This has now drifted off thread a little and should be probably continued elsewhere on the thread it was started on some time ago (by somebody else, I hasten to add).
As everywhere, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Michael & JH Murcia sum it up perfectly - urbanisations have rules and if you read your contract you will see that exterior structural changes to the aesthetics of the buildings are not allowed. I personally, was hoping that maybe the 'Golf club' scenario might in fact help keep standards high and certainly hope that the property management commitee enforce the rules. The golf club I am a member of at home is made up of mainly level headed working class guys and I don't really see Condado being any different. I would like to reside in the resort I bought into and not a hotch-potch of a thousand different peoples view of what is acceptable and what is not. Quite happy with the way things look in their unadulterated state thank you.
I have loads of things to do with my time, but ocassionally I enjoy reading & replying to threads on this Forum. All for live & let live, but don't forget that works both ways by not being irresponsible and disregarding the rules that everyone else has to abide by.
Will & Jackie.