I have no info about the telephone call you mention and i dont look on the SARC site, i dont find it very informative for me.
The items you have put on here just make me wonder why it takes a trip to Spain to find this stuff out. We are in an age of electronic highways and these two people are trying to be the highway robbers......a kind of Dick Turpin of broadband. It kind of suits the buiders profile though......if anyhting can be done quicker or better, lets ignore it and find a way to do it thats slower, and a bit bent..then were happy.
At all costs.....they want to avoid making proper statements or giving supported information......that would involve being in the same world as their customers.
The problem is...it dosnt tell me anything i dont already know or can't find out in an E mail...............surely theres more to the visit than this
Isnt there?