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Terrazas de la Torre Golf Resort forum threads
The Comments
04 Nov 2008 12:00 AM by ewelmedave Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Does anyone know when building will start on the island properties and whether a separate habitation certificate is required for this phase of the development? At what stage of the development should Spanish Solicitors be appointed & how do you decide which firm to use?


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04 Nov 2008 9:33 PM by davebangor Star rating in Bangor (the one in b.... 92 forum posts Send private message

davebangor´s avatar

I am also on the islands - block 165. I was in contact with my solicitor last week. When he did an initial report on the contract he advised that permission was in place for the entire site. (Where he got that info I do not know.) Given that phase 2 is apparently on hold waiting for planning consent I asked him to check with Polaris how this could be.

PW Customer Service advised him that there is permission for the entire site so he contacted the PW Legal Dept. to get a copy of the building license only to be told that there is no such license! I had asked him to check which phases had permission but the PW Legal Dept. would only give info on specific contracts.

The upshot is that there is absolutely no way of knowing when any phase will start. On another thread I have seen a post saying that there are plans to mothball the development until the economic situation improves but have also seen planty of posts where people have been given assurances by PW that their phases will complete at various stages throughout 2009. Again, who knows? PW are unlikely to clarify anything for us in the short term!

Regarding a solicitor I would say on balance PW take you slightly more seriously if you have one therefore the sooner the better. On the other hand do not expect your solicitor to able to access the info you want with much more ease than you would. In terms of who to select I have no thoughts other than to ensure it is not one recommended by PW or even perhaps your selling agent. I would be happy to give you details of mine if you wish. (send a personal message if you wish.)

I am only a one year client of PW at this stage but feel it could be several more before I see Terazzas as I would like to.

Yours pessimistically


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05 Nov 2008 2:46 PM by ewelmedave Star rating. 17 forum posts Send private message

Hi Dave

I'm a 6 month client of PW - island block 163 and my only aggravation with them is their delay in issuing the guarantee for my 1st payment.  My 2nd payment isn't due till Feb 09 which I'll delay if the guarantee hasn't arrived.  Otherwise, I'm of the opinion that the island units won't be finished until Oct 09 which suits me perfectly.  I don't want completion any earlier which is why I hope construction on the island units wont be brought forward. I remain optimistic that all the inferstructure will be in place by this time so I can fully enjoy my investment.  I rely on the threads from this and other forums for information since my sales agent unexpectidly left Spain for America.  I share the same concerns as many of the other forum members but choose to remain positive and prefer not to dwell on the negativiity and scaremongering found on all PW forums. Nevertheless, I know my opinion could change in 4 months time when a further injection of cash is required.

Thanks for your comments on the need for a solicitor in spain.  I'll probably follow your lead in the new year and appoint someone to act on my behalf as I'm sure I'll need some local help when it comes to opening utility accounts and obtaining my NIE number.  I've read on other threads this can take up to 2 months.  Does anyone have experience of this?

I remain optimistic (glass half full)

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05 Nov 2008 6:32 PM by Havey Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

Hi. Dave.
                I bought on Terrazas 2 years ago. Dont make your second payment until you get your BG.I have still not got a solicitor sorted nor have any inclinition to do so till Polaris tell me my place is ready.
Then i will do things at my Pace as they have done. I might be bloody minded but i belive in fighting fire with fire.


 Gonna watch United stuff Celtic 2nite

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