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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
18 Jan 2009 3:32 PM by FriendinNeed Star rating. 789 forum posts Send private message

"As for good legal advice. Some of us had this and got valid Bank guarantees and are still in the same mess as everyone else!!!!!"
Incorrect. Some who had good legal advice and valid BGs have had most of their money back.


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18 Jan 2009 3:44 PM by far Star rating in Dundrum, Co. Down. 169 forum posts Send private message

Exactly right, a valid bank guarantee has to pay out, with the clause in place you do not need to fight it through the courts

Unfortunately many of us appear to have "Mickey Mouse" bg's not worth the paper they are written on which are a waste of time and money pursuing through the court, but when you have a lawyer taking care of things this could not possibly happen! well wakey wakey it has, just need to smell the coffee now!!



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18 Jan 2009 3:50 PM by joanie666 Star rating. 231 forum posts Send private message

 Hello Far


I agree many of us did end up with Mickey Mouse Bg's .. not worth the paper they were written on. Some of us however have very real and legally binding BG's and are in no better position.

Even with these guarantees the banks will not pay out until the contract is resolved. To do this we need to go through the very same administration process.

Even then they may not pay out and we may have to take through the spanish civil courts.


BUT..Tony still disgusts me  as well as he has been in the same situation as all us and has a choice. his has been to try and lie and deceive other buyers for his own sake rather than ours. Shame on you Tony

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18 Jan 2009 3:53 PM by joanie666 Star rating. 231 forum posts Send private message

 Hello friend in need


Just read your post. Are you saying that there are owners who, have received money back since actioning their BGs after the administration process?? Or are you saying that proactive lawyers had foresight and registered prior to administration. The only people I am aware of are the later but I am very very very happy if you wish to correct me

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18 Jan 2009 4:11 PM by twigit Star rating in near yon ousing esta.... 162 forum posts Send private message


Hullo on this luvely sunny afternoon,
Yer can all ponteefikate as much as yer like but a'd jest remind yer theet yer can’t get owt from them thats got nowt an no amount a tub thumping is gonna change theet! There’s only two ways this can be sorted owt.
1.       Them folk wi proper bank guarantees ta ave their contracts resolved an get ta money back
2.       Fer them wi out bank guarantees ta only way is fer yon ousing estate ta be built
Its as simple as theet!

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18 Jan 2009 4:14 PM by FriendinNeed Star rating. 789 forum posts Send private message

"Just read your post. Are you saying that there are owners who, have received money back since actioning their BGs after the administration process"

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18 Jan 2009 4:17 PM by FriendinNeed Star rating. 789 forum posts Send private message

"Its a luvely sunny el domingo dia so am gona look fer Bill Boards on me wi way ta Pedros.
Mystic Meg....sheesh kabab!!  an Brian, me old yorky pud, a expect better a thee so please no intemperate language.
reet thats all fer taday, tune in tamarra fer ................."
Today 11.00 a.m.
This person should not be trusted. Whatever he writes just don't believe it.

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18 Jan 2009 5:55 PM by redman Star rating. 235 forum posts Send private message


Please explain in detail (in English please) how getting the urbanization built helps any of us in any way.  You cannot just keep saying this without giving us details of how it will benefit us.  Because even a simple calculation would suggest that continuing with the build would be financial suicide.

Please detail your reasons.  We have all given good reason as to why it shouldn't go ahead and  I love a good debate and am never frightened to say I'm wrong or change my opinion when I have more information.  So feel free to explain your reasons and not make unfounded statements.

Looking forward to your reply




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18 Jan 2009 7:24 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Trouble with the BGs is the banks are refusing to pay until contracts are resolved .SJ/HdT offered to do so and then refused .I wonder why .

Now we have to go to court to resolve the contracts the banks say they will then pay but I am not holding my breath .SJ/HdT should have  resolved  the contracts that are well over due . They are just trying  to avoid full bankrupcy at our expense .A waist of time in my opinion as they have time and time again shown their incompetence.This situation is disgraceful ,but make no mistake SARC and Tony had a hand in this along with  SJ/HdT. They acted against other purchasers to benefit their own pie in the sky aims .Tony /SARC will get what they deserve from this company deciet ,lies ,used ,and stitched up like kippers . As I have said before if you want to dance with the devil be prepared to be treated as one of his own  !!!! JA


This message was last edited by julie anne on 1/18/2009.

This message was last edited by julie anne on 1/18/2009.

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18 Jan 2009 7:56 PM by far Star rating in Dundrum, Co. Down. 169 forum posts Send private message

I know someone who resolved their contract long before the administration, they also had a bg and won their court case with compensation awarded against San Jose, they have handed out a lot of money to a lawyer who now does not make contact with them, they have not got their money back and have no idea what is happening as their lawyer has abandoned them. It is utterly appalling!!!

I was pleased to hear that the danish lady from the EU was in Spain this week speaking to victims of this kind of abuse, she is in charge of the investigation in to Spain's illegal practises, it may be a little late for us but at least the end is in sight for this type of abuse to carry on.



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18 Jan 2009 8:02 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message


I do not see any end in site for any of us who are suffering property abuses in Spain .Make sure you sign all the petitions ,just incase things don't go the way we would wish .Cover all angles ,keep up the Good fight .Best regards JA

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18 Jan 2009 10:07 PM by twigit Star rating in near yon ousing esta.... 162 forum posts Send private message


Hullo ta yer all,
Ave only got a minute or two, so this is gonna be quick. redman ole lad, ta reasons fer getting yon ousing estate built ave been explained time an time agen by the wing commander, so am not gonna go over old grownd.
Them wi proper bank guarantees like Mystic Meg, won’t be seen fer dust once they’ve got their brass back an then wot appens ta rest of us? think on!
Wots ta words am lookin fer ...them wi vested interest usin tuther folk fer their..............


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18 Jan 2009 10:16 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Twig of Twigit ,you are a  total muppet !!!!!!


This message was last edited by julie anne on 1/18/2009.

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19 Jan 2009 7:50 AM by twigit Star rating in near yon ousing esta.... 162 forum posts Send private message


Hullo ta yer on this chilly morn,

Think a touched a raw nerve as far as Mystic Megs concerned!!





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19 Jan 2009 8:08 AM by FriendinNeed Star rating. 789 forum posts Send private message

19 Jan 2009 8:15 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

Hi all, and a good morning.  Pardon my spelling this morning, i havnt got my specs

What did tithead just say?.......i think twitit was saying those with BG's will only go and cash them in if the housing estate dosnt get built.......................i think thats what the BG's are for isnt it?

And if the housing estate goes ahead with this builder and without proper contracts.................tell me now, do we think that all those nice people with BG's will say...

'Oh go on then, we wont have our money back we will have a house thats worth half as much, even though we dont know how long it will take to build and we dont know if we can trust the builder or if they will have the money to complete it'

Or will those nice people with BG's say.  'Hey the builder screwed up big time and we want our money back'

I think muppet and the sting commander are idiots for thinking there is even a choice.  The people without BG's will want this company in liquidation and a proper authority dealing with their finances............

The clue is in the way muppet says you wont see JA for dust when she gets her money back...........of course you wont you silly man, she will have achieved her objective...........she at least is honest and says what she wants instead of trying to shove silly information on a website to keep this con going.


Best wishes, Brian


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19 Jan 2009 8:18 AM by joanie666 Star rating. 231 forum posts Send private message

 I agree


I cant wait for the day when I no longer have to log onto this forum.. when I have my money and this nightmare is all behind me

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19 Jan 2009 10:07 AM by jaqib Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

Well said Briando55,

Twitit ( and others) want to blame those with bank guarantees for his and his legal aids stupidity at not getting his guarantee in place before handing over their hard earned!


stu and jaq R4 428 I DON'T THINK SO!!!!

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19 Jan 2009 11:20 AM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

It is almost as if Twigidiot would like me to apologise for wanting my money back .I would like SJ to aplogise to me for stealing it ! Twigidiot make no mistake I do want my money back and when I get it I will dissapear in a puff of very happy dust or would you prefer if  I keep logging on here to watch as you guys get nothing and gloat  as SJ shaft you all for a second time ! You are such aTwigidiot .JA

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19 Jan 2009 12:10 PM by twigit Star rating in near yon ousing esta.... 162 forum posts Send private message


Hullon ta yer all,

A jest got back from me churos an chocolet in Pedros an ave seen Bill Boards but yel ave to get onta me channel to see wot am sayin.

Look me objection int that Mystic Meg an others get their brass back, its that they shudn't use them wiout who'll not get owt from them thats got nowt!!

ope theets clear enouf!




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