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Condado de Alhama forum threads
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13 Dec 2008 12:00 AM by andyandvicky Star rating. 126 forum posts Send private message

hi, we have contacted polaris regarding our boiler making very loud noises like a squeaking noise and they said that it is nothing to do with them and we need to contact the technical people....... they then told us that they dont have contact details for them???!!!


anyone else had any problems with this or does someone have a direct email addy of someone in cust serv that they have dealt with so i can try speaking to someone different 

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13 Dec 2008 8:26 PM by Kelly V Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

Hi Andy and Vicky,

That is not a suitable diversion.  They built the properties and appointed the appropriate external companies to partner them in completng these properties.  Therefore PW need to accept their responsibility in this being faulty and at least need to provide you with the relevant contact details so you can bring this matter to their attention.  Don't be fobbed off by their "its not our responsibility"  They know who they paid to fit these boilers and if customer services don't know, someone in PW knows.

Kind Regards



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15 Dec 2008 10:17 AM by R&E Star rating in North Wales/Jardin 1.... 57 forum posts Send private message

Hi Andy & Vicky

Yes we have the same noises in our boiler. At first I thought I was imagining them or they came from something else.

We have not as yet spoken to PW but will do so when we are back in January.

At present we keep the boiler turned down exept when we are going to have baths and the taps all turned to the cold possition when hot water is not needed, this helps to minimise the boiler reheating water and the resulting noise.

We too will be interested if others have the same problem.

Roy and Elizabeth

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15 Dec 2008 7:55 PM by Bristolcitykate Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

We had a problem with our boiler.

When you ran the hot tap there was a terrible vibration and very noisy.

We reported it to the site office and the next day they came, drained the tank down, thinking it was an air lock, refilled it but it was still the same. Next they took the taps off the wall, the boiler was off and on the balcony and the tiles came off.

They packed around the pipes with expanding foam and when it was dry put everything back together.

This did not solve the problem the first time so they were back again and repeated the process.

The problem has now been solved and the workmen completed the work until they were satisfied.


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15 Dec 2008 11:11 PM by andyandvicky Star rating. 126 forum posts Send private message

 we actually thought there was a very large bird on the front garden!!!

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16 Dec 2008 4:09 PM by R&E Star rating in North Wales/Jardin 1.... 57 forum posts Send private message

pity it wasn't a bird, you could have simply shood it away, or used the oilcan on it,


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