NIE Forms from Polaris

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24 Sep 2008 12:00 AM by jonew Star rating in Leeds & Los Naranjos.... 95 forum posts Send private message

jonew´s avatar

Please could someone confirm that I am not going totally around the bend???!!!  A few months ago we were sent the NIE forms from Polaris to fill out and return along with a pre-paid envelope from UPS.  We didn't do anything with them as we thought at the time completion was ages away (silly us!)   A couple of weeks ago I filled them out and returned them via UPS in the pre-paid envelope they had sent us.  Yes you've guessed it they havn't received them at Polaris but more confussing is that they don't use UPS they use TNT.  Has anyone else done a similar thing?

Of course I didn't write the tracking number down so UPS can't find the details ahhhhh.  Just need confirmation that I'm not going crazy if anybody can help.



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24 Sep 2008 5:07 PM by Alison&Simon Star rating in Hamilton,Scotland - .... 1102 forum posts Send private message

Alison&Simon´s avatar
Hi Jo,

When we returned ours months ago Polaris were using UPS as their courier.  Didn't know they had changed.



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24 Sep 2008 7:14 PM by jonew Star rating in Leeds & Los Naranjos.... 95 forum posts Send private message

jonew´s avatar
Hi Ali

Thanks for that, thought I'd been dreaming it!


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25 Sep 2008 8:54 AM by barney111 Star rating. 1133 forum posts Send private message

We lost our envelope for UPS and a few weeks later returned the forms by ordinary post. PW have confirmed our NIE for next Wednesday and just asked us to bring our passports. 

So I think they must have received them OK from Royal Mail.

Barry & Sue



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25 Sep 2008 9:06 AM by jonew Star rating in Leeds & Los Naranjos.... 95 forum posts Send private message

jonew´s avatar
Hi Barry

I think I'll just send them ordinary post then.  Thanks for that.


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