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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
13 Nov 2006 12:00 AM by JONESS Star rating in shropshire. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi All

Just an update from our visit, weather was mixed , cloud, rain and sun, sorry we did'nt get to meet you Linda but we had a change of plan due to the weather and things .... anyway update we got from Grettel at San Jose on Wednesday 8th November  is that they are still waiting on final plans back from Murcia , do not expect to start any building work until the  New Year , January or February maybe ?? and when it does start  it will take 12months for the first properties to be built and any  keys to be  released ( we expected ours to be ready by June 07 /Sept07  at the latest) not now , we do not expect our property to be ready (Amapola R15 - 83  until June 08  may be later!!  which will be well over 12 months over due , we came away very disappointed  with Santa Ana development & San Jose.

We could not see much happening up there from our last visit in March this year  , they may have moved  earth around  cement mixer and built a compound ready to start , but no big machinery there or building materials ready for the build to commece not much happening on the first 9 holes only someone weeding !!


We are going over again at Christmas but don't expect any new changes.

Regards to you all .

Kevin & Sue


Kevin & Sue Jones- Shropshire R15 - 83  

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13 Nov 2006 10:50 PM by Linda Needham Star rating in Jumilla,Spain. 302 forum posts Send private message

Linda Needham´s avatar
Hi Kevin and Sue
Perhaps when you are out at Christmas time we will be able to meet then.


Linda Needham
La Alberquilla
Jumilla, Murcia

R4 308 For Rental

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01 Dec 2006 7:13 PM by barry210357 Star rating in Burntwood, Staffs.. 111 forum posts Send private message

barry210357´s avatar

Hi Kevin & Sue

We're Barry & Sue, and we have also bought a property on Santa Ana Del Monte.

It is quite dis-heartening to hear that your place is going to be 12 months overdue !

Ours is an Azucena, and we were told it would be ready in March 2008 !

I hope it's not going to be 12 more months for us also, as that will take us into 2009 !

Perhaps at Christmas when you go over, you can give evryone an update !



Baz & Sue R10 - 36

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