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I have heard it hasn't been and that they might change it, not sure if its true though. I guess if we ask people on the forum whether anyone has signed up for it we may get an idea. Has anyone on the forum signed up for it?
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I know it is the way they do it in Spain, but I don't know why we can't just pay a small joining fee and then a 1000 euros (or a bit more) a year like you do in the UK. A 25 year golf contract seems nuts.
_______________________ For beautiful marble call Mike on 691649515
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Excuse me if it turns out i am wrong, but as far as i know no one has bought the 25year subscription.
Unless you are a millionaire or slighty potty the idea of parting with 12/14000 Euros is crazy.
If you intend living the dream at Roda full time then the best bet is to pay the yearly fee. If like most us you intend visiting as often as poss, then its best to pay your green fees as you go.
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Excuse me if it turns out i am wrong, but as far as i know no one has bought the 25year subscription.
Unless you are a millionaire or slighty potty the idea of parting with 12/14000 Euros is crazy.
If you intend living the dream at Roda full time then the best bet is to pay the yearly fee. If like most us you intend visiting as often as poss, then its best to pay your green fees as you go.
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Does anyone know if it is still the case that you can’t buy a yearly subscription unless you buy golf rights, or has it changed?
_______________________ For beautiful marble call Mike on 691649515
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We certainly think the 25 yr subscription isn,t worth it,especially in a temp clubhouse,as nice as it is.As a word of warning,a gentleman was hiring a set of clubs when we were in the golf shop(25€) then he had to pay for balls,tees on top of the green fee & trolley hire,not much change out of 100€ in which the asisstant found very funny.Also they dont even have a cardmap of the course so good luck.
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Deverve have increased the green fees since we were out in Oct from 65 to 75 euro. This means the owners price is now 52.5 euro, to this you have to add 3 euro for Spanish golf handicap and either 6 euro for pull cart or 17.5 euro pp for buggie.
This gives you total if you have buggie of 73 euro, even at todays favorable exchange rate you are looking at £50 pp. If there are 2 of you playing say twice a week then theres no change out of £200 and thats B4 you have had a beer/ vino tinto.
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Yes i am seriously considering the new membership. By taking it up you are entitled to a 30% reduction in green fees for people playing with you and you are able to sell the membership on with the house. In Ireland a course like roda ,e.g. Fota island in Cork, charge a €25,000 entry fee and its non transferable.
Furthermore the length of membership is limited to how long you live (which is not the case in Roda) & say you are 50 when you join, how many people will live till 75, let alone playing three times a week at that age.
The membership is being capped at 800 and from what I heard is not selling that fast .
In response to the €75 green fees, I feel this price is reflected in the image of exclusivity Roda golf is trying to portray. And lets face it, by attracting wealthy golfers, this can only add value to the properties at Roda.
Say they charge €32.50 to play golf plus an evening meal which is the case at La Torre ( Polaris) what type of clientele are you going to attract and how long will it take to complete a round?
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You do not have to be a member to qualify for the 30% discount on the green fee. This is granted to all owners and whoever they are playing with at the time. There is also a 10% discount on drinks and food in the clubhouse. Try the Red wine from Bullas which at 12.15 euro is gr8 tipple.
The thing i do not have the answer for is if people renting your property would qualify for the discount.
The green fee / lunch of 32.5 euro at LT is only an opening offer till the end of Feb on weekdays only. The regular price is same as Roda 75 euro.
I still think the 17000 euro membership is a non starter unless you intend living at Roda. I cannot imagine many resale buyers paying an extra amount for golf membership when buying in the future.
What would be a better deal is if they introduced a complementary joining fee for owners and then charged a yearly subscription as they do at most clubs in the UK.
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Just to clarify the subscription / privledge situation for anyone still confused.
To qualify to buy a subsription you also have to buy a 25 year golf privledge @ 12000 / 17000 euro.The subs can be for a minimum of 1 month @ 300 euro individual through to 1800 e for 12 month family.
This means there is no green fee is to be paid and you have prererential tee times, members changing facilities, free locker and golf equipment storage.
The alternative is to pay the green fee + Spanish insurance/ handicap less 30% for owners and less 20% for renters. You also qualify for 10% reduction in the club house.
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I was told last week the price of the golf membership for 4 people has been reduced to 15K. Still far too expensive for my intended use, even though I will be living there full time!! Any comments?
Michael Lord
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I checked with Roda Golf about the reduction in the golf membership fee as mentioned in your post. I have bought a family golf right and was surprised to hear it was reduced to 15,000 from 17,000!
I have been told today that the fee currently is 12,000 for an individual and is increasing to 15,000 at the end of the year. The fee for a family is currently 17,000 and this is also increasing to 20,000 at the end of the year.
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The lady I spoke to made a point of informing us that the golf privilege cost had been reduced, maybe she had got it all wrong?
Michael Lord
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Hi Mike,
Not sure if she got it wrong - but the guy I was talking to called George seemed very sure and it was said to us last year that there was an increase planned after a certain period of time. Maybe you could check it out with her again and let us know.
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