Trip To Naranjos - Just Back

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24 Oct 2008 12:00 AM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

Kev1´s avatar
Hi all,
Just back from our first trip to Condado. Had planned to complete on our penthouse but delayed due to no COH. Apparently this could be with us in a couple of weeks. We did complete our snagging and will post a fuller report tomorrow...

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25 Oct 2008 7:40 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

Kev1´s avatar
We visited Condado for the first time his week, originally to complete on our penthouse in block 11. We knew before hand that our COH was not available so wouldn't complete but were advised we could continue with snagging. Arrived Monday to stay the week at a fellow forum members place on Jardin 12. Very comfortable apartment, well appointed and stylishly furnished (will provide info to anyone who pm's me). We were blown away with the place from the approach to Condado onwards. All the pictures being posted just do not do it justice and we are convinced we have made a great investment for the long term future. Weather was warm all week if a little showery and it has come as a shock to get back to old Blighty ! Anyway, we snagged our penthouse in block 11 on Tuesday and found only minor issues. We used snagitmurcia who appeared to do a professional job - we've already had the snagging list and photos e-mailed to us. We are really pleased with the penthouse and the views are just fantastic. Most of the penthouses seem to be all but complete but there are workmen there all the time finishing off. Main concern is probably the run off from the apartment above as mentioned in the thread on Jardin apartments - need to decide what to do about this. Went to solicitors on Wednesday to sign POA (paid for by PW) and Spanish Wills. Their offices are in Los Alcazares and we were impressed with them as an outfit (they have offices in other areas of Spain and are quite a large organisation by the look of it). The Notary's office was downstairs in the same building which made things very easy. The solicitor spoke to PW who said COHs for Naranjos would start coming through from this week and thought ours may be through in two weeks which would be better than December which was their first estimate (won't hold our breath on that one !). Los Alcazares was absolutely lovely.
Went to Puerto De Mazzaron on Thursday and thought it was a dump so must have gone to the wrong part of town !
Looked around a few furniture places but have virtually decide to ship the bulk over from the UK. Will buy the bits and pieces once over in Spain.
In summary, a good trip and really impressed with the set up. Have got to hand it to PW who seem to be a cut above anything else we saw. Will post photos if I can work out what to do - if anyone has any specific questions then let me know.

Finally, if someone has dimensions for the penthouse then let me know. We didn't bother taking them as someone had already said they have them.

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25 Oct 2008 8:42 PM by Migde Star rating. 120 forum posts Send private message

Migde´s avatar
Hi Kev,

Always love to hear positive things about our new dream place in the sun.
We had our Penthouse valued a couple of weeks ago and with the valuation we got a survey of the apartment with most dimensions. Unfortunately I can't load it onto the forum as I'm not smart enough to change the format of the doc', but if you pm me your e-mail I could send it to you as a word doc'.

Iain & Gill

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25 Oct 2008 10:01 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

Kev1´s avatar
Thanks both. Have e-mailed you our details.

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25 Oct 2008 10:16 PM by TonyandLiz Star rating. 35 forum posts Send private message

Hi Kev and Elaine

Glad everything with your penthouse is good.  Just wanted to pick your brains as you said you are thinking about shipping your furniture out to Spain.  We too thought that would be a good idea as we keep seeing lovely furniture for such a good price over here but did get quotes for shipping out to Spain and they were expensive.  I also spoke to a few people on our recent visit to Spain and they said that the quality of the Spanish furniture is really good so we don't know what to do.  We met a man with a van, who has a company called Ardly Arrods who buys and sells good secondhand furniture, as he was delivering to someone on La Torre and thought he may be a good option .  Please would you let us have any details you have re shipping furniture to Spain.

Kind regards

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25 Oct 2008 10:59 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

Kev1´s avatar
Tony & Liz,
I will pm you.

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