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We are considering buying an apartment at Corvera Resort. We hesitate a bit as we fear the "noice-impact" by the new airport being build at the moment.
It is an important issue thinking about resale and the possible noice at the resort.
Does anyone know anything about this subject?
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Hi Alfredo/Anna,
You can see a plan of the new airport at It is about 4 or 5 kms from Corvera as the crow flies and the flight path does not cross the resort - nor can it apparently because of a military airport on the other side of the Carrascoy mountains. We were a bit concerned about the close proximity at first but this put our minds at rest. Good luck.
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Hi AlfredoAnna
As Difi says it is a fair distance away, also remember that corvera is sat right at the foot of the Carascoy mountains that skirt around Murcia so would be impossible to fly over this resort, also if you check the runway orientation it is north to south. Another little point is if you stand in the clubhouse at Roda golf which is closer to San javier airport than corvera will be to the airport, you dont even notice the plans coming in.
Just my two pence worth
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Hi Robbiejb
Are you sure about that Runway orientation of North South. I only ask because that is a little unusual unless the Airport is close to the coast and prevailing Geography and Sea Breezes require it. Most runways run predominant;y East West (or close to it) Such as Malaga and Alicante. Just wondering where the info comes from??
Regarding not being able to overfly Corvera due to the Mountains, don't you believe it. You should see some of our arrivals and departures into and out of Spanish Airports (again Malaga and Alicante). We can drop them in on a sixpence if necessary. If we are fairly light, the Boeing 737 300 goes up like a lift, even with a reduced thrust (Assumed temperature) takeoff. 
I am also interested though as I have just put down a deposit on a 3 bed penthouse apartment at Corvera. I hope it turns out to be a good investment? 
Regards, Jetjockey.
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Hi Jetjockey
Am only going on the orientation of the runway in the earlier article by difi which shows the postion in relation to corvera, to the east, and the runway seems to point toward Cartegena and the coast which is to the south. As to the position of the mountains am no expert only what i have been told, also that there is a military airport the other side of the mountain south of Murcia, they also mention this to be another reason for the no fly over zone.
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Hi All
Take a look at the attached link which was posted on an earlier thread. It shows the proposed layout of the airport which does appear to run approx east/west. My spanish is not great but if you look closely the diagram appears to show expected Db sound levels in the area and indicates Corvera town being 25-30db which is similar level to very low backgroung noise. If this is correct, it will have very little if no impact on the resort.
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A little more info regarding Corvera Airport on this link , once you have clicked on the link, click on the map you are then able to enlarge the map for a clearer view of the location of the airport.
The construction of the projected airport of Corvera will suppose a business of 200 million in eight years. Six companies will dispute the new infrastructure that Public Works removes east month to aid.
The work will suppose, according to the advisor of Transports, an initial investment of 140 million euros. When 1.5 million passengers are reached to the year, which Bascuñana anticipates that it will happen in 2014, will be necessary to disburse 50 million to extend the facilities more.
This message was last edited by davey on 6/30/2007.
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Hi All
Some news regarding corvera airport from Typically Spanish
Contract signed for new Murcia international airport
Construction could start in the first quarter of 2008
The contract to build and manage the Murcia Region’s future international airport was signed on Tuesday, giving the 40 year management concession to Aeromur S.A. The company is a consortium of Sacyr, the Caja de Ahorros de Murcia, the Caja Mediterráneo, Grupo Corporative Fuertes, Montoro e Hijos, Cementos La Cruz and Inocsa Ingeniería.
The Regional President, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, said the new airport will triple the number of tourists who arrive in the Region, and will be key not only to tourism but also to Murcia’s economic growth.
Investment in the new installations in Corvera will exceed 2.5 billion €, with construction expected to start in the first quarter of 2008 for completion two years later.
Valcárcel announced that the airport will have an initial annual operating capacity of 1.5 million passengers, increasing to 5.2 million in 2015.
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Hi guys.Has anyone seen the postings on the Hacienda del Alamo forum re:the positioning of the airport. If it aint going over HDA where is it going???I bought on the basis of the plan showing corvera would not suffer.
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I also saw the posts on their message board and it didn't click about the consequences for us at Corvera but you raise a good question. We have always been told that the flight path would be due North from the coast which would mean that it does fly right over Hacienda Del Alamo. If they are right, (I think they are relying on word of mouth ) then the flight path in my uneducated view is unlikely to change so radically to cause us problems. They might have to fly more diagonally from the coast where it is less inhabitated so that the HDA complex is not directly under the flight path but it would need a radical change of direction to affect us.
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Hi all
Update from Typically Spanish website
Construction is expected to start in the first quarter of next year
The project for Murcia’s new International Airport in Corvera was formally registered at the Development Ministry on Monday, by the Murcia government’s general secretary for public works, José María Bernabé. It means, that if all goes according to plan, the first plane will take off from the runway in 2010.
The construction contract and 40 year management concession has gone to Aeromur S.A., who are expected to start the two year job of building the new installations in the first quarter of 2008. The new airport will have an initial operating capacity of 1.5 million passengers, going up to 5.2 million in 2015 and then, in a second phase of construction, increasing to 8.7 million.
The Murcia government says the construction phase will provide 20,000 jobs, and 1,300 jobs once the airport opens.
Steve (Lifestyler)
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Costa Blanca news report
New Murcia airport to compete with Alicante. Runway altered to accommodate biggest aircraft.
THE PROJECT to build Murcia’s future Corvera Airport has been adapted to allow for a much bigger and wider runway and thus compete with El Altet.
Under the changes the runway will be increased in size to 3,000 metres long and 45 metres wide to allow it to take the world’s largest passenger and transport aircraft such as the Airbus-380 and the Russian Antonov-154.
Other aspects of the airport project, which will get underway during the second quarter of 2008, include a 22,500-square-metre three storey main terminal with nine telescopic arms giving direct access to aircraft with the capacity to handle three million passengers a year.
It will be built over a 306 hectare area between Corvera and Valladolises, alongside the Murcia-Cartagena highway.
The promoters behind the 265-million-euro project intend to take over a million Murcia-based passengers away from El Altet. Its proximity to the southern Costa Blanca, especially the Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa, will appeal to residents in the area.
If everything goes to schedule, Corvera Airport will open its doors for business sometime during 2010 to coincide with the opening of Alicante Airport’s new passenger terminal. In order for the airport to become successful it will have to attract low-cost airlines many of which many have set up bases in Alicante and the small San Javier airport off La
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