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Hacienda del Alamo forum threads
The Comments
25 Jan 2009 12:00 AM by martinbreffit Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

 Hi everyone.

We bought an 3 bed / 3 bath Altair on phase 3 off plan from the elusive Wayne Lowrey in 2002 when we were told that the resort would be completed along with a fully operational hotel and amenities by 2007. This as we all know has not been the case. Therefore rentals that we expected to cover the mortgage costs did not transpire until late last year when we experienced problems with Sue Gardner and her property management company, which has ceased trading owing us substantial money from rental income.

All this coupled with a lack of infrastructure and a distinct  lack of advertising has not brought the amount of golfer's and holiday makers that were promised and expected.

Is anyone experiencing the same?

We have seen on numerous visits homes in a sad state of repair and damage to some properties. Had the Pueblo and Hotel been built some 2 years ago as promised by the developers, to provide the amenities for such an exclusive development then we would not be in such a dire position and would be enjoying a better lifestyle than we are today.

Can anyone advise me on a good lawyer so we can resolve our plight as soon as possible.  

Thanks in advance.





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28 Jan 2009 8:01 AM by garethw Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message



Try contacting  for advice


            JONATHAN  LAMBERT     ---    A  B  O  G  A  DO 

                   Sendra & asociados”


C/ Marqués de Campo, nº 37, 2º, pta. 3

(03700)—Denia ( Alicante )

Fax nº  96.642.0312 Tfno.: 96.578.6315


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28 Jan 2009 2:33 PM by mia Star rating in Windsor UK. 49 forum posts Send private message

Hi Martin

expereriencing the exact same.



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29 Jan 2009 4:38 PM by ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

Hi Martin,

We are in the same position as you.We have also been ripped off by Sue Gardiener.

Came back from HDA on Monday night and when we left the place was like a ghost town.We tried to book a table in the clubhouse resturant on Saturday night but was told that they were closed at 8.30 pm.The Bank now owns the Hacienda and all the building work will be finished but no more will be started on.

The Hotel is nearly finished but the Bank could not say when it will open.

Several of the local resturants would like to open in the village but say that they can not afford 1millon to buy a unit.Surely there must be someone who can see it would make sense to rent out the shops at a low rental at first just to get something going.

HDA is holding a Festival of golf in Febuary surely they must open up the pub for this also the cafe by the driving range would only take one person to stand there..

We have been badly let down.We need advertising on TV and in the Press as not many people have heard of HDA and entertainment of an evening.

Rentals are very hard to come by and not worth having as by the time you pay the cleaning, linen , electricity,and water you find it hard to break even.You cannot ask a high rent because nothing is open.

The Farmer was still blocking the road on Monday night at 6pm so was not in use.

One good thing the sports centre is being well used.2 football matches and a rugby match took place the other night,but nowhere for them to go for a drink afterwards.

Lets hope things get better!



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30 Jan 2009 1:24 PM by willoughby Star rating. 53 forum posts Send private message


i am an owner on phase 1.. we havent rented our villa since we purchased at the begining although we would like to consider it now.  we wouldnt rent via rental agents on Hacienda... the most succesfull rentals tend to be from the websites if you google Hacienda del Alamo there are quite a few ... we know people on phase one & two who seem to have rented succesfully.  i not so sure If maybe they are also on phase 3 we all seem to bump into each other get chatting and forget to ask what phase each other are on.

its not nice to hear how you have been treated.  I too was out at hacienda new year and heard about the banks.. the feedback was very evasive so wasnt sure if it was 'rumours' and chose to ignore it....

until peak season Hacienda is very very quiet 'landing on the moon quiet'.. when the children are off school its quite lively and the 'Spaniard Inn opens up'.. although not so sure if that will still happen.

apparantly the 'Dutch' are buyng at Hacienda at the moment.. ..  a property near me went on the market before xmas and sold recently thats a fact not rumours from a reliable source.

once the hotel opens it will open a lot of doors for many... we love our place and have had to find ways of cuting back in the uk to justify the mortgage increase & exchange rate.

can i ask have you managed to speak with anyone who works in the offices about your situation and who did  you speak with at Hacienda about the bank takeover? i would like to find out more its important everyone knows

I think ALL OWNERS NEED TO SUPPORT PEOPLE like yourselves and I know that word spreads fast at Hacienda when something happens. best in your opinion can we support you?



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30 Jan 2009 3:01 PM by Superhands Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Most of the property lawyers in Spain are behind bars now!

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30 Jan 2009 10:58 PM by ricky09 Star rating. 203 forum posts Send private message

Hi Debbie,

We have had our villa for 4 years now and have been on HDA every January and come out about six times a year and as you say it is always quiet  except for high season but last week it was deathly.We kept saying to ourselves it was January but it could have been that there was very few workmen about and only a few working on the Hotel.

We went into the bank and they confirmed that they had bought the builders out but said it would make things better.

The builders concentrated on just building houses and did not think about the people who had bought them.The Hacienda is the best Resort around and has been beautifully constructed but has nowhere for people to go in the evening unlike the other resorts.Something needs to be done urgently.

Keeping fingers crossed.

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20 Feb 2009 9:50 PM by shandy Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Hi all who cares,

                                         Can anyone tell me if Roberto Alaves is still involved with the running of resort in any way. The most important thing about all this is Armillar were the building arm of La caixa bank, we were told when we bought back in 2003. If they have taken over the running of resort does this include Roberto? If it does nothing has changed. I have tried to find out if Armilar still exist but it is very difficult to find this sort of detail out. Have Armilar disappeared in name only, and the bank are now apparently running the show but with the same personnel in place?

The uncertainty and lack of information is quite worrying - even the so called official website seems to have disappeared and now concentrates solely on the Golf & sports side of things.

If La Caixa are intending to complete the building in progress, who is doing the marketing?

Does anyone who actually lives on the resort know anything more definite?

Its good to see people communicating  - we need to do this more.






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24 Feb 2009 6:50 PM by mia Star rating in Windsor UK. 49 forum posts Send private message

Hi there all


sorry to go a bit off thread here (might open a separate one), but do any of you that are over there now know anything of Hacienda Multip Service, (they took over from Sue Gardiner).  I have not been able to contact them for weeks and weeks and there is no anser from their office phone.


They have been managing a property of ours since October and we have really had little or no contact and no payments.


I know they have an office on the road to HDA so if anyone ever passes it and sees whether it is still open, can report back that would be great.  Its very worrying for us.





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