I want my house

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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
24 May 2008 12:00 AM by brianmags Star rating in London. 380 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone,
               I have decided to start thread as Tonymal is busy writting up our report I believe as well as Tony that if we get behing the slogan and bombard the town council, our banks, Solicitors and also give San Jose support then the project will procede. I understand evrybodys worries as I cat afford to throw my money away as I am a heath worker working for the NHS but I am also the Chair of of a professional body in healthcare science and becaause of my experiences I belive that we can have our dream.
              Tony is going to put together some letters that we can print off and Post to the relevent recipients ie the council and banks each will be targeted specifically for those recipientsand remember that there are also some Purchasers that are spanish we hope to enlisit San Jose's help in getting them to send them to their spanish clients who have purchased at SADM. I also suggest we start a group called Santa Ana Residents Co Operative (SARCO) so all residents have a say in what is happening and their wish to keep the project alive.
         If we all shout load enough they will hear us and listen.
What is your answer please add you plot numbers when responoing so that we know we are residents

Brianmags  R4 556

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24 May 2008 5:29 PM by sarah12345 Star rating. 29 forum posts Send private message

tony if you can write a report that gives me any faith whatsoever that santaa ana is going to be built and I would still want to buy there...then that would be a miracle!

I think you are on to a loser but still wish you every success

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24 May 2008 5:32 PM by jenno1739 Star rating in Beverley, yorkshire. 89 forum posts Send private message

                    I too still want my place in Jumilla!. Anything you can do is appreciated.
                                                                                    Mark &Paula
                                                                                    Row 4 - 439

mark and paula  row 4 no 439

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24 May 2008 6:31 PM by brianmags Star rating in London. 380 forum posts Send private message

Hi Mark and Paula
                   Thanks for you reply and for putting your plot number in as well as this give me confidence that you are the same as Margaret and myself a purchaser The reason I asked is that by using plot numbers we can be fairly certain that we are all purchasers and not some third party who wants to have some fun on our behalf or to make finacial profit from aur situation. as for Polaris world I realy dont give a fig what they are selling for now, It is totally ridiculas  to compare todays prices to when we purchased everyone knows that house prices have dropped but that only worries those not in for the long haul. And Just when would we be likely to see any return from litigation maybe two three years down the road and who can say what the market will be like then and who much would we get back also loss or earning on that deposit to take into account GREAT thanks for the offer but not just yet thank you I will await a bit more but will still register as a creditor for my deposit as we all should Via my own layers.
brianmags  R4 556

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24 May 2008 6:40 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi Mattjo,

It is up to each purchaser to decide what they wish to do be it cut and run or stay and fight. I stay and fight for what i beleive in.  But I respect your decision to go through the legal system to get your money back. I personally prefere to go down a positive route and be part of the solution rather than the problem. In a time of globalisation and new challeges and problems we need to take an approach that is also new and work with rather than against our developer and in partnership to complete the project.

As for Polaris World at that price I still would not touch it with a barge pole. Its not a place to live its a place to holiday!

As Brian has declared his background i will also do so. I am a healthcare professional and like Brian I am a member of the council of the same professional body ,with the national role of professional liaison officer actively involved in strategic developments.

The draft report is done and i am just reviewing it. i kept it as short as possible and tried to get all the detail in. Sorry for any 
trypos but i would normally take a little longer doing a report.
All the best 

I want my house
plot R17 18

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24 May 2008 6:46 PM by joanniemac Star rating. 241 forum posts Send private message

Dear Brianmags,totally agree about Polaris! I want my house! Plot R4 359.Cheers Joanniemac

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24 May 2008 6:49 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

SADM Information Finding Visit 21- 23 May 2008
The purpose of the visit was to meet with San Jose, Holaspain, AG2(solicitors and accountants) and Banco Guipuzcoano plus visit SADM and speak to people about the issues to clarify the feasibility of the development.
22 May
San Jose:
An hour long meeting was had with Pilar and we were frank and open with our comments and questions.
We stated that a lot of people wanted the project to go ahead but were concerned that this may not be possible and that solicitors were trying to get people to demand their money back. Pilar replied that the letter sent about the administration said that the project would go ahead. We pointed out that it was not clear as in the letter it stated that we would be creditors and we viewed that meant that we would have to get our money back. Pilar said that was not what San Jose meant to convey. She pointed out that it stated that the project will go ahead but we said but it does not say we can continue with our purchase. Pilar said that the start date for SADM may be a few months away and should not be dependant upon the completion of el Pinet. There may also be the possibility of having the deposit moved to el Pinet.
FACT. San Jose Information Note 15th May 2008, “ The purpose of this procedure is to:..ensure the continuation of the Projects ……..Santa Ana del Monte”
FACT. Costa Blanca News May 23 –29 2008, page 11 …. San Jose stated this week that the clients included in the list would be able to decide whether they wanted their money back or their property built. According to Mariluz Jover…They are also interested in developing Santa Ana del Monte resort in Jumilla
This is what we were told by Pilar who explained that the problem was caused by the bank not being willing to put funds in whilst a debt issue remained unresolved. A group of bank was put together but could not agree a sensible rate of interest for the loan. So administration was entered into. Pilar explained that in Spain this is a new law that enable companies to resolve its financial problems and continue trading. She further explained that those who decide that they want their money back may not get their money from the courts until after the properties are built but they would no longer be in the position of a purchaser as their funds would not be in the purchaser account. NB. If your money is no longer being held as a purchase deposit what status does it have? We will ask our solicitor this.
FACT. AG2 Solicitors email to clients 22 May 2008 .. “ First of all I want to make it 100% clear to you that this I not a Bankruptcy or Liquidation procedure of the company. This is a totally different procedure, which does not necessarily, has to finish with the bankruptcy or liquidation of the company”
We discussed the administration process and that the court would do the appointment of the administrators and that they would audit the company and its assets, liabilities and projected income.
We then said that we needed to know the position regarding the licences and that we wanted to be able to get independent verification of the reply to allay peoples fears. Pilar went and spoke to the San Jose solicitor and came back and explained that the town hall had agreed the licences but that they needed to deposit money with the Town Hall to receive them. Thus, although they do not have the licence it is available to them. This was why they had undertaken the financial procedure of administration, thus enabling the funds to be made available to deposit with the Town Hall and precede with the project. We asked for conformation of this.
FACT. Pilar told us that we could get conformation of this and all of the licences from the Town Hall in Jumilla, she wrote the Spanish name for the Town hall and department we had to ask for. We still have this piece of paper and BrianMags will scan it onto the site.   Ayuntamiento Jumilla, Departamente de urbanismo, Residencial Santa Ana del Monte.
FACT. Our bank manger told us that San Jose has 550 staff and it would be a disaster if they did not continue trading.
We asked about the purchasers and were informed that around 50% are Spanish and that people in Jumilla had purchased properties as permanent homes. That over 1500 people have purchased and we stated to Pilar that our deposits paid for the build and that the project had a guaranteed income of over 193 million Euros with just those sales.
We said that we want to help; we want our houses built and SADM to go ahead. We also asked for improved communication to let people know what is going on. Pilar agreed that if we write in expressing our support for the project this will have influence upon the administrators, who will be performing an audit of San Jose’s assets and cash flow projections.
This was a very helpful meeting and allayed some of our concerns, we noted that we told where to get the information regarding the licences from and this was done freely and openly.
Jumilla visit:
We drove to Jumilla and went to the Town Hall, it was closed for a festival with a note on the door.
FACT. We photographed the notice on the door as proof of our visit and BrainMags will post it on the site.
We drove to SADM and looked about. There has been planting on the golf course and where you come of off the main road to the drive leading up to SADM work on the projects road has commenced with central kerbing with plants being put in place. There were workmen on site. We looked t the location and discussed whether we both viewed this as an attractive project and concluded yes as it is beautiful location and appeals to a different type of purchaser than those of the coast. We took some photographs and Brainmags will load them up.
We met with Vanessa from Holaspain and discussed what Pilar had told us and asked what she had found out from San Jose. Her contacts had confirmed the same information that Pilar had given to us and further more she informed us of the money signs in the eyes of solicitors who are seeing an opportunity to make money out of the situation. She was of the opinion that proceeding with the purchase was the best action and agreed that getting money back through Spanish courts can take a long time and you are highly likely to get back less than you put in due to fees, costs etc
Costa Blanca News:
TonyMal telephoned Costa Blanca News and stated that not every one wanted their money back but wanted their property built. The journalist was stunned and said but they have not got the licence, which, although true, this does not mean that it is not available at the Town hall awaiting the deposit of money from San Jose. He said that he would be interested in purchasers who wished the project to go ahead and have their property to send in a letter. If you wish to let them know that “ I want my house” email it to rwickman@cbnews.es 
23 May
AG2 Asesores:
We arrived at our solicitors and stated that we wanted SADM to go ahead and that we wanted them to make sure that our deposits are correctly listed with the courts. We then asked for them to telephone Jumilla Town Hall and ask two questions:
1.      Are you waiting for the deposit of money from San Jose before you give them the licence?
2.      Does the Town Hall support and agree with the development of Santa Ana del Monte?
The Town Hall was still closed, as was the one in Torrevieja due to a festival. We have instructed our solicitor to get those two questions answered and the replies sent to us ASAP. Further more TonyMal and BrianMags have friends who are fairly fluent in Spanish and are going to ask them to telephone the Jumilla Town Hall. 00 34 968 716 015
Banco Guipuzcoano:
We asked the bank manger about the circumstances of San Jose and he was quite frank in his replies. He said that San Jose has a high level of valuable assets but that there was a cash flow problem caused by a bank being extremely cautious due to the credit crunch. He said it would be a disaster if San Jose ceased trading as it employs 550 staff and it would impact upon other developers and businesses. He believed that this would not be allowed to happen. He also said that the banker looking at the loan application of San Jose would not of taken into account the projected contractual payments on property purchases but an administrator would. We pointed out that the purchasers of SADM are not sub prime purchasers and that we were not amused by the behaviour of the banks! We asked if our mortgage offers for our properties on SADM still stood and he confirmed that they did. He also said that due to the credit crunch they would temporarily increase the term of the mortgage to keep the monthly payments the same and prevent financial hardship for their clients for 2 years.
 Estate Agent in la Ziena:
We popped into an estate agent and engaged in conversation and talked about the SADM San Jose problem and she said that the solicitors will be after making money and it takes ages to get your money back through the courts minus costs etc.
Factors to consider:
The global credit crunch is a recently unique event.
Jumilla residents are purchasers at SADM
There have been demonstrations in Spain about housing for the Spanish.
This is not just an “ex-pat issue”
Jumilla will have its economy boosted by SADM
SADM has contracted income of over 193 million Euros from properties
SADM has a very good location
Questions to ask:
Do I want my house?
Do I want to support SADM?
If I become a creditor how long before I get my money and how much will I get?
If the SADM goes ahead how will I feel not having my property?
We both feel that SADM is a viable project that it is highly likely that it will go ahead and that we want our properties. We await the replies from Jumilla town hall and will post them as soon as we receive them.
Ensure that your monies are notified to the Court.
We believe that it is important that we form a united body to represent and communicate our position and interests in SADM. We further propose drafting a standard letter in English and Spanish for purchasers to send to:
San Jose Administrators
Jumilla Town Hall ( Mayor)
Murcia Regional Government
TonyMal / BrianMags 24/05/2008

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24 May 2008 8:16 PM by alamred Star rating. 242 forum posts Send private message

Tony, as much as I admire your optimism the simply fact is san jose have no money to buy the licences. This has been building up to a crecendo this year, with stories afloat about sneaky sell off by directors etc.

Read the explaination posted early on eye in spain, closely, the issues hinges on bad management in securing land 9which they perceive as assets) and the inability to remain sufficiently liquid to press ahead. plus you did meet anyone with any power you met staff, if you had met the Directors with your lawyers it would have had more credibility, taking to junior staff at this stage is madness. Junior staff either resign when they can no longer face telling lies to clients (i know several san jose staff who have) or those who carry on to bitter end and then turn round and say "that is what I was told".

Here is eye on spain text

  Hi there,

First of all, I would like to introduce ourselves. We are a law firm based in Orihuela area-Torrevieja. Actually, we are working together with another law firm in Alicante (Price-Waterhouse) in several lawsuits against San Jose, having clients in all the phases: with private purchase contracts but without Title Deeds, waiting for completion; others in the phase of asking for the refund of their moneys for breach of contract and up until 142 clients with law suits before the Orihuela Courts (as you would probably know, where San Jose is based).

Due to we are so closed to the area where San Jose is has their head quarters, we are aware of some “news” which do not usually appear in newspapers and that we consider all the affected ones by the current situation, should know about.

Some months ago, the main Administrator of the company made proceedings in order to pass all his personal assets in the name of his wife apart from taking other measures to safeguard himself for the possible actions of Court. However, this is nothing to worry anybody because Judicial Administrators named by the Court can null all the actions done by a company up until 2 years since Court has accepted the case.

It is important for you to know as well that about the complex of the Shareholders of San Jose. The 40% of the company is in hands of a few, the rest are little shareholders from Orihuela and little towns around it, who have invested their savings in small amounts (from 20.000 € to 200.000 €). Within the current situation, the last ones are the most damaged ones, due to they are not creditors, and because of that, they have began to take actions that could make more difficult the viability of the company now in hands of Judicial Administrators.

We are aware as well that in the last 2 months, there have been many agreements with creditors where debts were paid with properties and dwellings.

It is true that all those affected by this situation should make it known to the Judicial Administrators, although please note as well that it does not mean at all that you would be refunded back all the amounts paid for the purchase of your properties. Actually, the first task of the administrators will be to try to complete the residentitals and urbanizations in order to complete the transactions, not to pay back any money. Nevertheless, take into account that the location of the properties will have a lot of importance and each one has a different situation. Just for your information and as far as we know:

1) Jumilla has the Partial Planning approved, so the urbanization is considered as “legal”, however, San Jose cannot be issued licences or are not able to go ahead with the building until the infrastructures problems are not completed, that is, they must pay the expropriation of the land plots located in the main entrance of the residential and the execution of the works for the accesses to the urbanization and the connection with the motorway. This is a problem of 5 million € that San Jose does not have nowadays.

2) Playa Golf. Almost all the properties are finished and they have granted as well inhabitation licences. Those faints that San Jose had to pay for beginning the works without licences (so illegally) have been paid already. So, with this urbanization, there would not be administrative problems.

3) El Pinet. This is a more complex issue. We would not have any inconvenience to explain to those interested in this matter or having a property there about their queries without any obligation, but being so long, it is easier to do it though mail.

We are sure, you will be asking at this stage how is it possible that a company so big and with so many sales has gone to this situation? This question has a very easy reply: the bad management of the company towards the land. They bought land plots where they were not able to build in, something that delayed all the projects, so almost in all the developments they were not able to finish them on time. The money of your deposits was gone a long time ago to buy other land plots. We have the example of “Dolores Park”, where San Jose invested a massive amount of money but where they do not have licences to build and moreover, they will probably not have it ever!

To sum up, we are really affected because this situation is trespassing the whole economy of the area where 500 direct workers and 3.000 indirect workers could be fired.

We believe that due to the assets owned by the company, if Judicial Administrators manage properly their work and if creditors and buyers show some comprehension, all could have a happy ending. However, all of us will need to have patience and to act on time and measure. It is very important to be aware of the stages done by the Judicial Administrators and the ones stipulated by Law and to wait the possible negotiation.

I hope this post clarifies some of your queries, but please contact us in case of having any further without any kind of obligation

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24 May 2008 8:17 PM by alamred Star rating. 242 forum posts Send private message

i meant "you did not meant any staff with power"

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24 May 2008 8:38 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi Alarmred,
why have you not declared your plot no? Are you actually a purchaser and have you actually said anything constructive? I think not.  Obviously it has not sunk in to you that we did not just rely upon the comments made by Pilar!  If you are a purchaser you are free to go down the legal route. It is so easy to be negative and run away but I stand up and fight for what i beleive in and I fully support SADM and I have enough experience to be able to analyse complicated and sometimes conflicting information and conclude that the SADM will go ahead.  Be part of the solution not the problem.

I want my house
TonyMal     R17  18

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24 May 2008 9:30 PM by kraipet Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

Hi Kraipet here again,
Great report Tonymal,many thanks.
We should all stick together,for those of us who want our dreams homes.We all work bloody hard,its hard earned money,and we want our houses.

Kraipet--R17 no 82 Amapola

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24 May 2008 10:12 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message


Thanks for the extensive report Tonymal, thanks for the insight and the opinions, and of course the facts you listed.

You and your friend have declared your professional status and plot number etc so i decided to do the same here.

My name is Brian, i am a member of the chartered institute of housing with a BA and Diploma in social housing, im also a qualified housing surveyor and domestic energy advisor.   Im used to working in strategic matters in development and have had some years in business as MD of my own construction based company. 

I have a deposit placed on plot AG01, number 12 at Albatera with san jose.

4 years ago i fell in love with the dream of owning a piece of Spain, on a golf course (i play off a 12 handicap).  I saw the opportunity as a lifestyle venture first, investment and income second. 

The builder San Jose were well respected, money markets were brimming with confidence and it was a realistic opportunity to add to lifes pleasures.

I no longer have an optimistic feel for the developments, for example some people have been written to by San Jose, others like myself have not.  Promises of building action over a long period have not been kept and contractual targets have been missed, not just by months but by years, then just abandoned.

In England companies with poor performance like this run into trouble and San Jose have done that.  In the UK companies that run into trouble will defend themselves with great skill and tenacity until they either trade through, or fold.  San Jose are doing this also.  They are a very large animal with very substantial assets and may well survive and prosper with a slimmed down portfolio.

I am determined to ensure they dont do this at my expense, which is why i will protect my interests, at further costs, with another profesional person....a lawyer.

If at the end of the day i get my dream.....i will be happy, if i get my money back i will be happy. 

If i lose both..........i will be unhappy and will have a failed ambition and a big hole in my pension.  

The managing director of San jose however..will still be a very rich man.

I want either my house (on a fully developed site as promised) or my money.......but i want my feet on the ground and fixed in reality, as my life should be.



Best wishes, Brian


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24 May 2008 10:36 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi Braindo,
Well you went a bit further than Brianmags and I so......I am a fellow of my professional body and I sit on 3 different national NHS Professional executives. Just ot let you know that in the costa blanca news San Jose say that they are interested in developing Albatera Golf. So you never know if we all work together we may achieve the aim we all set out with........

i want my House
All the best to you

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24 May 2008 10:53 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

Thanks....(me names not brain....its brian)

Yes that would be splendid.

What i was trying to convey is  that i will have some optimism when San Jose do something positive, not just say something positive in a newspaper.  I have heard it all before to be honest

Albatera is restricted to 1500 properties, on the edge of a nature reserve and at the foot of the mountains.  It also has many plots reserved by the families of San Jose directors, im not surprised they say they want to develop it.

If anyone makes it happen, yourself included then i will be happy.......meantime i trust you will respect me also protecting my interests. I would advise anyone to do consider doing the same.



Best wishes, Brian


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24 May 2008 11:01 PM by goldfinch Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message


Thank you, Tony Mal and BrianMags,for your time and effort in the compilation of the “SADM Information Report”.You achieved an awful lot in your short visit-the language barrier obviously did not slow you down in your quest for factual information.

The information Alamred posted while interesting, just basically shows that Spanish Company Law is in force, just as in other countries. Any fraudulent or dishonest behaviour by Company Directors or personnel is chased up and dealt with severely by the courts.

The information which is relevant and should be used by us, is that

·          500 direct and 3,000 indirect workers will lose their jobs if San Jose goes down.

·         50% of purchasers in Jumilla are Spanish, and finally

·         The banks in the region will still give out mortgages for the purchase of San Jose properties.

This is why the idea of starting up SARCO and sending a standard letter  to San Jose Administrators, Jumilla Town Hall ( Mayor),Murcia Regional Government and the Banks is very good.

With this many Spanish people affected, that must be equal to a lot of votes and a large part of the local economy. A lot of decisions at this level can be swayed by Political intervention and we should try to maximise this, to move behind the continuation of the building of Santa Anna.

How can we help you Tony Mal and BrianMags to help us more?

Amapola, Large deposit, No bank Guarantee R-20 plot 18.

I really want my house!




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24 May 2008 11:05 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,
The following was part of a reply to the report  I posted.  I read the article  which was an eye on Spain text carefully and found this  gem within:

"It is true that all those affected by this situation should make it known to the Judicial Administrators, although please note as well that it does not mean at all that you would be refunded back all the amounts paid for the purchase of your properties. Actually, the first task of the administrators will be to try to complete the residentitals and urbanizations in order to complete the transactions, not to pay back any money.

So this supports the conclusion of our report. 

I want my House

All the best
TonyMal R17 18 Rosita

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24 May 2008 11:26 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

hi Goldfinch,
thank you for the thanks and support for the standard letter. I will draft 1 up tomorrow place it on the site for the consideration of  owners.

I want my House

All the best TonyMal   R17 18 Rosita

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25 May 2008 1:20 AM by raynadine Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

                                    Hi TonyMal,
                                                          Many thanks for your efforts, you and Brian have done brilliantly. We too would still love to have our property which was due for completion Dec. 09. We will definitely send the letters you are getting together to the various people concerned. However, it is still worrying that San Jose, via Pilar, are still coming out with the same old story " the project will go ahead". Are the licences in place not only for the homes, but also for the roads, water, and also for the proposed hotel, petrol stations, and the project as a whole? Also, if too many people pull out and try to get their money back i think SJ will sink anyway. We are trying to stay positive while remaining scepticle, if that makes sense,
                                                                              Ray & Nadine R19 plot 480 Amapola

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25 May 2008 1:20 AM by raynadine Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

                                    Hi TonyMal,
                                                          Many thanks for your efforts, you and Brian have done brilliantly. We too would still love to have our property which was due for completion Dec. 09. We will definitely send the letters you are getting together to the various people concerned. However, it is still worrying that San Jose, via Pilar, are still coming out with the same old story " the project will go ahead". Are the licences in place not only for the homes, but also for the roads, water, and also for the proposed hotel, petrol stations, and the project as a whole? Also, if too many people pull out and try to get their money back i think SJ will sink anyway. We are trying to stay positive while remaining scepticle, if that makes sense,
                                                                              Ray & Nadine R19 plot 480 Amapola

This message was last edited by raynadine on 5/25/2008.

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25 May 2008 7:36 AM by barry210357 Star rating in Burntwood, Staffs.. 111 forum posts Send private message

barry210357´s avatar
Hi all

Thanks TonyMal............"KEEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE" !

As we are now disclosing our backgrounds.........for myself, I'm a Sales Manager for a very large Direct Marketing Company, an ex semi-pro drummer, and I also have my own Bouncy Castle business.

Part of me agrees with BRIANDO though, as we too have placed a large deposit for our Azucena on R10 Plot 36, which was due for completion now, May 2008.

We want our house too, but, after we have been fed so many untruths over the last 12 months or so, it is hard to believe them now, that there is a possibility that the project at SADM can still go ahead.

As BRIANDO says:-

In England companies with poor performance like this run into trouble and San Jose have done that.  In the UK companies that run into trouble will defend themselves with great skill and tenacity until they either trade through, or fold.  San Jose are doing this also.  They are a very large animal with very substantial assets and may well survive and prosper with a slimmed down portfolio.

I am determined to ensure they dont do this at my expense, which is why i will protect my interests, at further costs, with another profesional person....a lawyer.

If at the end of the day i get my dream.....i will be happy, if i get my money back i will be happy. 

If i lose both..........i will be unhappy and will have a failed ambition and a big hole in my pension.  

The managing director of San jose however..will still be a very rich man.

I want either my house (on a fully developed site as promised) or my money.......but i want my feet on the ground and fixed in reality, as my life should be.

If I can't have the dream......then I want my investment back......as simple as !

R10 No. 36

Baz & Sue R10 - 36

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