Hi James and Jo - we're back in the land of the living dead again now and can't wait to go back out again, especially as I hear that temps have reached 29 degs!!!. Had my early retirement at long last, and so just sorting out the rent or sale of house and we'll hopefully be able to spend a lot more time out there then.
Thanks for sending your TV Sat Man to us. Unfortunately the only place where we could put a large dish would spoil my view through the avenue to the mountains, so unfortunately it was a no-go. It's such a shame that although we were led to believe there would be a communal dish that it appears no longer the case despite the fact we all have a sat socket in our apts. It's seems daft that we'll all end up in Satalite City with the possibility of 80 dishes spoiling the look of the development, when we could have had one shared dish and been done with it. Oh well, who said life was simple eh?
Lovely to see you all over Easter. Sorry we still didn't get to meet Ian and Co and also missed James and Sandra - hopefully meet up next time.
This message was last edited by SpanishTogs on 4/30/2009.