Dog crap Cayetano

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24 Dec 2008 12:00 AM by sisky Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

A big christmas thank you to all the lazy dog owners who feel its ok to let their dogs crap everywhere and not pick it up.

My christmas holiday was full of dog crap christmas cheers.

I might just start crapping all over the pavements of Taray as well, lets all crap everywhere, its such a pretty sight and smell               

Three cheers for Dog Crap Cayetano

hip hip... dog crap

hip hip.... dog crap

p.s A genuine thank you to the dog owners who do pick up their dog poo and respect other people.

hip crap


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24 Dec 2008 1:03 PM by tinasolera Star rating in Murcia. 801 forum posts Send private message

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nice one Sisky!

Altho some dog owners are picking it up, unfortunately some of them are  then dumping it in the childrens park bin on the Ramblers. It could not be more obvious that this bin does not get emptied yet as its overflowing with dog crap bags which have been there for months, so much so i dont allow my kids to play there anymore as it stinks and im sure new breeds of insects are developing!!! It is completely and utterly disgusting. Who on earth puts dog crap in a bin next to the swings where little kids play? Perhaps they could put it in the bins that are all around Taray and are emptied everyday by the council.

Hip hip dog crap everyone!


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24 Dec 2008 2:20 PM by sisky Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

I can reply to that. The sort of people that dump dog crap in a childrens play park are bone idle people. It is bad manners and education and clearly these people dont like children. They will be the first to complain when the children have been forced out the parks due to their dog crap and are playing in front of their houses. Shame on these people.

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24 Dec 2008 3:57 PM by tinasolera Star rating in Murcia. 801 forum posts Send private message

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 How weird. just walked passed that park and the bin has finally been emptied!!! I hope who ever emptied was paid well!!



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06 Jan 2009 4:19 PM by caravaner Star rating in Broadway, Ilminster,.... 63 forum posts Send private message

We have just walked around the children's play area and are appalled at the amount of dog crap deposited there and it is obviously not just one dog.

I assume that the unresponsable dog owners, do not have children with them in SC.

One also hopes thatit  is not children out walking the dog who have stopped to play on the equipment.


Please clear up after your dog.


Trevor & Jenny

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06 Jan 2009 4:50 PM by tinasolera Star rating in Murcia. 801 forum posts Send private message

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Trevor and Jenny

That is so weird you have just posted that because we as a family just went on a bike ride down the ramblers and stopped to let the kids have a go in the park. It was so filthy with dog shite we had to leave, i felt filthy just being there. It is such a shame, this area is being prepared to be a nice walk, ride area and for the kids to have a play and its turning into a dog shite dumping ground.

We thought we would join in the party but as we dont have dogs we pulled down our own trousers and took a family dump next to the slide for the next family with kids to remember us by. 

I have no problem with dogs, we have supported many dog charities but i have a real problem with their CRAP lying around everywhere and there is no way this is all from wild dogs.



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06 Jan 2009 5:49 PM by sisky Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

Trevor and Jenny

You are being very polite. We all know part of the problem is children alone with the dogs, i am not even full time and I know this much. We know that dangerous dogs should also be on leads but nobody will say anything to the owners who allow dangerous dogs to run in childrens parks unleaded. This was a common complaint when i was last over. When i stay i look over the park and as Trevor and Jenny say its appalling.


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06 Jan 2009 6:16 PM by tinasolera Star rating in Murcia. 801 forum posts Send private message

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I think you must have watched the news last night about dog fighting and now you are all fired up. I was devastated to see that footage of the dogs fighting and then the injuries they had. Fighting dogs seem to be becoming the new trend in the UK. It looked awful the injuries to the other dogs and to people also. What is the point of it all?

Does anyone know if the little black and white wild dog in the village has somewhere he sleeps at night, he just keeps going and going and i wondered if someone was looking after him in the same way we all looked after Gracie? Is there a charity he could go to and be rehomed? he looks healthy enough and is well cute but the way he runs in front of cars is worrying!!!    Little doggy just dont poo in the park por favor!

p.s if anyone feels they cant go to the park by the ramblers then the parks in the villages at the top and bottom seem to be really clean and we have never had any probs there!!!

This message was last edited by tinasolera on 1/6/2009.


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06 Jan 2009 9:17 PM by davidg Star rating. 247 forum posts Send private message


Hi All

We have just come back from San Cayetano & were appalled at the amount of dog mess everywhere. The street lights were out for several nights & we were really worried about walking in it. This is winter time & the smell is appalling so it needs to be sorted before the weather gets warmer. It'snot acceptable on the streets, but certainly not in the children's play area !!

We spoke to friends who have a dog over there & they are not only cleaning up their own dog's mess, but also other peoples.

We have 2 dogs over here in the UK & we always take plastic bags to clear up afterwards. It is just the norm so why can't everyone do that in San Cayetano as well. There are proper dustbins now at the end of every street so it is easy to dispose of.

Perhaps with committees now being formed all the Presidents of each manzana could get together to put to propose something to overcome this

Sue & David

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08 Jan 2009 8:03 PM by sisky Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

Hello Sue. That would be a good idea. I do not enjoy moaning about this subject but it can not be ignored.

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11 Jan 2009 8:14 PM by widds Star rating in UK . 64 forum posts Send private message

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We were disgusted at the dog mess when we were last over, I collected up no end and don't think I would be able to contain myself if I witnessed the low down dirty sods that create this problem. We are not anti dog, we own a westie in the UK and have never left s**t anywhere other than in dog waste bins as expected. I would like to suggest an action plan for this and would firstly suggest signs going up in both Spanish and English ...anyone seeing dog fouling could either take a photo of the offenders so we can name and shame them. I would have no problem collecting up the waste and putting it on their property where it belongs if they can't be arsed to clean up.This should be one of the first subjects on the community forums i feel sorry for the mums with little kids that are likley to come home in a mess. These people have no shame  so  lets start to name them on this site if only by dog type and description they must be spoken to.


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11 Jan 2009 8:42 PM by tinasolera Star rating in Murcia. 801 forum posts Send private message

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I enjoyed yr post......... straight to the point.

In the summer a group of young children and myself got together and made some posters and put them up. I think it did have an effect to start with as people seemed to respond to the kids drawings which were very sweet! Perhaps we could do that again but have the posters made into something more sturdy so that they dont fade in the sun so quickly. Would others be in support of this?

Lets not let our streets get as bad as the streets in the UK. We have a beautiful village, we should keep it that way.

Went for a jog this morning and just missed a fresh hot steamy turd which was left by the apartments. It looked like a walnut whip................. around 11.30, who was it? Go back and pick it up, otherwise it will stay for weeks and little spanish children live and play there. GO BACK AND PICK UP THE WALNUT WHIP!!!!!

Widds you are a better person then me because i couldnt pick it up.......... makes me gag just looking at it. My husband has been known to clear our street tho which annoyed me at the time as he shouldnt have to do it and neither should you.

What about the Jim Carrey movie where hes so fed up with the neighbours dog crapping in his garden that one day he gets his paper, whips down his own pants and pushes out a sidewinder on the neighbours doorstep. Love it but cant remember what its called.


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11 Jan 2009 9:01 PM by sisky Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

Tina and Widds, seems you both have a plan. I am in support of both.

Was the movie called Me, Myself and Irene?

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12 Jan 2009 12:07 AM by h&d Star rating in San Cayetano. 33 forum posts Send private message

Hi Widds


Signs were put up, both in English and Spanish, but someone tore them down in a couple of days!!!  The signs were not intended to offend, just to ask nicely that dog owners cleaned up after them, for the good of everybody living in San Cayetano.  Maybe the irresponsible dog owners were the ones to tear down the signs?

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12 Jan 2009 7:31 AM by 8yewtree Star rating in San Cayetano, Murcia.... 316 forum posts Send private message

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We are FULLY in support of any scheme that helps eliminate this problem...lets take action NOW...not only does is look disgusting, it can spread disease and illness to all the children (and adults) living here.

Andy, Donna & Charlie


Donna, Andy & Charlie - living in the sun! for green fees

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12 Jan 2009 8:56 AM by sisky Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

Widds, you want naming and shaming. The 3 dogs that look like pitbulls. When I was last over they crapped everywhere mainly in kids park and all over the triangular garden area running all over the new plants.  I never saw them on leads and was witness to one of them trying to attack a  wild Jack russel whilst under the supervision of a young girl. Two issues here, dog crap everywhere and a large number of people in the community would like to see these types of dogs on leads.

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12 Jan 2009 9:27 AM by cas12 Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Sisky, I am sure everyone knows who owns the offending dogs you have mentioned, I don't live over there yet and even I know where the dogs live and who they live with. These people are the centre of the community, would they like it if people stopped using their business because of THEIR anti social beaviour!!!! CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOGS. Think about the people who are making you a living.



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12 Jan 2009 10:04 AM by weir Star rating in Calle Pedro Cano No .... 59 forum posts Send private message

I am using this forum to try and contact the new President of San Cayetano my name is Colin Weir and I am the President of Torre Alacantra

Contact -


Colin Weir

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12 Jan 2009 3:29 PM by grantham Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

i saw the childrens signs that Tinasolera refers to and though they were sweet i don´t think they made any difference, i also saw the other bi-lingual signs and indeed they didn´t last very long, they didn´t make any difference either,

little wonder as one of the recent community appointees owns the most vicious dog on hacienda which is allowed to roam everywhere and empty itself as it pleases, where it pleases, i have seen this dog attack numerous people and it´s owners give no more than the "infamous shrug" when challenged about it

there are a number of dogs allowed to roam, unleashed and unmarshalled but none of this surprises me as hacienda has a number of irresponsible people of all nationalities, let alone dogs owners, who have no pride in their surroundings

the use of litter bins for household refuse, the laying of bin liners of rubbish alongside bins, the amount of broken glass around the bins and elsewhere, the manner in which certain owners drive around the place both in the incorrect direction and at high speeds, people parking causing obvious obstruction to others, people singing and shouting late in the night on their way home from wherever, chewing gum and tab ends and various types of litter wherever,

dog crap is only one of the issues,

however, i do think that there are enough decent people here of a common mind to ensure that this type of behavior does not become the norm

what we need is some form of legitimate community action where the majority view will prevail

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12 Jan 2009 3:33 PM by pumpkin Star rating in Essex & San Cayetano. 110 forum posts Send private message

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We're just about to complete on a Quad on Manzana 4 and clearly concerned to read these postings. Do we have a community commitee yet for our manzana?




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