure. Did you come from the meeting with any money?

The relationship of the company at this time seems based on deceipt and lawyers are usualy best at dealing with post events and culpability.

Did you by any chance take an accountant to your meeting?


Best wishes, Brian


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