Is this another good reason not to buy property in Spain

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Los Naranjos de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
28 Aug 2008 12:00 AM by lisa7 Star rating in leicester. 160 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

PW have just confirmed that the air con condenser things ARE going on the roof terrace of the penthouses and also that the roof terrace IS communal.  Not got anything in writing though, so do we take it with a pinch of salt?


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28 Aug 2008 8:18 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar
Hi Lisa,

Who did you speak to in PW to with regards aircon? I just wonder if they've factored in all the different options of aircon, to allow for all the outside condensers or are the condensers inside(don't do complicated stuff) thats Simons department.  But that is really great news if it is true.  No noise generator or hot air blowing out and I can now stop thinking how I was going to disguise a big grey box. ( I assume they will be metal and grey).

A delighted

This message was last edited by Alison&Simon on 8/28/2008.


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28 Aug 2008 9:50 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Lisa,

Great news if it is true!!.........Just the exact opposite of what they told me last week  (Roof terrace out-of bounds & AC units on the Apt terrace).

I guess we will find out soon enough




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28 Aug 2008 9:58 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

PW not all singing from the same hymn sheet - just been told that the top level is a communal area but not for residents use. 

Most probably compressor units there for AA? and in the future solar panels for the benefit of the community.

Don't know what AA is - aircon?

Every time I ask I get a different answer which is most annoying.




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15 Sep 2008 10:42 AM by snorkychopper Star rating in England / Spain. 226 forum posts Send private message

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Please see update this morning from PW Homestyle (Maria Pardo) by e/mail ref positioning of Aircon condensors for the Front Line Penthouses -  Maria states on two occasions they will be roof mounted -  Hope this info resolves this ongoing question !!

Also I am interested in buying some Air-conditioning for the property, but can you tell me if we do buy aircon – WHERE will the outside condenser units be placed ??  the outside condenser units will be installed on the roof of the building 
I don’t want the outside units on the outside balcony as this means if you sit outside and the aircon is running you will be blown by the hot air from the air conditioning unit !!
Is it possible that in the Los Naranjos penthouses the aircon “outside” units will all be placed on the roof of the building ?? – No one seems to know about this, can you help me???  Yes, this outside will be placed on the roof of the building 

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15 Sep 2008 10:52 AM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Great news......but still don't believe it!!.....Who will be right....PW Homestayle or Customer services?  Hope it's the former, but I doubt it.  How do they get all the pipwork & electrics from the ground floor apartments to the roof without disturbing the astetics?




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15 Sep 2008 4:04 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All,

Just has a wee dance round my study,   if this is true its fan-dabi-dozie as the Crankies used to say.



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15 Sep 2008 8:49 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar
Hi Folks,

I have just spoken to Gary from Polarair regarding the fitting of our con once we have completed in October.  Whilst chatting to him, I asked if had been round to the Penthouses to have a look if the air-con units could go onto the roof terraces.  He said he had been round but could not gain access, but did tell me he was aware of Mark Needham's (snorkychopper I think) e-mail, (see below).

He will try again tomorrow, and is planning a decoy/distraction tactic as he is going with a couple of his work colleagues so hopefully one of them will be able to gain access.  If he is sucessful he will let me know.

He also mentioned a couple of other points worth noting.  Firstly he said that ultimately where the units have to be positioned will be determined by where PW have positioned the pre-installed pipework.  Also he said that given the Penhouses are 4 stories high there may be performance related issues for the ground and 1st floor apartments in terms of the distance between the internal and external units, and therefore if they are on the roof terrace they may not be as effective as if they were on the patio terrace.

I asked him if it was possible to box in the units if they did have to go on the patio terrace so as to try and disguise them as much as possible, and he mentioned that there used to be a company who made a white UPVC housing unit with a grill at the front to allow ventilation.  He's not sure if they're still around but he said he would try and find out.

I also asked him if it was possible to install pre-paid meters for the air-con and he informed me that in Spain it is not legal to have pre-paid meters installed, and even if it was, it would involve re-routing some of the electrics which could involve quite a lot of work, and may cause issues in the future if you have problems with your electrics.  He said the the air-con is not that expensive to run (approx 20 cents per unit per hour), which I assume this is for the inverter models.

Sorry for the length of this posting, far longer than I would normally post, but hopefully some useful information for all our penthouse neighbours.




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16 Sep 2008 9:14 PM by hendert Star rating in Dumfries. 56 forum posts Send private message

Gary e-mailed me today to say air con units can go on roof but limited space.

Tom and Jane

Tom and Jane Penthouses, Block 11

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17 Sep 2008 9:59 AM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Just to say I would echo Tom & Jane's post.  Gary's e-mail was:-

All the penthouse apartments go to the roof,space is limited to about 2 outside machines"
Regards Gary

To me this would indicate that all of the pre-installed pipework leads upto the roof, so whilst there might not be a great deal of space, at least the air-con units aren't on the patio terraces.

Hopefully, this is another job ticked off the list.




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18 Sep 2008 12:17 PM by accentp97 Star rating in Liverpool. 167 forum posts Send private message

Hi Alison & Simon
 We have just returned from from a trip  to condado and I managed to go onto the roof area of the penthouses  and can confirm that the air con units are  fitted on the roof  (taken pictures which I will post  under the Los Naranjos forum ) as you will also  see the access plates for each of the apartments which they remove to fit the air con units  the air con shown is for the show apartment . while there polaris where starting to plant out the rear window boxes and talking to the spanish lads  they said the rear window boxes of the penthouses will be planted by polaris and the fronts are upto the owners to plant .Have taken various pics of the diffrent levels   1,2nd,3rd and 4th floors and the views are fantastic fron each floor

Graham & Patricia   

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18 Sep 2008 12:59 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Graham & Patricia

Thanks for the info.  Can't wait to see the pics.  We are out in 4 weeks to complete hopefully, so will get to see things in person at long last!!


Alison & Simon


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18 Sep 2008 1:09 PM by accentp97 Star rating in Liverpool. 167 forum posts Send private message


Pics  now on
Graham & patricia

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18 Sep 2008 8:02 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Great pics & thanks for the info'.  The great AC condensor..........that's one debate we can finally put to rest, with a good result too!!.  Also as a top floor Penthouse owner it looks like we get a built in BBQ too.....Bingo!!


Nick & Deb



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18 Sep 2008 8:19 PM by accentp97 Star rating in Liverpool. 167 forum posts Send private message

Hi Nick & Deb

I went inside  the show penthouse on the groud floor, the pics you see posted do not do them justice I was suprised how they do look more spacious in real life and let  so much light in.The views from the living room and front bedroom when the golf course is grassed will be amazing  I am sure you we be happy with the end result (will make up for last nights result)

Graham & Patricia

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18 Sep 2008 8:32 PM by Skell Star rating in North Stand Lower, C.... 408 forum posts Send private message

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Thanks Graham,

I must admit I was getting worried about the size, paricularly the shot with the bbq on.  The patio looks small on that one - & that's the one size I had no worries on!!  Your comments about the spaciousness has cheered us both up no end.  Deborah is out on an inspection visit in 2 weeks & we are due for completion on Nov 7th, so we are both out for 3 days then.  What was overall impression of Condado?  Do you have a Penthouse?  If so which block?

Anyway your comments & pics are a nice boost after another offish performance last night.  I was down at OT last night.  All in all it's a been a slow start, & with Chelsea away on Sat!  However one thing about being a red is that we are never down for long......Fergie will soon have me smiling again soon.  Hopefully on Sun afternoon





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18 Sep 2008 9:03 PM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

Hello Graham & Patricia

Thanks for the pics - but what are all those rocks around the aircon platforms? Does this mean we can't have block parties on the roof in case we break our ankle?

I thought the roof terrace was for the use of all residents. If it isn't (and I was warned it maybe for aircon access only) why is my ground floor apartment described as a penthouse?

I bought under the impression that it was available to me and will feel cheated if it is out of bounds.

Barry & Sue

block 10



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18 Sep 2008 9:45 PM by accentp97 Star rating in Liverpool. 167 forum posts Send private message

Hi Nick
We have not actually bought  on condado  I was checking out the show apartment on your resort as we are buying  a penthouse of  same design on Terrazas which have not been built yet (have been told start date will be soon ) so maybe  sometime end of 2009/10  .Condado is a big resort  and when finished will be impressive  The main driveway into the resort  the dual carriageway  does look good and once inside the resort  we passed all the jardines which looked almost complete  with plenty of people around.  I think overhaul  you will be pleased with your purchase. But on your first visit keep in mind that  they are still building
and the resort will only get better as the resort develops.Here is a link to a web site showing  a top floor penthouse looking down onto the terrace


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18 Sep 2008 9:57 PM by accentp97 Star rating in Liverpool. 167 forum posts Send private message

Hi Barry & Sue

There is a section when you first walk onto the roof terrace which is tiled and a few wooden pergolas which I would think is for any one to use then a wall about 4 ft high  sectioning the stoned area off  .The access to the roof terrace is through a metal gate (which was open ) and  has a locking handle on it so maybe  residents will get a key



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19 Sep 2008 1:22 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar
Hi Skell

Looks like it BBQ's at your place then!




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