Just a message for those who do not know
The Padron is the certificate you get when you register as an owner with the local council in our case Alham.
By registering you will get a vote in any elec tions etc (not perhaps your top priority) but!
The Alhama council get a sum of money per head from this register
So the more people on it the more they get from central government (Madrid)
Therefor the more they can improve our local roads, hospitals facilities etc so it benifits everyone at conadao and is in everyones interest to register
It only takes ten minites at the town hall to arrange padron
Go to town hall office below (adjacent locval police station) take NIE docs passport and proof of adress and ask for a padron Certificado they will give you a piece of paper which you take to a bank nearby then take reciept back to ofixce then they give you a certificate
Its in your or your guests interests that you get the Padron to give the local town community more cash and hence ypour benifit
Did you know that if enough peoiple from condado rgeister (dont know number) then we get medical facilities
Its up to you but it only takes a short time to sort