First snagging inspection for Los Naranjos

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23 Sep 2008 12:00 AM by ebeechey Star rating in Los Belones, Murcia,.... 89 forum posts Send private message

Hi guys

We are conducting our first snagging inspection on the Jardines in Los Naranjos today.
If anyone would like details about our findings then please let me know.

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23 Sep 2008 9:28 AM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Emma,

Yes please, would be very interested in any infromation you can share.











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23 Sep 2008 9:40 AM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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Me too Emma, any picys would be great as well thanks.


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23 Sep 2008 12:32 PM by Hubertus Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message


Great to hear and see how it went.
I also have a pergola discussion (I have a confirmation from Polaris wich says the pergola comes on the back and now it comes on the front....and they won't do a thing about it) so I am very suspicious about the snagging and Polaris....

Thank you in advance!!


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23 Sep 2008 10:12 PM by osk Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi emma

could you let us know how the snagging went also.


olive and simon

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24 Sep 2008 4:43 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Me too.....Interested in the snagging - even though your activity was on Jardines.  I guess many items will be common.

By the way, how long is it taking you to get to Condado from Los Belones?  Do you take the Motorway to Murcia then join the new Road at the new intersection?





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24 Sep 2008 7:15 PM by Kev1 Star rating in Condado De Alhama. 826 forum posts Send private message

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I'd like to know too please !

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25 Sep 2008 11:46 AM by ebeechey Star rating in Los Belones, Murcia,.... 89 forum posts Send private message

Hi Nick

It usually takes about 40 mins from Los Belones to Condado. it is a 75 km drive.

Regarding directions yes we take the road to Murcia and then join the RM2 at the new intersection. Don't take the new Almeria option as this is a toll road and also adds about another 5-10 mins to the journey.

Have sent you snagging details for Los Naranjos.

By the way it is raining very heavily here and is due to be like this for the next week or so, so tell Debs to bring an umbrella!!!!

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25 Sep 2008 12:01 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Emma,

OMG......She will love that!!.......She was due to go to Terneriffe with her Mum (her 65th b/day).  I persuaded her to go to La Manga (we have been going to the strip for years) as I thought she could see the new apartment & do a few useful jobs.   She will give some stick now. excuse for not doing the jobs now!!

Not seen the snagging details for Los Naranjos yet.    I'll look for them now





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25 Sep 2008 12:52 PM by OOCH Star rating in Cheshire and Jardins.... 69 forum posts Send private message

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I'd like to know please also.

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25 Sep 2008 12:59 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Emma....where did you post the snagging details for Los Naranjos?

Tried to find, but cannot see them





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25 Sep 2008 1:02 PM by lisa7 Star rating in leicester. 160 forum posts Send private message

Hi Emma

I'd like some info on the snagging also please. That is if youve got the time.



This message was last edited by lisa7 on 9/25/2008.

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25 Sep 2008 1:36 PM by ebeechey Star rating in Los Belones, Murcia,.... 89 forum posts Send private message

Hi guys

Sorry for the delay but we have just had a power cut due to the weather so I popped to the shops and got stuck in a flooded road, and I drive a 4x4!!!! The Mar Menor sea is brown due to the amount of mud that is being washed down from the fields so it is not looking pretty at the moment. I would warn anyone who is coming over soon if it is raining whilst you are here the Spanish cannot drive in the rain. They are not used to it and there is always a lot of surface water. It took my husband twice as long this monring to get to Condado than normal as there were many accidents and a few abandoned cars on the motorway.

Anyway on with the information I promised you guys about the snagging of the property on Los Naranjos. It was actually a penthouse. I think I mistakenly stated it was an Jardines apartment in my previous mail.

Our initial comments based on the apartment we saw were that the overall standard of finish was very good and seemed to be of a higher standard than that of the Jardines properties. Whether this is because Polaris have learnt from the Jardines experience or whether as higher priced properites they have finished them to a higher standard we are not sure. The clients attended the visit and from what we could gather were also happy with the property.

We only found 16 faults in the property which is much lower than the average we have been finding on Jardines. The faults were mostly minor and should be easily rectifiable so hopefully this should keep the snagging time to within the 30 working days that Polaris state.

The only downside was that the gardens are still immature and the swimming pool was not full. However you are braver than I if you want to get into a pool before June next year so this is really only an aesthetic issue.

We are conducting serveral more next week including some Jardines style properties so it will be interesting to see if the standard is maintained.

If you have any other questions please let me know.

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25 Sep 2008 1:46 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Emma,

Debs gonna love this mail!!  (Not)......Floods, Muddy Mar Menor, Lousy Spanish drivers in rainy conditions...!!  Can't stop laughing.........Seriously I hope it gets out for them by next week.  I guess she will call you on Monday morning if it is still bad then.

Seems good news on the Penthouses though.   Happy with your feedback.





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25 Sep 2008 6:44 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Emma,

Thanks for the comments.  Good to hear the Penthouses are looking good.  Lets hope ours is of the same standard as this one when you snag it in a couple of weeks.

Alison &Simon

P.S Skell, the sun's STILL shinning in Scotland.

This message was last edited by Alison&Simon on 9/25/2008.


 Always look on the bright side of life  

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26 Sep 2008 6:40 AM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Alison & Simon,

I was just wondering due to the special micro-climate that you obviously enjoy in Hamilton, which I now understand from your posts is very similar to that of Barbados,  why you need a Penthouse in Murcia at all?.........I don't know.....the sun pops out from behind a dark rain filled cloud for 20 minutes & you think you have got a heatwave on up there!!

Had to laugh at Emma's the weather.  Deb is now having kittens about driving in Spain next week......anybody would think she is heading North to Chilly Jocko Land.  It's not helping me with her task list!!

Sound good news on the Penthousesnags you say, lets hope that is maintained.


Skell.............Somwhere between Penthouse 9~11



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26 Sep 2008 1:37 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Nick

We don't see sunshine that often in Hamilton, so when it doesn't rain for at least 3 days, it is officially classed as a heatwave!!   Listening to the weather reports over there just now, we'll feel right at home, although the idea was that hopefully buying a Penthouse in Spain would allow us to see more of that big shiny yellow thing in the sky.

Hope Deb gets on o.k. next week.




 Always look on the bright side of life  

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26 Sep 2008 3:44 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Nick & Hubby Simon( both dead men walking)

Not only is your wife going to kill you Nick  but also your mother-in-law, wouldn't like to be in your shoes. Are you selling tickets cause I'd like to watch and as for Simon he's dead anyway  just for  being alive. Can't wait to meet everyone, this hopefully will be a good place to relax and spend time with nice people with black eyes after Debs has got her hands on you.

Obviously Spain is like England a wee bit of rain or snow and everything grinds to a halt (bad drivers or what?) 

Hope to meet up with you soon.


This message was last edited by Alison&Simon on 9/26/2008.


 Always look on the bright side of life  

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27 Sep 2008 11:52 AM by PGM Star rating in Cheshire & LOS NARAN.... 862 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All

Went out last week to do Snagging and complete on our 2-bed property in NARANJOS JARDIN 8. Whoever packed the Manchester rain and let it out over Murcia THANKS it wasn’t us.

We didn’t complete due to no Habitation Certificate, disappointing but no surprise, but we did do the snagging so hear is the result of that.

We did the snagging on Wednesday the 24th September at 9am weather was good at this point, we arrived early which was just as well, as we had trouble finding the completions office, no signposts for it, turned out to be a portocabin with a sign outside saying Customer Services. We had expected it to be in the new sales office but no, the cabin is on the next road off the roundabout a short way down on the left, when we arrived at the office Carol (Angelbabe) was their sorting something out, obviously we should have asked her were it was.

We was accompanied by Lady from PW to do the snagging and as we identified something she noted it down on her snagging sheet

Outside, on approached to the property we noted a number of telegraph type polls carrying electrical cables running though the Jardin which we mentioned and was informed they are temporary and are the builders electric to the site and will be removed once the utilities are all connected. The Jardin was looking good, gardens already looking well established, the tiles inside the pool are lighter than I have seen on other pools and we liked this lighter look, the fence around the pool is made of wood and not in my opinion very substantial and will require replacing in a very short time??? May be worth stating this in your Snagging. The penthouses opposite to our garden are not overbearing in my opinion. On the other side of the jardin are the Villa Jane’s which we overlook so basically we have uninterrupted views of the mountains beyond (hope it stays that way). The outside of our apartment was in the main very good, we did see some problems being: a significant amount of mortar on the solarium and front patio tiles, some surface cracking of the render in the solarium and the gate housing was coming out of the wall also the bedroom windows required sealing down the sides of the frames. 

They have made some slight changes to the outside of the properties for example on the Jardins they have as you go up the stairs to the property, one light for each property at the top of the stairs and another outside your door and another half way up the stairs to the solarium 3 in total (wiring only) which is turned on by a switch at the top of the stairs. 
In the Naranjos Jardins this has now changed to as you go up the stairs to the apartments wiring is only provided for one light at the top of the stairs, I was told this is controlled by the right hand apartment and the light switch is now moved to outside your door. The light outside the door and up the solarium stairs are as before so basically the left hand apartment has one less outside light to supply. I asked the reason for the change and was told this looks better and will not be a problem as all apartments have street lighting at the bottom of the stairs so they will be well aluminates, which is correct.

Inside, only very miner problems were found the worst of which was a mark on a wardrobe door the others being grout missing from one floor tile, kitchen unit doors out of alignment and a joint missing from the kitchen unit plinth. Overall the standard of finish in our apartment was excellent and exceeded our expectations. Again they have made some small changes to the apartment being, the bathroom suite albeit the same make and quality as the Jardins they are now have a squareish look to them and the bath is a little longer, the WC has a duel flush button. Light switches in the apartment are slightly different design, rounder looking. No electric or water was on when we did the snagging visit so wasn’t able to check anything relevant to this.

All snagging problems were noted down and we went back to the office to be given a copy of the snagging list and was informed we would be emailed when the snagging was completed and we would then have 3 months to re inspect and comment, if we don’t do so within this time it will be considered to be satisfactory by PW.

I have posted some photos on the condado forum dated 24 September 2008.



This message was last edited by PGM on 9/27/2008.

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27 Sep 2008 12:10 PM by 077violet Star rating. 63 forum posts Send private message

hi phil,thanks for the snagging report.we're on our way to spain at 5pm and are looking forward to our snagging appointment on monday.
we're on jardin 7 naranjos .will post a report on our jardin on our return next wednesday.
thanks for taking the time to post  your report.
best wishes 
tony and ann

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