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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
28 May 2008 12:00 AM by redman Star rating. 235 forum posts Send private message

Dear all,
It has just been confirmed that the Administrators have been appointed and the list of creditors and the amounts owed released.
Most important of all is that you now have 30 days to make sure that your name is on the list and the amount owed to you corresponds to the amounts paid.  If not then you have 30 days to file your case legally .
Kind regards and good luck to all.
Steve. Cool

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28 May 2008 1:57 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Steve


Best wishes, Brian


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28 May 2008 2:29 PM by Linda Needham Star rating in Jumilla,Spain. 302 forum posts Send private message

Linda Needham´s avatar
Thanks Steve


Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia

R4 308 For Rental

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28 May 2008 3:40 PM by malcolmandlinda Star rating in playa golf 1. 45 forum posts Send private message

Top of Form
Data bankruptcy
1. Declaration of San Jose contest:

1.1 .- Proced. No Bankruptcy 278/2008-A, and is processed in the Juzgado de lo Mercantil No. 2 of Alicante.

1.2 .- date: 9/05/2008 and acceptance date: 20/05/2008

1.3 .- Administrators bankruptcy:
-- D. Pedro Algarra, in his capacity as an economist,
-- D. Jose Luis Garcia Gonzalez Cañada, as a lawyer, and
-- Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo, as a creditor.

1.4. -- Decreed the intervention of the powers of administration of trade, leaving the regular exercise of the same subject to the approval or agreement of the administrators.
2. STATEMENT contest Herrada of Tollo

2.1 .- Proced. No Bankruptcy 275/2008-R, and is processed in the Juzgado de lo Mercantil No. 1 of Alicante.

2.2 .- date: 9/05/2008, and acceptance Date: 19/05/2008.

2.3 .- Administrators bankruptcy:
-- D. Jose Antonio Pascual Navarro, in his capacity as an economist,
-- D. Abraham Garcia Gascon, as a lawyer, and
-- Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo, as a creditor.

2.4 .- The commercial was put in exercising its powers of administration and disposition on their heritage, to the intervention by administrators through bankruptcy or under authorization.

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28 May 2008 3:42 PM by 4749annjoe Star rating in blackpool lancs. 50 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

I had a PM from Abolex regarding the list of creditors, he informed us that our name is included.   The amount
is less IVA @ 7%.


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28 May 2008 4:31 PM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 forum posts Send private message


Anyone know who 'Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo' are, the creditor reps for both companies?



Best wishes, Brian


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28 May 2008 4:34 PM by Linda Needham Star rating in Jumilla,Spain. 302 forum posts Send private message

Linda Needham´s avatar
CAM Bank


Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia

R4 308 For Rental

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28 May 2008 8:00 PM by martinbrothers Star rating in Worcestershire. 278 forum posts Send private message

Lets hope for all those with Banker's Guarantees (unlike us) that you can get your hard earned money back - heaven knows you deserve it!. At least your Agent/Lawyer obtained this for you! Believe us if we had had a BG we would not be shouting I WANT MY HOUSE but GET ME MY MOINEY !  We offer genuine  luck to all those that now enter the recovery period.Go get it!!

We can only speak for ourselves , but have decided to forge ahead and buy another property on Playa Golf III and transfer our Deposit.  By going this route we are putting funds into the 'pot' which if others did may help aid the fortunes of those clinging to Jumilia. (and we absoslutely respect that decision by the way) but refuse to sit and wait for that dream.  The thought of another 2/3/4 years is ridiculous. Lord knows we've been patient enough  There are other options if you talk to them.  

How many others are taking the option of safeguarding their money this way we wonder?

formerly R-4 491
now R-2 No35 PG3



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28 May 2008 8:29 PM by jillyg Star rating in Deepcut, Surrey. 57 forum posts Send private message

Hi All
this is mainly for 4749 annjoe but if anyone else can help all the better!
could you get the list from Abolex and publish it on this forum?
or if ANYBODY has a credit list could they do the same 
seems my agent in spain has gone very quiet

With thanks

Keith&Gill R10 - 626 

G S Gee

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28 May 2008 9:09 PM by 4749annjoe Star rating in blackpool lancs. 50 forum posts Send private message

hi jillyg

If you look at "so -  what do we do how" 22/5/08 4.23pm there is a post by Abolex.   He is offering to pass on
your details by way of a PM, if that's any help.


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28 May 2008 9:22 PM by janelouisestockdale Star rating in Norfolk. 16 forum posts Send private message

I would like to hear from anyone who has a bank guarantee and is in the process of executing this.  We are one of the few who has a guarantee with BBVA Bank.  However, on trying to execute this we have been told that the original copy of the guarantee seems to be missing.  The Bank, my lawyer, San Jose and ourselves all have photocopies which have been stamped and signed by the BBVA Bank in Orihuela City but no-one seems to have the original which is needed to execute the guarantee.  

When our Lawyer spoke to Tomas at San Jose to ask him if they had the original copy of the guarantee, Tomas replied that they only have copies and the original must have been "lost".

How very convenient for everyone, except us!!!

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28 May 2008 10:02 PM by irene1 Star rating in Bonnie Ayrshire. 19 forum posts Send private message


Has anybody managed to log onto the publicidadconcursal es website and go on to see the list that has the creditors names and amounts. I tried the instructions but so far I have failed. I must be doing something wrong anybody advise on how to do this correctly.

Thanks Irene


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28 May 2008 10:22 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi Irene,
I tried to log onto the site and had no joy. i believe that it has not been loaded up yet. I have contacted San Jose to ask if they could supply us with a copy and i have asked my solicitors if they could do the same. if i get hold of it I will post it on this site.
All the best
I want m house
Tony R17 18

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28 May 2008 10:35 PM by Linda Needham Star rating in Jumilla,Spain. 302 forum posts Send private message

Linda Needham´s avatar
Its not been uploaded yet. have loaded instructions  in Spanish.  On front page bottom right hand corner.  It will probably be on there in English tomorrow.


Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia

R4 308 For Rental

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28 May 2008 10:38 PM by taxiparrots Star rating in Deepest Suffolk. 149 forum posts Send private message

Yes we are in the process of excuting our bank guarantee.The original is held by our solicitor and they have confirmed this to us recently.They sent us a copy about two years ago when they received the original.. I would suggest your solicitor is' light weight ' if he did not ensure he had the original when it was first received.  Sue him. You will also need the signed original contract and also the original bank transfer form/s which your uk bank gave you when you transferred your deposit to SJ.

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28 May 2008 10:43 PM by TonyMal Star rating in Oxfordshire. 1090 forum posts Send private message

Hi Linda,
i am impressed they responded either responded very quickly to my request, or as most likely they were allready going to that.
I spoke to my brother this evening, he works in a city bank and he was in Jumilla first week of May. He has told me if this settles down he wants to buy an Acuzena and he really likes it inland. There are purchaseres out there for SADM.
All the best
i want my house
Tony R17 8

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29 May 2008 12:23 AM by pedro12336 Star rating. 1 forum posts Send private message


i read your forum an am interested about you going on with build, wot is the Espana forum you as seen with Spanish people who buy


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29 May 2008 2:06 PM by DAVID38 Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi Taxiparrots,

We to are executing our bank guarantee and confirm the original document should be held by the relevant Solicitor and if not the Solicitor should be asked why the original document was not obtained and kept in a safe place.

David & Christine 

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29 May 2008 4:41 PM by laganside Star rating. 19 forum posts Send private message

This is my first post to this forum. In responce to malcolmand linda post re Administrators Appointed. It states in the declaration of San Jose on 1.1 Proced No Bankruptcy 278/2008A. and in respect to the declaration of Herrada de Tollo it states on 2.1 Proced No Bankrupycy 275/2008.R. These guys are talking about  BANKRUPTCY not administration . Can anybody clarify the situitation please !.
I am very appreciative of all the hard work that is going on this site, I shall support all activities to get a positive solution to our problems.

R4 - 448

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29 May 2008 5:54 PM by JavierC Star rating. 11 forum posts Send private message

These are the details of the ADMINISTRATION PROCEDURE:

Se trata del Procedimiento Concursal número 275/2008 R, y se tramita en el Juzgado de lo Mercantil Nº 1 de Alicante.

Administration Procedure number 275/2008 R and dealt through the Mercantile Court Number 1 of Alicante.

Se trata del Procedimiento Concursal número 278/2008 A, y se tramita en el Juzgado de lo Mercantil Nº 2 de Alicante.

Administration Procedure number 278/2008 A and dealt through the Mercantile Court Number 2 of Alicante.

I would like to make clear that "Concurso voluntario de acreedores" is VOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATION OF CREDITORS and NOT bankruptcy nor liquidation.

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