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Further to Anita's thread asking if anyone was still planning to complete, I've decied to start a thread for anyone who is still planning to proceed to help keep in touch with others in a similar position.
I was originally in a 2 bed Laurel apartment in Phase II, but ahve been informed by Esther that I should be completing with some Phase I properties April/May/ June - its a bit of a moveable feast!
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HI mmepani, Yes, we are still in to complete, I dont know how ? and I dont know if we are right to do so with all that is going on, but we will find the way and like you we have a Manta phase 2. Regards
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Hi Anita
We are also going ahead with completion. We are a 2 bed penthouse apartment on Phase 1. We are looking forward to
finally having our own property in Spain despite all the doom and gloom around. We are trying to keep positive!.
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Hi Anita,
Still aiming to complete. i'am on phase 3, Mora 2 bed ground floor appartment situated just right of show room.
Long term lifestyle and investment and probably paying over the odds!
I just hope by the time it's completed that the euro exchange has improved.
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Good news Arab1. Lets hope Sterling strengthens soon!!!
Blueboys, as far as I know Calidonia are planning to complete Phase I around May/June. Are you on the North Island. If you are Pearldrops may be close by.
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Hi Anita
we are still in to complete, taking the long term view. Tilo on phase 2 - still should be April/May time but most likely June as would like to wait until the driving range etc are open as planned.
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However long it takes we'll be there Menta-West Penthouse overlooking the entrance roundabout and most of the golf course. With a position like that why wouldn't we complete. Gonna be very difficult to fund but I'll sell everything in U.K. if needs-be.
I hope some of you earlier phases have a spare room so that we can visit (rent) during the build of phase-3.
Nay sayers , please stay away from this thread. It's our dream so let us live it in peace with like-minded neighbours. Ta!
Steve (Lifestyler)
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