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20 Jul 2008 12:00 AM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar
My Spanish is bad at best....................... but my Chinese and Lankan is better !

My translations are in brackets + the following that i have worked out either from Babelfish or from the statements themselves.

Saldo Anterior = Previous Balance
Saldo Nuevo = New balance
Movimientos de Cuenta Corriente = Current Account Transactions
Liquidacion de intereses = Liquidation of interests (fees!) / Comision de mantenimiento = Account Maintenence

I transferred €12,491.24 to CAM on 19/6/08. Statement received headed up Transferencia recibida (Transfers received)

€15.53 was debited on 19/6 as ''Gest - Hipot''. Statement received headed up . So what is a ''Gest - Hipot'' ?

€2.50 was debited on 30/6/08 as account maintenence ( I can live with that monthly)

€17.43 was debited on 14/7/08 as Comision Tramitacion Certificado Residencia. The bumf appears to go on to say it's something to do with the Ministry of Interior under the direction of The Madrid Police/Policy ?

Think I'll go and lie down, count my money and measure my old rope, hope there's enough for completion after Pedro and Domingo have taken there €50 each 



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20 Jul 2008 12:34 AM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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I had the same apparently its for the non- residency certificate and the NIE numbers ??? Or so the bank said although it took them 20 minutes and several phone calls to figure it out, still think they didnt have a clue really...........

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20 Jul 2008 9:03 AM by TimA Star rating in Jardin 4 & Kent. 93 forum posts Send private message

I think "Gest - Hipot" is some kind of admin fee to do with your mortgage (hipoteca)..


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20 Jul 2008 9:44 AM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Tim

The bank were very specifis to point out to me in the paper work on each page I signed that the admin fee for the accounts would usually be E 18.00 but because we had  taken the mortgage with them the annual fee was waivered, they seemed really at a loss to what these fees were for and stated that they knew one was for the non- residency certificate which has to be produced to some office in Madrid so we do not get taxed in Spain (that was the 15.75 amount) but they weren't sure what the other was for ??

Never regret the things you've done...Just the things you aint !! 

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20 Jul 2008 10:34 AM by TimA Star rating in Jardin 4 & Kent. 93 forum posts Send private message

Hi Carol,

I'm going to see them Thursday to pick up cards, cheque books etc and will quiz them about it then.  I sense their response will involve upturned palms and a shrug of the shoulders though.......


2 bed Apartment on Condado for rent:  www.spain-apartment.com

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20 Jul 2008 1:48 PM by debs77 Star rating in Sheffield / Jardin 1.... 97 forum posts Send private message

We had 2 x 17,53 EUR taken out of our CAM Bank account and when I questioned these was told it was some kind of tax which "the public funds makes in the accounts of non-residents in Spain every two years" and is mandatory payment to the Spanish Government.

I used the online help which can be accessed from the internet banking - it's a find of online chat where you type in a message and then someone replies straight away. I was pretty impressed with it! No doubt I'll be using it on a regular basis if I keep getting random charges to my account!


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20 Jul 2008 1:54 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Debs

It's all the unexpected bits and bobs which are just taken .......... although i was warned to make sure i keep a decent float in my current account as people just seem to dip into your Spanish account without a specific authority (unless owning a property/having a bank account is deemed as specific enough under Spanish law) and without warning.




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20 Jul 2008 2:00 PM by debs77 Star rating in Sheffield / Jardin 1.... 97 forum posts Send private message

It is worrying that random amounts can be taken from our accounts without any warning or info, think I'm gonna have to brush up on my Spanish to keep track of it all - done two years beginner so far and about to start GCSE (feel like a school kid again!!), doubt they'll be teaching me about banking, taxes, etc though, more likely to be about what I do at school and what I want to do when I grow up!!!

Definitely need to keep a bit of a buffer in the account... 

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20 Jul 2008 2:13 PM by Jane and Mark Star rating in Wistow, North Yorksh.... 29 forum posts Send private message

If you disagree with anything taken from your bank accounts, you have 20 days in which to contact the bank.  They will then put the money back into your account untill such time you instruct them to reinstate the direct debit or pay the recipient.  It has happened to us in the past.


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20 Jul 2008 3:34 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Could this €17.43 be the new tax everyone owning property will have to pay even if they dont rent out their property? We have a form from our Solicitors that we think seems to be about that.

I have read something about this tax recently and the blurb was that no matter who you are or if you think the authorities dont know about you, they do, and will come for their tax payment. It has only recently been put into practice. That doesnt quite explain payments x 2 though


Jan & Mike

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20 Jul 2008 3:53 PM by chrismg Star rating in North Wales and gard.... 292 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,
      We recieved these charges yesterday as well, 2 x 17.43 euro's for something AND 15.53 euro's for control y gestion hipotecaria, a bit gutted about these charges and it seems they can take it out of your account at any time, I'm working the next 3 weeks so will have trouble phoning cam bank to complain. I think the tax Jan is on about is the wealth tax that gets paid each year on the value of your property, when we were over in June we asked a few people about this who live over there and they told us that the solicitors will get you to sign a form for them to check this each year for you, 100 euro charge by the solicitors. We were told by the residents where we were that this tax is being abolished at the end of 2008 and don't pay it, we will now have to write a letter to our solicitors and hand it to them in October cancelling this form we signed, EVERYBODY'S after our money. 
                                                             Chris and Tracey.

Chris and Tracey

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20 Jul 2008 3:57 PM by Jane and Mark Star rating in Wistow, North Yorksh.... 29 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jan and Mike

We have had the amount deducted as well, the x 2 is for the both of you.  As for what it is exactly i am not sure, but i will email my bank manager next week to find out.

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20 Jul 2008 4:05 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

I'll try to find out about the tax I read about. I thought it is something new,  Just can remember all the details but the gist was that the tax authorities know that not everyone declares tax on their renting income so they are going to charge everyone a flat rate.  Will try to find whatever it was I read.


Jan & Mike

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20 Jul 2008 4:33 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Have found one of the web sites I saw this tax info on www.spanishpropertyinsight.com and its a piece relating to income tax for non resident non renting owners (plus other information for residents and renting owners) It isnt wealth tax I was refering to. However its obviously better to get current information from the Bank or Solicitor especially I cant see how this income tax links to the €17.43 fee.

Does this €17.43 appear to be a monthly charge?


Jan & Mike

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20 Jul 2008 5:42 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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The €17.43 fee is nothing to do with rental, is says on the slip that it's for 'processing the residents certificate'  whatever that means?
As I'm not applying for residence I assume it's some charge that all non resident account holders have to pay?




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20 Jul 2008 6:25 PM by skl Star rating in Cheshunt, Herts & Ja.... 4 forum posts Send private message

On reading this thread and checking my statement from CAM bank I have just done a quick bit of research via Google and found this :

"How to open a bank account in Spain if you are non-resident: Go to the bank of your choice with your passport and, if possible, a standard non-resident certificate.

To obtain a certificate, go to your nearest Police station (Dirección General de la Policía) with your passport and a full photocopy of your passport and apply for a "certificado de no residencia". You will have to go and collect it about 10 days after applying.

These days more and more Spanish banks do not insist on non-residents giving them a certificate. Some even offer to apply for one on their client's behalf, which saves you from having to go to the Police Station yourself. They generally charge about 15 euros for this service. Banks are obliged to check that clients still have non-resident status every two years."

On another website it states that without the certficate the bank account is not operative and the bank cannot release any funds from the account without the certificate being in place.  The €2.43 is the IVA charge.


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20 Jul 2008 6:57 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Suddenly- possibly- it becomes a little clearer  (doubt I would have been much assistance to Columbo!) I also read about a NIF certificate which we took as a misprint but now I'm not so sure because it seems to have something to do with the NIE number and relate to taxes.


Jan & Mike

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20 Jul 2008 8:51 PM by shampers Star rating in Warrington & Jardin .... 1057 forum posts Send private message

shampers´s avatar
Thank-you to those in the know, glad its a bi annual charge and not monthly



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20 Jul 2008 9:02 PM by chrismg Star rating in North Wales and gard.... 292 forum posts Send private message

So from what Sandie says the bank have done us a favour, saved us a trip to the police station. Be nice if they expalained themselves though.

Chris and Tracey

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21 Jul 2008 8:27 AM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

I think so, there is some registration certificate that's aside from the NIE number and it has to be applied for.


Jan & Mike

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