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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
24 May 2008 12:00 AM by kraipet Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi everybody,
We have just returned from Spain about an hour ago,and we too have had meetings with Pilar and our solicitors.
We,like all of panicked and took aflight over there a soon as we could.
Pilar explained to us the whole procedure,and having left the offices we both a little bit better.
All of the assets of San Jose have been frozen,and the onlt people that are being paid are the office staff.The Government is sending in three people within the next ten days,and are going to audit the company.The company as a whole is said to be worh in the region of 300 million euros,and the debts that have accumalted are in the the region of 100-130 million euros.The company approached the banks for backing ,but the banks wanted to charge 60% interest,which to anybody is a ridiculous amount,and that was was when they decided to to go into voluntaryt receivership.Once the government people have concluded their findings,then we will know 100% if our dream homes wil be able to go ahead,and at the moment it looks as though it will happen,but may take up to 2-3years.The option of transferring to another propertyat the moment is not an option,as nothing can be done until the go ahead has been given from the auditors.What we do know is,that we all have tomake certain that we are on the creditors list,even if the project does go ahead,and then if we still want our monies already paid back,then we can take that option,or continue with buying the house,so we are in a no loose situation.We wont loose our money,regardless what happens,bank guarentee or not.
We are going back out in ten days time,so hopefully we will know a little more by then.

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24 May 2008 6:27 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message


I heard from various sources that the worth of the company is high.  You mention 300m euros.  
Any idea who places this value, from your meeting.  Is it based on land as potential development, with licences etc?



Best wishes, Brian


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25 May 2008 9:34 AM by Abolex Star rating in Andalucia - Murcia -.... 136 forum posts Send private message

Abolex´s avatar
Hi Briando:

The value of the assets is of 257.309.383,20 euros.

This is the value reported by San Jose to the Court (probably the market value some time ago).

I think this value will be reduced because the real value of land is what someone is prepared to pay, and in these days there are no many big buyers out there.


Martin de La Herran Sabick Abogado / Lawyer (reg. 851 Jerez) www.abolex.es

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25 May 2008 10:03 AM by jannine Star rating in England/Leeds. 48 forum posts Send private message

jannine´s avatar
Hi All

I know you're just repeating what you have been told, and are very optimistic but any very reputable company will not be charges 60% interest from any respectable bank, it's just not gonna happen so i don't believe that part for a minute.  Who are they asking to borrow money from specialist loan sharks?????.

Thanks for taking the time to update everyone though.

Looking forward to getting my money back, Jannine....

R4/293/263 No More BOO HOO

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25 May 2008 11:28 AM by martinbrothers Star rating in Worcestershire. 278 forum posts Send private message

Hi, Are you in the fortunate position of a Banker's Guarantee and know that you can get your money back?  Wished we had!  
Is anyone persuing the possibility of legal action against their Lawyers who failed to obtain BG's ?

martin and sally



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25 May 2008 11:47 AM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi Martin and Sally,
trying to sue a solicitor would be a nightmare! You have to prove and that is the really hard bit, prove with objective non irifutable evidence that  mal pratice took place. You have to find a solicitor to take it up, pay them , go through the process and what do you get at the end? I would just accept that mistaked happen and try to put it behind me even though it is really annoying. Do not let it fester, move on.

All the best to you both

I want my House

TonyMAl    R17 plot 18 Rosita

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25 May 2008 3:37 PM by brianmags Star rating in London. 380 forum posts Send private message

Hi Martin & Sally,
                       lets hope that the auditors are sensible I do believe tat we are in a good place with the fact that this also concerns spanish nationals and it isn't like the old rip offs of expats because SADM was a resdential project that would increase the money comming nto Murcia and Jumillia I wish all good luck but I still want my house in jumillia if at all possible. The banks will be in a better frame of mind when that auditor has completed his assement of the companies financial situation.
brianmags R4 556

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25 May 2008 4:02 PM by martinbrothers Star rating in Worcestershire. 278 forum posts Send private message

Thanks to both for the comments.

It certainly doesnt make commercial sense to abandon SADM so carry on your excellent work.  You may become the most popular Ex-pat in Spain and hailed a hero by many wonderful spanish people to boot! Lets hope so Tony/Mag.

We would be happy to come up to Jumillia and say well done!!

martin and sally



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