The Comments |
Many thanks Javier. Would it be possible for you to let us know when SJ put the full instruction details on the web site in English. It would stop everyone going to the web site to find something is not there.
Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia
R4 308 For Rental
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Hi JavierC
Do you think it was a wise choice for me and my wife to back out of Jumilla after a meeting with San Jose indicating that things are going to get worse (thats was in April) we were offered a property in Playa golf with a massive discount, we had no Bank G`tee the only way to keep our money safe was to transfer. I have been chatting to many people who have done the same, it was the best way to get out money out and avoid a long legal prosess and still to make a profit. We will be in our SPANISH DREAM in about 2weeks.
Ive been on this site for a long time reading what people have to say, my advice is be realistic dont trust everything you hear and most of all do make your own effort, everyone has invested alot of hard earned money, blood, sweat ,and tears. San jose have played with peoples dreams and they still are. Make sure that you have HAVE A GOOD LAWYER!!!!
I realy hope every thing dose iron itself out for all of us. wish everyone the best of luck. If anyone need any help dont hesate to contact me or even if you need a place to stay whilst in spain, our doors are open.
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Hi Kalghotra,
I had meetings with my Banks, Agent and San Jose on the 18 of April and i stayed over for 8 days.We talked about the delays and how they would catch up with the build. I came across no one panicing to get their money out neither did Brianmags who was there just before me and neither did my brother the week of administration.
I am surprised that you came across this as even my agent Holaspain have not come across this panic. I wish you well though and thank you for wishing us all the best with our aim to get our homes. You can do us all a great service by letting it be known that we are standing together and saying, " I want my House" and you can then visit us at SADM and share a drink.
Out of interest what was your plot number?
All the best to you.
I want my House
Tonymal R17 18
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Has anybody been able to view the creditors list yet. I really need to view it. I believe that I have been credited for a considerable sum less that I paid. If this information is available why can we not access it .It appears that solicitors have it but why not us. ??
_______________________ Irene
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hi Irene,
Call Pilar at San Jose tomorrow and politely tell her this and ask her to confirm the figures that they provided to the court. if they are wrong ask her to resubmit the correct amount and check with your solicitors what they have on record as your deposit. If Martin has access to it perhaps he may be able to help you?
I hope you have been informed incorrectly and the amount is correct.
All the best
I want my house
Tonymal R17 18
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No sure Irene
My solicitor has not replied yet with my details....he seems reliable so i wouldnt listen to hearsay and i am trying not to panic.
Im sure that EOS will contain the information in the next day or so.
Everyone on here seem pretty switched on.....sit tight for a day or so and look for leads and info.
Best wishes, Brian
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Hi tony,
My plot number is R7 470. Im going to be in spain on work and finish last bits on my house, if anyone need any help in a architect and my wife is a lawyer, we will be more tan willing to help anyone.
Cheers Tony!
Dal x
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Does anyone know why they would need to stop 7% at this stage? If we continue to completion, then we would pay an additional 7% (plus other usual costs), but as yet, we haven't actually bought anything
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Does anyone know why they would need to stop 7% at this stage? If we continue to completion, then we would pay an additional 7% (plus other usual costs), but as yet, we haven't actually bought anything
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7% IVA (VAT) would have been added to your deposit, if and when you make your final payment a further 7% will be added. This message was last edited by mattjo on 5/29/2008.
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I'm sorry but the figures do not add up. I've just made a few calculations and there are a few things wrong here.
Are San Jose suggesting that the figure advertised for our properties already included the 7% IVA. Suggesting that the only tax we need to pay on completion (along with the final payment) will be the 1% newbuild tax, I don't think so.
Do we claim the missing 7% off the Spanish Government, I don't think so either. After all, we haven't bought anything yet.
I've added the 7% to the amount I'm supposed to be owed and it still doesn't add up to the amount I paid.
Something is amiss, (or perhaps I'm missing something). I know San Jose are missing something and that's a calculator.
It wouldn't be anything to do with San Jose trying to reduce thier liability by any chance.
Perhaps some of the legal eagles here can clear this one up. Thank you in advance.
Kind regards to all,
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We moved last year and did not let San Jose know our new address - we have also not been able to get internet for a while - could somebody give me an e-mail address or address so we can register as creditors. Thanks
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When a company goes into admin in the UK, any VAT paid is allowed back, sometimes the only payment received by the creditor, depending on convertible assets ie 'how much to the pound'.
The most anyone can charge on VAT is the percentage of the money a deposit may include 7% tax. It is not possible to charge 7% of the build cost and include all that as a deposit.
If any tax that San Jose are claiming has been charged to us is valid it should be accounted for in their books as owing, and by now paid, to the government. The administrators will be able to identify it.
logic tells me that the money is safer with the government and we will definately get that back, or do we need to be vat registered?????
Answers on a postcard, or better still place it on here.....
Best wishes, Brian
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Hi all,
be very aware that there is funny buisness going on, I posted yesterday that I was being credited for less that I had paid, so as tonymal suggested I contacted Pilar by email, she very kindly has gotton back to me to inform me that they did not recieve the initial 3000Euro deposit we paid. I am demented with all this rubbish. Why cant people just have what credited what they have paid so far.
_______________________ Irene
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